Sunday 21 August 2016


The service at True Vine Communion Ministries on 14th August 2016 was Holy Ghost filled as the believers waited in great anticipation of what the Lord had in store for them and indeed He did not fail as many lined to testify for the miraculous works He has done for them throughout the week. From the faith building testimonies the choir led the congregation into awesome praise and worship for the Lord of lords that intensified the unbeatable presence of the Holy Ghost; Evangelist Mbabazi John took position at the pulpit under the instruction of her father in the Lord Abraham Richard and unveiled the message of the day titled, “THE HOLY SPIRIT”
With reference from the book of John 15:26-27, Evangelist John said that for all the miracles you attained as a believer today; it is of great wisdom to know that they are a result of the Holy Spirit.  She said that testimonies, healing, deliverance and prophecies are a sign that the church has the Holy Spirit and depict that the one sent before you is from Jesus Christ. The Evangelist explained that Servants of God must be accompanied with super natural power- the Holy Spirit to testify on their behalf citing an example of the Apostles who were always with the Holy Spirit in all they did.

Expanding on the message and citing the example of the man who was crippled in his feet from birth in Acts 14:8-14 who listened attentively to Paul and he was healed, Evangelist John cautioned believers to always have the right and positive attitude when they come before any Servant of God because that will attract the working hand of God-Holy Spirit in their life; She urged the believers to be alert when in the presence of God because where the Spirit of God is, anything good or bad can happen. The Evangelist bringing light to the message said that the ulcer that is eating up today’s generation is coming to the presence of God with an intention to test Him rather than seeking His guidance. She noted that some People think that out of their own ability they can make the spirit of God talk to them which is very wrong.
The Evangelist reminded believers that human effort accomplishes nothing; for that reason when you find yourself in the presence of the Lord; remember it is the Holy Spirit who has led you there; be very conscious of the presence of God and be in the attitude needing help.

Summing up the faith examining message Evangelist John said that the grace of God is poured upon His servants for you a believer therefore be responsive to this grace and all will be well with you.


The Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed, “This is what is happening now in spirit, I have seen a table and before it there is a king, on the right side there are those that of heaven and opposite them-the left side; those to be sent on earth to represent those of heaven. They are twelve and are only chosen by God Himself. These that are sent do not fit the standards of the world to be servants of God; they cannot be easily recognized because they have marks of rejection and despised. These twelve are for the whole world; the glory is coming to rest on them. When that of Heaven touches the ground, there’s going to be confusion in churches.”

The Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed, “I have seen the date when they are swearing in the President and I have seen many flags being waved, excitement and I have seen on the news a lot of ladies giving interviews of their experiences.”


Sister Namale Farida filled with inexplicable joy testified for the great working power of God found in True Vine Communion Ministries. Sister Farida who is a fourteen year old teenage said that ever since she was a child having a good night sleep was unheard of. When the rest went to sleep it was war time for her, Satan would attack in her dreams using snakes and the image of her uncle holding a panga wanting to kill her; adding on that she would have evil visions where she would see fierce animals talking to her, sometimes when she would be walking she would see deep pits that were in front of her and she would not move from where she would be standing at that particular time unless someone came to pick her. Sister Farida had said that she had become the “impossible child” at home whom no one could handle because what she was seeing no one else was seeing. As it is written that Satan came to steal, kill and destroy, it is categorically clear that Satan was in full control of this little soul and tormenting her severely. She continued to narrate that whenever she went to sleep a rat would always jump in her bed and cling on her back. Sister Farida even tightly tucked her mosquito
net onto her bed but the rat would manoeuvre and find its way to her back. She said that as she grew up the attacks became more frequent and in different styles. She became like an epileptic and eventually dropped out of school. Farida was indeed a little girl enslaved by satan; one day while playing with her friends a snake fell out of her legs and she started running after it but it vanished; whenever she would get the attacks, she would scream calling her mother to help her but there was not enough she could offer to rescue the daughter out of her tormented life.
It is unquestionable that sorrow may last a night but joy comes in the morning, Sister Fardia’s story was re-written when she encountered the servant of the Lord Abraham Richard on 29th August 2016. As Paul writes in Ephesians 6: 12 that for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, the General of the Lord Abraham Richard took his stand and fought the battle against the evil forces that were tormenting the little girl’s life and set her free! Beaming with smiles Sister Farida said that from 29th July 2016 the attacks have ceased. She now gets dreams when she is beating the images Satan used to send to torture her; she is now a free teenage and above all for a full month she has been sleeping a new born baby. 

Indeed a testimony of two is considered valid; Sister Namfuma Farida the mother of Farida filled with excitement said that indeed her daughter is now a free girl. She said that her daughter was regarded as a problem child from her time of birth. She narrated that at nine months baby Farida started biting her breasts and she was forced to wean her prematurely because the pain was intense for her. Sister Nanfuma Farida said that as the daughter was growing up she would get demonic attacks and these increased as she grew older; when the child was old enough to talk, she would come running to her mother telling her that something was ripping her heart out asking the mother to save her but the mother would helplessly hug her tightly until the episode ended.
When the ordeal would be over, the mother would always ask her of what had happened but little girl never recalled what had transpired; she would always reply her mother in a weak tone that she was fine. Sister Nanfuma Farida affirmed that these episodes would come at any time and she would behave as a person with an epileptic seizure dripping a half liter of saliva. Sister Nanfuma Farida recounted that when her daughter would get in these episodes, they would take a short time but to her it seemed like it had taken two months for her to gain her conscious again.
In the sorrow and pain that she was going through as a mother watching Satan dominating her daughter’s life, Sister Nanfuma Farida went in search of healing in Hospitals, various Witchdoctors, Churches and Sheiks. A lot of money was spent but all was futile
 Sister Nanfuma Farida narrated that when she saw the aunt- Nakintu Madina came to pick the daughter to bring her to Kampala; she asked her if she would handle because of the condition of her daughter but the aunt told Sister Nanfuma Farida she would take her to be prayed for. Sister Nakintu Madina who had seen the Prophet of God Abraham Richard healing people with a similar condition as that of Farida did not fear to bring her fully knowing that she would be healed instantly and so it was.
Sister Nanfuma Farida said that when they rang her and she was told about the new condition of her daughter, she was shocked and she could not believe her ears; she had to come and see for herself. What she accepted as a problem that would never change the God of Abraham Richard took it away instantly.
Sister Nakintu Madina also beaming with smiles confirmed that indeed the God of Abraham Richard has transformed the life of Namale Farida. She testified that when she brought the little girl to True Vine Communion Ministries she was in full assurance that she would get healed and indeed God did not fail her. It is surely an indisputable fact that the God of Abraham Richard is powerful; what was impossible before man was taken away by the touch of the Holy Spirit.  Glory and honour go back to the commander of the heavenly armies- Jesus Christ.

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