Tuesday 20 September 2016


Thus far the Lord had brought us!  Sunday the 18th September 2016 was a day to reckon. There were shouts of joy and ululation as various dances were made in awe and thanks giving to the Almighty God of True Vine Communion Ministries who never sleeps nor slumbers!The Servant of God took position at the pulpit amidst shouts and jubilation from the congregation and the first words out of his mouth were Happy Birthday! Straight away he took us to word of God from Psalm 115:1 saying, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Abraham Richard the prophet then led the jubilant congregation with reference from the book of Luke 17:5-6 to the message of the day, “Faith is like a Mustard seed!”

The Servant of God noted that when the apostles saw what Jesus did, they asked for increment in faith. They realized that no one could give them faith like their master. They had tried and failed; so the disciples surrendered to their master Jesus Christ. He affirmed that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains but faith can never grow without love for Jesus Christ.Abraham Richard the prophet told the congregation that when you love your master Jesus Christ; you will be able to do what He does. He noted that this is not done through fasting, reading the Bible or having all the positions in Church- Reverend etc.

Going deeper in the message, the servant of God said that focusing on titles or bodily desires will obstruct the real faith of God. He advised the believers that in order for one to have faith that does not stagger, he should simply increase the love for his master Jesus Christ. The prophet emphasized that the issue is not praying so much but loving Jesus Christ; increase your love for Jesus Christ and your faith will automatically grow.

 Giving an analogy of a tree, Prophet Abraham Richard said that when a seed is planted, it grows into a tree that has branches where birds come and build their nests and human beings have a shade. In the same way, Jesus Christ sent you to make disciples of the Kingdom but you will not make a disciple if you don’t have his character-love, kindness, patience, gentleness, goodness, self-control, joy and peace. The Servant of God affirmed that when you increase love for Jesus Christ, you will automatically have His Character.  With reference from the book of Matthew 14:27-29, the prophet of God Abraham Richard broke down the message further, saying that Peter’s walking on water was not because he had faith but love for his master Jesus Christ.

Winding up the eye opening message, the servant of God noted that love must support faith. He also cautioned that unless your love for Jesus Christ grows, your faith will not go to another level.


There is going to be a death of a Servant. It is coming; you are going to hear it on the news. It is going to be on Bukedde first then it will spread but when you hear it mourn; it will be a spiritual death


Sister Nabayunga Esther filled with joy testified for the great power in the faith materials found in True Vine Communion Ministries and glorified God for the protection he has out on her life and that of her son. She said that on 15th August 2016, as she was preparing her son to drop him at school, she felt a conviction in her heart to pray and use heavenly water. As it is that obedience is better than sacrifice, she administered the water and wrote grace of God in her sons palm and confessed protection. When they reached at the Zebra crossing, Sister Esther and her son indicated that they going to cross and the cars stopped.
As they were crossing one of the cars that had stopped out of the blue started moving and Sister Esther stretched out her hand crying Jesus Christ! The car stopped immediately at the feet of her son. Everyone who was looking was shocked at what had happened and how the two had been spared. Sister Esther affirmed that it is only Jesus Christ who delivered her and the son from the deadly accident. Just like it was in Genesis 1:2 as the Spirit of God hovered over the water, so it is today; it rests on the water of His chosen servants and when given to a man of faith.
Glory and honour return to the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. As it is written, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense; and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” Roms 9:33
