Monday 29 August 2016


The Sunday service of 29th August 2016 at True Vine Communion Ministries was filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit  as Evangelist Gracious Angella took position at the pulpit under the authority of her Father in the Lord Abraham Richard and led the congregation into the message of the day titled “PRAYER MOVES MOUNTAINS!” with reference from the book of Matthew 22:1-10
Evangelist Gracious said that many times God plays His part but we as believers fail to receive from Him because we have not played our part that is praying. She continued to say that the situation of poverty, confusion, fear and sickness and disease you are in can only go away through prayer; prayer moves mountains. Affirming to the believers, Evangelist Gracious informed the believers that the moment you hate prayer be sure that your life is over because a believer’s life is inseparable from prayer.

Going deeper in the message the Evangelist said that today, when Christians are hit by situations instead of praying they run away from church. She cautioned that as a believer, whenever a situation hits you, it is calling upon you to go on your prayer mat. Evangelist Gracious Angela informed the believers that the promises that God made to you- marriage, healing, deliverance and salvation will only come through prayer. The Evangelist emphasized that whatever you need from God comes to you through making a prayer in faith.

Evangelist Gracious summing up the faith uplifting message urged the believers to maintain their prayer life and pray in faith in times of challenges because God can never answer a prayer made in fear.


Sister Namazzi Agnes testified for the supernatural power of Jesus Christ found at True Vine Communion Ministries. She said that she came when her child had a strange disease that attacked him and stopped him from going to school. He took her son Bruce James to hospitals and the doctors chased them away saying that he was normal with no any illness. Due to the condition she was passing through, Sister Namazzi was advised by her friends to take her son to witch doctors and she did not hesitate. She visited several of them where goats and chicken were asked by the witch doctors for rituals but there was no relief, Sister Namazzi’s son would worsen. On realizing that the witch doctors could do nothing to revive her son, sister Namazzi then resorted to seeking help from several churches but none availed a solution.
He became very violent; would kick his mother and she was ever in great pain. Sister Namazzi narrated that in great pain she stopped working and focused solely on the strange illness that was tormenting her boy.  She said that whenever her boy would get the attacks, they used to pull a crowd of onlookers who would wonder what had befallen her son. 
She noted that these attacks did not only make her son violent but Bruce James developed strange sleeping habits. He would sleep like a dead person to the point that even if you would shake and pierce him with a sharp object, his body would remain lifeless for almost six hours. Sister Namazzi had accepted her condition and had given up but a lady told her about True Vine Communion Ministries assured her that she will  get a solution.  A golden opportunity presented itself on Friday 29th July 2016 as it was a day set apart for meeting new people and this day did not leave her at home. Before leaving her home she earnestly made a plea to God saying, “My Lord I have moved to several places for healing let this one be my turning point.”

It is unquestionably true that Christ Jesus appears at the time you least expect Him; under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the prophet of God Abraham Richard revealed, “Your boy is suffering from a spiritual sickness and hospitals don’t see spiritual illnesses. It is a snake spirit in you that is tormenting your boy.”  It is true that the Lord indeed reveals to save; He did not only stop at revealing this mystery but His delivering touch through Prophet Abraham Richard set the mother and the son free. Today smiling from ear to ear Sister Namazzi said that her son is very normal and on Monday 1st August 2016, he resumed school. Glory and honour go back to the deliverer- Christ Jesus.

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