Tuesday 31 May 2016


The church of Christ Jesus was Holy Ghost filled as the congregants worshipped and praised the Lord in His holiness and majesty. From the praise, the Servant of God Pastor Nume Kenneth of Victory Outreach Church took position at the pulpit under the authority of seer Abraham Richard and led the congregation into the message of the day titled, “PRESS ON!” With reference from the book of Galatians 4:4-5 Pastor Nume said that it does not matter what you are going through as a believer, Mother Mary travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem so that the miracle of the world- Jesus Christ would be born. The same way it is with you a believer, no matter the situation you are going through, stay in faith because your suffering is preparing you for a testimony. This message might not make sense as pain and suffering is immense but take note that the ways of God are definitely not the ways of man.

 Pastor Nume Kenneth reminded the congregants that the God we serve never makes a mistake; everything He does is according to His plan. The reason why you are in the pit you are in is that God wants you to focus on Him and cry out in spirit to Him and when victory comes many will testify to your victory. Ask and believe and it will be done for you though it takes a process. Evangelist Nume cautioned the believers that if they want to produce more, pruning is inevitable and through humility and patience, God will definitely do His work because every individual is His divine project.

 Pastor Nume concluded the message by affirming to the congregants that the level of pain being experienced is a replica of the miracle in preparation. He urged the congregation to take heart for the reward of partaking the seed of the son of a woman that gives victory in the beginning is victory. For He that was in the beginning a word owns heaven and earth therefore no need to worry as the kingdom is already at hand and you are a child of the kingdom.

Evangelist Nume Kenneth and family glorify the name of God of Abraham Richard for opening their financial doors. He said that he requested the Seer Abraham Richard to stand with him in prayer for financial breakthrough and as well as his church to thrive in the Kampala suburbs of Bwaise. In response to Evangelist Nume’s prayer request, the Seer gave him a dollar note to use as a point of contact in prayer for a week and also assured him that he will stand in prayer as requested. He narrated that the Lord did not stop at intervening in his financial need, Brother Nume said that under
the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Seer Abraham Richard prophesied to him that he sees him shifting from where he was staying.
Faithful and true is the God of True vine Communion Ministries, the financial limitation that had invaded Pastor Nume’s family and ministry failing him to fulfill his obligations like paying school fees for his first born son Okello Elvis Evan (S5) was crashed down.
To the glory of God, the family received financial support from the Seer Abraham Richard for Brother Elvis to get back to school. Evangelist Nume’s family never remained the same from the time they received a dollar note. He affirms that indeed God’s ways are different from human ways, stating that at his ministry, things began moving forward in a tremendous way. Someone offered 22 church chairs and he was able to purchase 2 brand new speakers.
Mr.  & Mrs. Nume Kenneth continued to testify that their financial doors were opened wide as their son was able to return to school. Amazingly, Brother Elvis received a life time scholarship from a friend he met while in USA. Their son’s friend has already paid school fees for the coming term. They glorify the Lord and acknowledge that this testimony was received through the love and prayers made by the seer Abraham Richard.
Their son Okello Elvis Evans narrated that he was amazed by the love, humility and compassion of the seer Abraham Richard. He said that on receiving financial support, he believed all will be well and indeed, all went well beyond human imaginations. He said that he got shocked of how quickly the Lord turned his sorrow into joy. Previously brother Elvis used to struggle with school fees and scholastic materials but now, before he completed the term, his school fees was already paid. He said that scholastic materials are no longer an issue for they will be dropped at school on the first day of every term. He narrated that a family friend offered to cater for all.
He glorified the Lord for giving him a lifetime sponsor and now is sure of studying even up to PhD. He said the sky is a limit for him stating that surely the Lord is with him. Elvis said that even when he reported to school late, he emerged the best a proof that it’s not by his might but the grace and love of God.

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