Sunday 24 August 2014


The glory of God was an evident illumination that radiated and glowed on the multitudes that congregated at TVC this Sunday. In His unending mercy there was healing, deliverance, blessings and breakthrough. The day began by dedicating the service and all the servants of God in the whole world .We prayed for the Light of Jesus to fill, guide and govern their services in the name of Jesus Christ.

After a session of worship, Sister Angelica gave us an encouraging message from the book of Ezekiel 34:16. She said that whatever situation you are in, call on to the Lord, He is here to strengthen, heal and encourage you because He is your shepherd.

It was another thunderous intercession moment as the congregation was led into attacking the throne of evil in the region and country at large. Believers called the Holy Spirit to purify and restore them, indeed the Lord answered their prayer of restoration. He sent down a heavy drizzle as a sign of His mercy, restoration and glory.

Sister Elizabeth shared with the believers from the book of Romans 8:29-31. She affirmed that we are the chosen of God predestined to know and serve Him. She continued that if we are for God, there is no reason for fear. God is a miracle worker and beyond doubt, below are a few selected miraculous works of His hand shared by the believers.

An email restored his finances

Brother Isaac testified that he came to the man of God when he had problems in his finances. “I was not receiving money the way I am supposed to and a friend of mine directed me to TVC. The man of God prayed for me and immediately I got a contract in Kaliro and from that, two more came in.

When it came to paying, it became a problem. The contractors did not want to pay and I sent an email to the man of God in the morning. The next day all the contractors who had refused to pay me, paid me in full. I thank the God of Abraham Richard for caring for me.”

God reveals to save
Sister Akune Ogude testifies that when she came here two weeks ago, the man of God revealed to her that a certain cousin was looking for her. He told her that whatever the reason, it was not good. Today she says that last Friday while at her work place, her cousin came looking for her.

This gentleman did not know where she worked, but he was looking for her anyway. She said that he wanted to kill her for the are wrangles between them that have taken several years. She thanks the Lord for He reveals to save because she sheltered her from the plan of the evil one. The Lord hid her from him and he was unable to go through with his mission. She glorifies the name of the Lord.

The servant of God ushered in with authority and power of the Holy Spirit and led the congregation straight in prayer. The Spirit of prophecy began to flow right away as the seer Abraham Richard Bisaso proclaimed, 

“A storm, a storm, a storm is coming to Uganda. People are going to die in this issue. The parliament of Uganda should be careful with me, says the Lord. I will kill someone from there; I have loved them and protected them. MPs I AM the one who created you. My word is final, a storm is coming and it is coming soon in the parliament of Uganda.”  He said, “I asked the Lord if I should pray and He said “I will handle it” I don’t know how He will handle it.”

Believers something is going to happen in the parliament, something is making their minds boil. God is saying, “Why don’t they inquire from me?” They are going to blunder. “A storm is coming to Uganda, it’s the parliament that is going to determine whether it happens or not.

Conflict between Uganda and Kenya 
The seer continued to reveal that " the issue of this land i saw on the news when they are saying its settled, but its not yet settled. If the parliament is not careful, its going to bring another chaos for the two countries- Uganda and Kenya"When he had finished to give these revelations, delivered the message of the day;

We need the Holy Spirit because we do not know how to attract God to work for us. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot receive an answer from the Lord. Where the Holy Spirit is, there is direct access to the father. Our prayers are answered through the intercession of the Holy Spirit therefore know whom you need in your prayers and all will be well.

The Holy Ghost is so close, and is given to you as your helper. John 14:16. If the Holy Spirit does not guide you to pray, fast or even to give, you are wasting your time.  Those led by the Holy Spirit are sons and daughters of God. When He guides you, He becomes the lamp to your feet to show you the steps to take (Psalm 119:105). This will definitely cause you to shine.  A man led by the Holy Spirit, will never stumble because He is led by God.               

After this teaching which was which was brief but spiritually edifying and full of insight and wisdom, it was time to put this word into action.             
The man of God then guided the believers into another session of prayer by telling them to give themselves to the Holy Spirit. He said that the Holy Spirit is the only helper that we have and was in our amidst. 

“Yearn and ask the Holy Spirit to address your issues to the Father, ask Him to show you a sign of His presence..”  As the believers prayed, the Lord through His servant Abraham Richard began to touch His children. Many were delivered and set free from bondage.
Believers all over the world, TVC Ministries is on a prophetic foundation. After this session, the Lord began to speak to His children.  

The man of God gave personal revelations to different people. Here is one identified to strengthen your faith. To a lady in the congregation he said, “You have a spirit that makes you despise yourself and your mother has the same spirit. It has been following your whole family and has also been disorganizing you.” 

The lady confirmed that it was true and he told her to return on Tuesday when she would be prepared through a session of confession and repentance so the he could deliver her. Several asked their questions and the Spirit of God gave them the much needed answers, whatever their questions were.   

The service was concluded with a prayer for Africa to be saved and protected by the mercy of God.  Un questioned, the Holy Spirit then located one of His restored son- brother Fazik Mukisa as He acknowledged His works in his music career. The gentleman came to this ministry as a no body; the devil had held him captive that he could not prosper at all. 

The servant of God prayed for him and set him free and today, all media houses both in Uganda and Kenya are booking for interviews and is said to be the best guitarist in Uganda as reported by The Daily Monitor Publication dated 22nd Aug 2014. 

He is now a celebrity by the Grace of God. It is true what the word of God says that he lifts up the humble from the dust and seats them with princes. Watch this space, we shall keep on updating you concerning what the Lord is doing to change the lives of His people.

Reader, a man of faith is never far away from his God. Send us your comments and also follow us on Face book. Send us your testimony so that we can share it with others to strengthen their faith.                                                                                                                                                       .

1 comment:

  1. Lord i give myself to you,use me as you please. Am just a vessel. Merab Tush
