Tuesday 14 June 2016


Shouts of joy filled the temple of the Lord on 12th June 2016 as believers praised the Lord in His full honour and splendor. Indeed Christ Jesus is the name above all names as believers were healed, delivered and saved from all bondage that they were in. From the wonderful praise and worship those whom the God of Abraham Richard had blessed testified to His great miracle working power. The servant of God then took position at the pulpit into the message of the day titled, “DEEPER BLINDNESS IN CHRIST JESUS.”

With reference from John 9:1-35 the Servant of God said that some situations happen to believers so that God’s glory can be manifested like this blind man. This man did not what he was going through was because of God’s will. He noted that the Pharisees wanted Jesus to do things their way. In the same way many want you to do what they want but remember God’s way is not man’s way. He added on that whoever is led by the Spirit does God’s will because God’s will is revealed by the Spirit and at a particular time. He advised that as a Christian don’t follow a crowd because the kingdom of God is individually. He went ahead and said there is being true in the body but not in the Spirit and the reverse is true.
Moving deeper into the message with emphasis on verse 35, the servant of God Abraham Richard said that whenever the world rejects you for the sake of Christ, He gets deeper in you. As a believer never work to be right before man, but work so hard to be right with God in spirit and you will have a father- son relationship. He said that those who believe in Christ Jesus will always be rejected so never fight so hard to prove yourself right in front of men; just give yourself more to Christ Jesus and he will fight the battle for you.

The servant of God emphasized that as believers we should never fight to please the world rather seek for inner peace and the moment you attain it you will be the happiest believer. Abraham Richard the prophet said that what fails Christians today is thinking that they can see explaining that seeing is thinking you know God so well. The prophet said that a sign of blindness is being rigid to change. He enlightened the believers that when you claim that you know scriptures from Genesis to Revelation- you are blind. He advised the believers that the moment you accept that you are blind you will see God clearly. Summing up the spiritually awakening message, the Servant of God told believers to allow that they are blind in that way they will seek God in humility, faith and love and this will attract Him to lead them.

Brother Ariho Emmanuel testified for the goodness of the God of Abraham Richard. He said that on 5th June 2016 during the service the Servant of God proclaimed, “am seeing a person who has made a business proposal, it is in the pipeline and it is going to breakthrough.” As it written in the Bible that God blesses His people even before they wake up, Brother Emmanuel knew that Christ Jesus was speaking to him because  
there was a proposal he had forwarded to a certain company. Fully knowing that this was his time and moment, he made a prayer like a man of faith. As the God of Abraham Richard is faithful to those who call Him in faith, that very day on his way home he received a phone call from his  broker who informed him that his contract in acceptance of the proposal, will be finalized the next day-Monday the 6th June. As it is in Isaiah 55:11 "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty..." This scripture  was perfected when brother Emmanuel on Monday signed a contract to build residential apartments in Ntinda a reknown Kampala city suburb. This was truly the word of God perfected, for it was not by his strength or might that he was able to gain a contract in less than forty eighty hours. Glory, honour and praise go back to the all knowing and wonderful God of Abraham Richard.

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