Sunday 4 September 2016


John 15:1 says, “I am the true vine, and my father is the gardener. It is without doubt that True Vine Communion Ministries is a vine of Jesus Christ; He waters his garden day and night. The sick, troubled and heavy ladden that found their way to the garden received their healing and peace. Worship and praise resonated in the sanctuary as Evangelist Mbabazi John under the instruction of her father in the Lord Abraham Richard took position at the pulpit and led the congregation to the message of the day titled, “DO NOT DEPEND ON THE PHYSICAL.” With reference from the book of John 14:5-11.

Evangelist John said that God is a spirit and therefore as believers we should not be swayed by physical appearance. She noted that even when Christ Jesus was on earth, men did not acknowledge Him because they were using their physical eyes rather than the spiritual eyes. She reminded the believers that the moment you cross into the life of Christ Jesus you are expected to think and act differently but surprisingly believers are the ones who act like they have never known Christ Jesus when hit with a challenge.

Evangelist John told the believers that challenges are bound to come their way; financial pressures, sickness and disease but when hit remember it is the time you must draw closer to Christ Jesus.
Summing up the faith building teaching, Evangelist John reminded the believers that Jesus Christ is alive and the power to change your situation is present and God’s time is the best.


Overwhelmed with joy, Sister Sharon testified for the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. She said that He has been a good father and a faithful friend to her. Her story began in January 2015 when she came before the Servant of God Abraham Richard seeking guidance from Jesus Christ; she narrated that ever since she had completed her course of Bachelors in Economics where she majored in finance and banking in 2013; she had failed to get a job even when she applied severally in different companies there was no response. During the process of looking for jobs, she secured a small amount of money and she started an electronics shop but she was still not content with the direction her life was moving hence seeking guidance from the Lord at True Vine Communion Ministries. 
By the grace of God, the Servant of God under the guidance of the spirit of God located Sister Sharon and revealed to her saying, “I see you with a small business but you lack financial support.” This was exactly what she was facing; though she had the electronics she was she was unable to sustain it, it was running bankrupt. On confirming what the Spirit of the Lord had said as perfectly true; she inquired from the Lord what she should do whether she can continue with her business or start looking for a job. 
The Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit told Sister Sharon to keep going with the business and in the right time of Jesus Christ, she will get a job that she studied for. Upon receiving the word from the Lord, Sister Sharon trusted in the one word given to her, she kept herself in the presence of the Lord fully knowing that in His time as He said it will be. 

As it written in Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind…” this scripture was indeed perfected for Sister Sharon; in the right time of Jesus Christ she was remembered. At the beginning of the year 2016 the Servant of God under the instruction of the Holy Spirit guided the believers on what to write on the prayer request paper which included “I have a job and Financial multiplication” Sister Sharon wrote the words from the mouth of the prophet but she kept wondering how it would come to pass. True and true Christ Jesus works in mysterious ways; Sister Sharon narrated that she started getting signs from the Lord that her time for glory was coming but she could not quite understand it; she said that she closed her business and she became a stay at home mother in the month of July and that very month, the Servant of God prophesied to her saying, “Whatever you are going through is not real, because if you listen carefully you will hear God speaking a different thing.”

Indeed the God of Abraham Richard was speaking a different thing about Sister Sharon’s situation because hardly had she received the prophecy than a miracle came knocking her off feet. An opportunity presented itself in Quality Finance Care where they were looking for a Finance Agent and she applied. The favour of the Lord was undeniably upon her to perfect His word upon Sister Sharon’s life; on Tuesday 23rd August 2016 the interview took place at 11am and it went smoothly to her utter surprise; at 1pm she received a phone call from the micro-finance that informed Sister Sharon that she been considered for the position and she should start work the following day Wednesday 24th August 2016. 
Sister Sharon said that certainly true that the God of Abraham Richard works perfectly; His timing is never and will never be wrong; at the time she needed the job He gave to her with no hustle. Glory, honor and praise go back to the powerful miracle worker Jesus Christ who works majestically in His time!

1 comment:

  1. But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
