Sunday 31 August 2014


Satan had nowhere to run as the Holy Spirit swept through the children of God, setting them free as they braved the heavy downpour which affirms that TVC is an arena of liberty. The service started with singing the TVC anthem, dedicating the day and all the servants of God into the power of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them. 

The congregation was encouraged by Sister Elizabeth from the book of Luke 11:9-10 NKJV “so I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened”. Take heart believer the Lord is ready and willing to answer your prayer.

We were led into intercession by Sister Hannah and we prayed for the Lord’s mercy, forgiveness, restoration and purification. Satan was commanded out of the children and the temple of God by calling down the fire from Heaven to consume all powers of darkness and agents of Satan.  The devil fled as the Master Jesus answered the prayers of His children.

It’s our duty to honor the works of the Lord for it’s not by our strength that we receive but by the grace of God. To uplift your faith here are a few of the testimonies.

Sister Macklin Musiime   thanks the Lord for the power of prophecy in TVC. The servant of God gave her a prophecy that someone in their family was disorganizing them and she confirmed that it was true.

 The cousin sister was the one disturbing their entire family. She thanks God of Abraham Richard because he did not stop at revealing, he intervened in the issue. Recently the rest of the family went to the village and they took everything that the woman had stolen. She believes it was not a coincidence that they went to the village but it is the Holy Spirit who intervened and they were able to get their property back.

Sister Namwanga Esther has been with a hemorrhage for almost four months but last Sunday as she prayed; Lord Jesus let this bleeding stop today. Indeed it stopped as she requested.  This Sunday, Esther is healed completely by the power of prayer. 

Sister Grace Nassiwa thanks the Lord for His protection upon her life. Last night before she went to sleep a voice told her to close the house fully and she did, during the night thieves came to her home and poured acid in her padlocks outside and they fell off and they made a hole to open the inside padlock but they failed to do it. She is happy and grateful for the Lord’s protection.

Then the servant of God took his position at the pulpit and led us into rededicating our souls and minds to the Lord; Asking Him to forgive us in any way we have sinned. 

Filled with the Holy Spirit, the servant of God reminded us of the revelation that he proclaimed three weeks ago about a big official from GOSS being buried very soon. It has already come to pass. A big official is already dead. We do not jubilate about the death but remember prophets always speak the mind of God, we are honored that His word came to pass.
Abraham Richard Bisaso prophesied again The Lord is condemning these two leaders, and i am not seeing any of them leading the nation, unless the wise one wakes up and repents, then he will take over. Right now opposition is being called for a post in the government."
He then led the congregation to the message entitled:  MAN REAPS WHAT HE SOWS-Galatians 6:7

Whatever you do, let it not be for people to see but God. When you work for God He will pay you .When you work for man, he will pay as well. It is true and simple, you reap what you sow, when you sow love, you reap love and when you sow hatred, it’s what you reap.

 If you don’t have love in you, then you do not have Jesus. Ask the Lord Jesus to give you His love because that’s all you need today. Believers, your life can never be transformed unless you allow Jesus to dominate it.

 He is willing, you need only to confess and call Him saying i am tired of suffering, come and dominate my life. He will surely come. After this teaching which was brief but spiritually edifying and full of insight and wisdom, believers got unto their feet and began putting this word into action.

The Servant of God moved the congregation to another session of prayer. He guided us into opening up ourselves and surrendering to God. We asked the Lord to fill us with His love and change our lives for the better. 

The Holy Spirit then swept through as He touched, healed and broke free those in bondage of sin, poverty and failure among others.  He is faithful and true, where He stepped today, he did good as he brought joy, healing, peace and freedom. Tears and applaud of joy was manifested through testimonies that were shared from the hour of deliverance.

As the service was concluding, we stretched out our hands towards the heaven and sought for God’s grace to persist in this life that is like a race. We asked the Lord to give us His spirit to conquer temptations and emerge victorious in every challenge. Believers also prayed for finances and healing for every sick person wherever they are in the name of Jesus. 

Dear reader, remember to send your prayer requests and testimonies to encourage others through this page or Facebook #Abraham Richard or email:

1 comment:

  1. Dear TVC ministries, thank you for the work of God done. ilove you
