Monday 17 March 2014



Tuesday 18th February 2014 was another special awe-inspiring service hallmarked by power, authority and a fire filled prayer led by the servant of God, Abraham Richard Bisaso. Tvc was gripped with the moving power of the Holy Spirit manifested with the possession of human bodies by the heavenly beings i.e. angels.   From the din of the choristers that bellowed to the heights of the Heavens, to amazing testimonies were witnessed as was prayer to restore Africa back into the hands of Jesus which was answered by the Almighty God. 

Previously, on 16th February 2014, the man of God Abraham Richard Bisaso had given us a revelation that he had seen Africa covered in a black cloth or curtain.  He had continued to say that if we didn’t pray and fast, Africa was going into the hands of the devil.  He said we would hear more of wars here and there, and the believers of Tvc followed instructions and fasted from 18th-20th February for the lord to come and rescue Africa.

The Devil wanted to take over Africa through; wars, diseases and epidemics, devil or idol worshiping, poverty, homosexuality, and he had established and controlled political governments and kingdoms, through giving people power and money among others. He revealed that the devil desires the blood of servants of God and he therefore comes to Africa and inflicts war, human sacrifice, accidents and many other calamities. He continued and said that the Devil was targeting Africa because the MOST GRACED servants of God are found here.This is why there was need for God’s intervention to save this continent.  

The servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso led by the Holy Spirit was ushered into the podium holding flags as a point of connection to Africa as he led the believers into a war prayer to rescue Africa from the hands of Satan.  The bible says in Luke 10: 19,” Look, I give you power and authority over the powers of darkness, you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them, and nothing will injure you.” Believers took this authority and made a prayer of faith by attacking, breaking and denouncing the Devil’s control of this continent.


Standing next to the lamp stand that represents the seven spirits of God (Rev 4:5) the servant of God still had the flags in his hands when he said, “Behind Africa there should only be the Holy Spirit and the light of JESUS CHRIST should shine throughout the continent.” Together with the army of God,  they asked their  father to reign and shine through and destroy the works of Satan.

The man of God then commanded the angels of heaven who were with him to take their positions in the four corners of Africa. To everyone’s amazement, reader, immediately the angels obeyed the voice of Abraham Richard, they covered up Africa as the atmosphere was now tense in power, authority of the Holy Ghost as human bodies were possessed and began positioning themselves in the different corners of the church building. Their facial expressions were serious and with their hands, they were doing something that a physical eye could not discern. But what was for sure was that the Devil was in trouble.

In confirmation of what was going on the spirit, the servant of God said, “it’s boiling; those fighting with us are more than those fighting against us. Those with physical guns can’t match us in the spirit,” He went on to say. “Whatever seed of Satan in Africa, we disorganize you.”

Matching with power and confidence, believers entered the middle Africa as they confessed words of faith saying, “AFRICA I am in the middle, hear the voice of the Holy Spirit-you Satan, let my people go and now. “

Tapping into victory, the servant of God Abraham Richard said, “Let it be...     With a warm minimal smile as his signature. He ushered the believers into victory saying, “ladies and gentlemen, I am Abraham Richard I say what the Lord tells me to say.” He reminded believers that Africa is at the feet of Jesus, it’s where God rests his feet and that all the beloved of God had ever been in Africa citing examples of Moses, Abraham, and Jesus himself and with confidence he told the believers to read their bibles to prove whatever he was telling them.

Abraham Richard once again commanded the angels to begin to attack and pull down every throne of Satan in Africa-and by the sword of heaven and with power and authority of Jesus Christ, the believers began to match once again against the evil one backed by scripture Isaiah 54:17. Africa is for Jesus. He went on to say- “say with me, as long as I live, I shall fight for the light of Jesus, I shall fight for justice and Jesus will reign.”

Then the servant of God asked those that were with him in the spirit to stretch their hands and begin to flash the light of Jesus all over Africa. The believers confessed that the word of God shall reach every nation, in Africa and the lord shall deliver his children from the traps of Satan. 

And finally believers asked the Lord almighty to speak. Hence they prayed, “speak lord...Your servant is listening...” they waited upon the lord.

The servant of God demonstrated confidence, power and authority as he directly addressed the devil, “Satan, where are you? Where ever you are am coming...  You too should never fear the devil for he has no authority over those who belong to JESUS CHRIST.

We who pray in faith and in the name of Jesus, ( Mark 11:24 ) know that whatever we ask him to do for us is done, therefore, the servant of God declared that it was finished, simple and humble in his speech as he said,  “this is how I normally tell you how things are accomplished and you doubt.. “ He confirmed the finished work by refreshing the believers’ minds about how he had prophesied a solution to end the war in S. Sudan, and now there is some peace. But on 2rd February 2014 he again repeated that the ceasefire was the beginning of something, and now he said,” I am here in the same spot saying, It is finished….” This he said with a different tone I noticed...he also told the believers to represent their countries in heaven by bringing their country flags.

While we were praying many believers saw visions which were indeed an indication of an answered prayer; a sister was carrying a purple star and the Lord said ,” through my son, my name, power and authority will be witnessed..” and the star disappeared into Abraham Richard Bisaso. Another one testified that she saw every human body that was on the ground armed and dressed in army uniform. A lady saw angels holding golden swords and they were cutting in accordance to the instructions of the servant of God. Another saw Tvc standing in the middle of the map of Africa. Another saw a vision in which the man of God was moving in space going to tell the truth to the world. Then the servant of God Abraham Richard told believers to tell people out there, that when we talk about him, Tvc, we mean what comes from heaven and not just pastor or church.  Reader its real, you need to see this if you doubt.

To you a believer or non believer, I am personally humbled and uplifted by the faithfulness of the lord and how he does not wait for another day, to give you an answer.  For wonderful and empowering testimonies were witnessed immediately after the prayer. And may the Lord God of Abraham Richard Bisaso give you one. In CHRIST’S name.

The service ended with an identifier slogan “JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD, AND THE LORD OF MY LIFE, I CAN MAKE IT TO MY MIRACLE.”  Until then, Stay blessed.

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