Sunday 14 September 2014


Isaiah 52:9-10 truly this is a glorious day. May TVC ministries for all nations shine forever! When Christ permits, nobody can stop it. Today the Lord’s joy is portrayed and displayed as we are celebrating three years of existence and our salvation. Right from the start, the God Almighty has displayed his grace and is still pouring out all blessings of prosperity, grace and above all to excel in this entire mission.
The service began with joyful songs of praise, dedicating the service and servants of God in the whole world, asking the Holy Spirit to take control of the day and guide them into His will.
Kinyarwanda Dance
To miss out not, were the many performances ranging from modern to cultural dances from Uganda and Rwanda.  We also had time to thank our God for His faithfulness. Here is a testimony to uplift your faith as we celebrate our redemption.

Sister Mary Augustino
Sister Mary Augustino had been praying hard to go aboard-Finland but the husband wanted her to come and stay with him in Dubai. This dis agreement took away her peace and she sought help and guidance from God. She got her initial deliverance from TVC Juba. When the Man of God prayed for her, he told her that she must go where she wants. She came to Uganda and the Servant of God still prayed for her. Today she is testifying and happy to have made it to her miracle because her husband sent the money for the ticket to fly to Finland. She is traveling today evening by the grace of God. Thank you Lord.

After that food for our faith, the man of God entered amidst loud voices singing a song of celebration- TVC JAGUZA, truly today is the day of freedom. He took position at the pulpit. The joyful congregation was excited and eager to hear what the Lord had prepared for His children on the third celebration of TVC ministries.
He started by saying; I have a few words of thanks to the Lord. It’s not by my strength or size but the grace of God. Brethren, tell your neighbor that you have made it. They used to say you cannot, but today you have.

Our fathers sinned because they forgot the power that rescued them. There is a power that saved them, the great power of God. All of us came to TVC when we had no option and were heading to destruction but when we reached the God of Abraham Richard; He gave us a comforting message that has kept us. Along the way, the Lord surrounded you with signs and wonders that have sustained you up to day.
God’s word is true, I am saved. You and I are the assured victory of Jesus Christ on the cross. If you believe, your situation can change because before God, there is no big situation.
He assured the believers again with authority that he is going to crucify the devil, for it’s not by might but by the Grace. No human can stop nor stand in the way. The word of God is a hammer and ready to crash down whatever situation in your life. A man who forgets where he has come from definitely has no focus and can never prosper. Always remember and acknowledge the saving power of God that has made you who you are today and it shall save you.

Today, we are covered in the blood of Jesus and where there is the power, there is redemption. Where you are, you surrounded by fire and by the time Jesus, comes you will be saved. We have one intercessor who will take your issue to the father and He is the Holy Spirit.  The servant of God moved the congregation into the battle field to hammer Lucifer once again and set the children free. At the mention of the name Jesus Christ, every knee shall bow; indeed, the devil has bowed and released the captives. With screams, cries and groans, the evil spirits fled as they could not stand the heat as believers poured their hearts to Jesus Christ. Remember Jesus appeared to destroy the works of the devil, with His power and authority over the devil and his kingdom, believers received their freedom as Jesus walked in the lives of many.

The Golden Pot troupe
The day of freedom it was, entertainment was the flow of the day. This was accompanied by cake and food. To crown it all, the master of the house just like king David joined the troupe and danced himself off for the Lord.
The servant of God straight from the dance led the congregation into another session that requires faith. The Holy Spirit does as He pleases; revelations about mysteries in individual lives began to flow. Satan is losing foothold as mysteries are being revealed and believers are receiving answers to the many questions that have been tormenting them.


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  Everyone who prays with us on internet, Abraham Richard is going to speak to you through dreams tonight. Be ready.

The service was concluded with the Servant of God administering and issuing out the new holy water and praying to the Lord to supply to the children going back to school with fees and wisdom. Believers continued to make a prophetic prayer proclaiming, prosperity, peace, journeys abroad and marriages. By grace I am what I am and I am going to my miracle by grace. The servant of God ended the service with a prophetic message to the people saying, Tell my people I am watching over you like a fruitful garden and I am with them.”


  1. Happiness! yes it was.
    I will never forget this day - sunday 14.September.2014
    Thank u Lord God Holy Spirit.

    Jeremiah jb howard
