Wednesday 24 August 2016


Soulful voices resonated in the garden of Jesus Christ- True Vine Communion Ministries as the Choir and the believers wholeheartedly song praises to the Lord in his majesty, holiness and splendour. As the Bible says that Jesus Christ is looking for a church that worships Him in truth and spirit so it was on this beautiful day; the congregation sought for the Kings of kings to heal, deliver, revive and comfort them and He certainly did not by pass those who did it in faith.
From the amazing worship, the Servant of God Abraham Richard took position at the pulpit amidst shouts and jubilation and his first words to the believers were sorrow may last a night but joy comes in the morning. The prophet continued and said that the best guide that believers have is Jesus Christ and that is the major difference between Christians and those of the world. He said that when the going gets tough we rest in the hands of Jesus Christ.

From the faith uplifting words, the Servant of God led the believers into the message of the day titled,
“FAITH IS NOW!” With reference from the book of John 14:4-9 the Servant of God said that the disciple of Jesus Christ Thomas wanted to believe after seeing and that is why he asked His Master Jesus Christ, “Lord we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” The Servant of God said that today we Christians act like Thomas, we believe after seeing and proving to be a shame to Him; the staggering faith of Christians annoys God; where he expects us to know Him more than the world we disappoint Him.  The Servant of God reminded the believers that the reason why Christ Jesus has called you as a Christian to be his disciple is for you to know Him better and teach the doubting world about Him.

Summing up the teaching, the prophet noted that as a Christian, Christ Jesus expects you to believe the one sent before you for there is no servant of God who stands on his own; the one who does the miracles, teaches and prophesies to the world is the Spirit of God.


Sister Kembabazi Elizabeth testified for the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. She said that she met the Servant of God eight years ago; by then she was a reject and stigmatized in her family because of being born with HIV a situation that pushed her to have suicidal thoughts.  All that changed when she met the Servant of God Abraham Richard who prophesied to her that she will have a baby and this came to pass on 16th December 2015.  
When she gave birth the doctors told her that her baby girl will be raised on formula which was expensive for Sister Elizabeth because she had a part time job but still the Servant of God Abraham Richard revealed to her that, “As long as you are taking care of this child, you will never lack and the tears you shade will never be remembered.”  
True and true are the words from the lips of a prophet, Sister Elizabeth has indeed never lacked neither shade a tear ever since she bore Baby Sanyu; by the grace of God she has been able to get good Samaritans who take care of the financial needs of the baby and it goes without saying the joy Baby Sanyu has brought in the life of Sister Elizabeth is indescribable.
The wonder working God did not only stop at getting her good Samaritans but wonderful as He is, He attained for Sister Elizabeth another job. She narrated that it all started when she was given a notice for termination of employment. On receiving this bad news, she informed the servant of God Abraham Richard who had helped Sister Elizabeth to attain her first office part time job that paid her little money through prayers because she did not have any qualifications.  On telling him the news, he had who smiled and said, “I knew it and I saw it coming.”
Sister Elizabeth was puzzled on how calm he was, on her side she was restless fully knowing that her life will be turned upside down without a job and her solution to this unbearable situation was to end  life because the thought of a mother without any coin to take care of her little baby was ripping her heart out.

As God works in mysterious ways after a while she was called for a meeting by the employers and
she carried along her weapon of faith- Iam Anointed to Reign sticker which she had received from the Servant of God Abraham Richard.

On reaching the boardroom she placed her weapon of faith on the table and made a prayer from the heart saying that let them listen to my plea. The employers informed her that there was another available job vacancy for a training operation Assistant and Sister Elizabeth was advised to apply for it if she had the suitable qualifications.
Sister Elizabeth when given a chance to say something to the panel, she reminded them that she was not qualified for the job because she did not hold a Bachelors degree that the job required but a certificate. To her surprise the employers told Sister Elizabeth that because of the fact that she was a confident and determined woman at work she should relax. Sister Elizabeth affirmed to the believers that the confidence and determination she displayed while at her work place was not out f her might but by the grace of God because the terrible situations she has gone through as a human being it is impossible for her to confess positively.
When the job vacancy was put up Sister Elizabeth went to apply and the cherry on the top was that job requirements were tailored basing on her qualifications; she was mesmerized and in shock. She affirmed that indeed her God is a miracle worker and had anointed her to reign.
She said that three people were shortlisted and on the day of her interview sister Elizabeth noted that she did not know how fear took over and she failed to answer confidently. She left the panel dejected and very sure that she had failed but as it is Romans 8:26, “In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness…” It is unquestionably true that Sister Elizabeth’s weakness was masked.
Sister Elizabeth was called after the interview by the human resource manager who told her that indeed she failed the interview but nevertheless she is still a confident woman and was offered the job at the Infectious Disease Institute as Training Operations Assistant.

Glory and honour goes to the ever present and unfailing God.

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