Sunday 19 June 2016


The service at True Vine Communion Ministries was Holy Ghost filled as the believers worshipped  the God of Abraham Richard in His holiness, beauty and splendour.  From the wonderful worship, Evangelist Kenyangi Hannah under the instruction of her Father in the Lord Abraham Richard took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the message of the day titled, “ KNOW WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST JESUS!” with reference from the book of Daniel 3:1-6.
Evangelist Hannah paused a question to the believers,Do you know who you are?  Do you have a “Nebuchadnezzar” in your life- faith, business? She then said that if you know who you  in Christ Jesus, you will not be crying and lamenting because of a situation that is before you. Citing an example of  Daniel, the Evangelist said that when he was faced with a situation of a burning fire furnace, he did not cry rather he wore the full armour of faith and focused on the one who would set him free- Jesus Christ. Daniel know his position and who he was in Christ Jesus-a soldier of the Lord. The Evangelist said that as a Christian what makes you quake is believing what Satan whispers in your ears;you can't make it. you are poor, rejected, unworthy,worthless and not fit to be  a soldier of Christ Jesus. Stop it, this makes you forget who you are in the Lord.

She advised the congregants that instead of listening to whispers of Satan, they should be bold like Daniel who refused to bow down to Satan. She said that as a solider of the Lord when situations arise, don’t give in to fear, run to Christ Jesus and by the time you come from the prayer mat, the noises will be no more.
The Evangelist took a walk in the book of Daniel 6:16-22 and reminded believers that as Soldier of the Lord; battles must always come one after another as it was with Daniel after overcoming the blazing furnace (Daniel3:1-6), another battle-Lion’s den came in; but knowing your position in the Lord and fully understanding that your position is sustained by faith it will help you overcome the battles. keep connected in faith, victory is guaranteed because you are a soldier of the Lord.

Concluding the message, Evangelist Hannah said it is time to fight and restore your identity in Christ Jesus; you are a soldier of the Lord.  With reference to John 8:32, she noted that when you know the truth, the truth will set you free; when you know who you are in Christ Jesus everything will move the way it is supposed to be, child of a general.

Mr Brekye Boaz testified to the wonder working and healing power of the Lord God of Abraham Richard. He said that the Lord delivered and healed him from blindness and extreme pain that  was in his leg.
He narrated his story that the last nine months, he had an accident that left his leg broken and made him to limp. As a motrocylist, the accident affected his financial life, family, left him lame and blind.
By the grace and mercy of the Lord, he came to True vine communion ministries three weeks ago and the servant of God prayed for him and broke the yoke of blindness and lameness that had tormented
his life and left him a miserable and helpless blind-man. Today he thanks the Lord that from the time he was prayed for, he can see clearly. He can make a big stride that he could not make before, he can walk normally which he could not do, he can even run. Brother Boaz said that he feels he is in a dream and he he does want it to end.
Glory and honour to the Lord and he believes that very soon, he will be returning to his duty as a motorcyclist. Glory and honour go back to the Lord.

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