Sunday 5 June 2016


True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations is a ground where miracles, signs and wonders manifested as the congregants worshipped and praised the Lord in His holiness and majesty in honor of the divine invitation that they received. From the chain breaking praise, the Servant of God Abraham took position at the pulpit and like a man of faith led, he again led the believers into faith praise where believers danced their way to their miracles using all kinds of dances. After this out of the world dancing, the servant of God Abraham Richard led the believers into the message of the day titled “HEART AND MIND!” with reference from Romans 10:8-9
The Servant of God said that the word to save you is in your heart not mind; this is the word of faith that you are proclaiming. The prophet said that the biggest problem Christians face today is praying to God using their mind not heart and this makes it impossible to get an answer from God. He noted that when you speak to God using your heart you will tell Him your real pain you will receive instant peace in your heart.The
Servant of God cautioned that as a Christian never pray to God using your mind because the moment you do, you will be sinning greatly against God. He said that the mind keeps no record therefore when you use it to speak to God you will never get an answer. The prophet continued to awaken the minds of the congregation teaching them that the mind is filled with facts but the heart is filled with the real truth and that is why it keeps record of the hurtful and good things.  The prophet told the congregation that when you listen from the heart you will hear the heart speaking the truth to you because the heart is the altar of the God where he speaks directly to man.
Summing up the spiritually awakening message, the Servant of God informed believers to open up their hearts and they should be specific when telling God what hurts them. 

Sister Grace Wamboi testified for the God of Abraham Richard for the perfected word and favour upon her life. During the month of February 2016, Sister Grace made a specific prayer asking God of True Vine Communion Ministries to make a way in her financial life. As it is that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, a few days later, an open door came through a friend who works in United Nations mission in south Sudan (UNMISS). Sister Grace's friend alerted her about a tender to supply 100 pieces of hand bags and 600 pieces of sanitary pads. Indeed when God says yes, nobody can say No! Her request to supply those items went through without hustling and in that same month of February the deal was completed successfully.
The Bible says in Hebrews 3:7 that when you hear the word of God, do not harden your heart, Sister Grace's obedience saved her. In mid-April there was tripple anointing at the church, though she was away at that time, she believed the message when it came to her. Bearing in mind that Seer Abraham Richard had proclaimed that 2016 is a year of reigning and everything will bear a tripple anointing. Sister Grace believed that it was her turn to reign and a few days later, UNMISS appreciated her previous supplies and granted her a double contract to supply the same items. This time, she supplied 300 hand bags and 1800 sanitary pads. This is indeed a true perfection of the word of God "NO MORE TEARS" prophesied by the servant of God Abraham Richard.
Sister Grace affirmed the goodness of the God of wonders assuring the believers that when He opens for you the door no one can close it. Truly no one can close her door for this same UN mission contracted sister Grace as the organization's tailor. Sister Grace acknowledged that all these contracts have been given to her not by experience nor power but by the mercy of Jesus Christ. Glory, honour and power return to the Lord of hosts. Hallelujah.

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