Sunday 7 September 2014


The bible says in Psalm 116:12-13, “How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me, I will lift up the cup of His salvation and call on the name of the Lord.” That’s what was reflecting on the faces and gestures of those that congregated at TVC. The service began with dedicating the day and all the servants in the whole world, for the Holy Spirit to take over. Without Him, we are empty and unpleasing before the Holy one.

Brother simple Sula led us into the word of encouragement from Isaiah 43:1-3 .He said, the situation we are facing today will not kill us, but rather we should remember what the Lord says “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not over flow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burnt, nor shall the flame scorch you”. Be firm, Jesus Christ knows you issue and He is with you.

The Lord said ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened. Believers are now testifying about the faithfulness of the Lord. Luke 11:9 below are a few testimonies to encourage you to reach to your breakthrough.

Sister Nambi Freda testifies about her financial break through. Before she came to TVC, she used to sell food that would always remain due to lack of customers. After registering her issue to the man of God, she was advised to increase the cost of a plate of food from the previous price.  She obeyed and increased the price by 2pounds. Today, she is giving glory and honor to the Lord, as her finances increased from the moment she followed instruction of the servant o f God.
Brother Julius Nsubuga made it to his miracle. He is thanking the Lord Jesus for saving him from entering prison. His friends were imprisoned and they by all means dragged
him in the issue and wanted him to join them in prison. He sought guidance from the servant of God and he was told that he should not worry, the issue is solved. Julius is testifying today for he did not go to jail and his friends too were released. Indeed the hand of God is not too short to save neither His ear too dumb to hear. The issue was solved just like the servant of God said. Amen.

  The servant of God the led the congregation amidst shouts of joy and praises into the message of the day.

Since they  have the word, they can prophesy and it  comes to pass. Luke 9:1-2, Jesus gives authority to only his servants to heal and cast out demons. Many may desire to have that gift, but they cannot get it, it is for servants that’s why the gift is far from non servants.

A servant can transform your life if you believe him; therefore believe that one who is sent before you, he/she has your salvation. Remember to follow instructions of servants of God that moment when they deliver a message to you, take it because it is God speaking and His grace is present that time. The secret of faith is to believe and receive now. Faith does not talk about later or tomorrow it works there and then. Put your faith in Jesus and that servant that He has put before you, for what you need he has it now. Therefore do not miss your breakthrough basing on the physical appearance, but rather focus on the grace that is bestowed on the one before you.

True is the Holy Spirit that has entrusted you and I with His word, that’s why we can heal, teach, deliver and prophesy.  With that message the servant of God moved the children to their freedom through deliverance. He guided the congregation into yearning for the Holy Spirit to open their spiritual eyes to see the face of God.  He reminded us that it does not matter how long we have been in bondage all that matters is now since Jesus is ready and willing.

Indeed, at the mention of His name, every knee bowed and tongues confessed that Jesus is Lord as evil spirits exposed themselves and began to flee. It has been confirmed that the word of God is like a hammer.  Satan was banged out of his hiding and the children of God received their freedom through the word of God that was bestowed on Abraham Richard today.

The service ended with believers praying for the servant of God to be strengthened, empowered, and to receive more grace to accomplish the tasks assigned to him. We prayed for protection of our property, lives and Africa at large.

 You are all invited to our day of freedom slated for 14th September, 2014
Time: 8:00am
Dress code: Smart.
Come with a friend and expectant.

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