Saturday 28 May 2016


Glory, honour and power filled the temple at True Vine Communion Ministries as the choir led the congregation into marvelous praise and worship.
 Indeed no one steps in the presence of God remains the same. As it is that when you step in a swimming pool you must come out wet, True Vine Communion Ministries was the swimming pool of those who came searching for deliverance, healing, joy and peace. From the glorious praise and worship the servant of the Lord Abraham Richard took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the message of the day with reference Philippians 3:1-3 titled “HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN YOUR FLESH!”
 The servant of God told the believers that flesh is what is of this world that; is having confidence in your human ability. He said that when you have confidence in your human ability, God will never be glorified. The prophet said that the problem many Christians face today is trusting in what is around us-possession but not God. He continued to caution believers that when you trust what is around you- family, friends or level of education to lead you to the success you need, Jesus Christ will step aside. The servant of God said that more you focus on what is of the flesh, the more you will lose focus on the way of the Lord. He said that those who are weak depend on the Holy Spirit. 

Abraham Richard the prophet going deeper in the message told the believers that Jesus Christ is looking for a church that trusts in the Spirit not flesh. He said that as a believer, victory does not come from your wisdom but depending on God. The servant of God explained that when you depend on God as a source of your victory, when victory comes the glory will automatically go back to Him but when you get victory depending on your ability you will take the glory and not God. He cautioned the congregation to accept to be foolish before the world because in that way will be wise before God.
 Summing up the message of the day, the prophet advised the congregation to be unique men who are never proud and wholly depend on God because they are just vessels of God for it those are men who glorify God in the good and bad times examples of David who faced Goliath and won bringing glory to God.
Brother Mulinda Davis testified for the miracle working God of Abraham Richard. He said that on April 20th 2016, he read a post on the Ministry’s Facebook page (True Vine Communion Ministries) where believers were told to tell Jesus Christ their needs. Brother Davis on reading the post, knew that his moment has come; he took a step of faith and put his comment in full assurance that Jesus Christ who had asked him must work on his issues. One of his burning issues was business; he asked Jesus Christ to accumulate capital so that he could have his own because he was in a joint partnership business with his cousins. Brother Davis narrated that he was tired of the partnership and was under immense pressure to leave the business and go solo. As it is written in Psalm 121:2 “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.”
Indeed the word of God came to life for Brother Davis, God answered his prayer. He got an opportunity to open up his own outlet on the same building that he was previously operating on with his cousins, He also acknowledges the power of the financial prayer break through coupon that the Servant of God issued out. Brother Davis said that he constantly prayed using the coupon and on Sunday 15th May 2016, the servant of God mentioned that there was a person with a business card and let there be away. Brother Davis said that he was the one and had made the business cards as a step of faith showing Jesus Christ that he was ready to go solo.  Indeed God’s blessings come to those who are ready. Brother Davis also affirmed that having the financial breakthrough coupon as a faith attachment to connect him to Christ quickened the birth of “ANOINTED HOME APPLIANCES” a home appliance business solely owned by Brother Mulinda Davis. It is true that the Lord appears to destroy all works of Satan, the Lord did not only appear in Brother Davis’ financial life, but also touched his health. He had earlier reported a persistent allergic condition which was causing his skin to itch. Beaming with smiles, he affirmed that after reporting the allergy to the chief General-Jesus Christ the itching stopped. Glory and honour is always for Jesus Christ.

On 22nd May 2016, the Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed, “I saw two angels of God and one pulled out a sword to strike the nation Uganda and I screamed, ‘there are some that are innocent in this country!’ The second angel left to spot out the innocent and when the angel returns there will be wailing and crying in this Nation.”

1 comment:

  1. Lord you reveal to save.for the sake of the innocent souls, father intervene in this issue
