Sunday 2 November 2014


The atmosphere was electric and the ambiance created by the angelic voices from the choir pulled down the presence of Christ Jesus. You would easily see the eagerness to hear from Christ by the congregations’ expression as they worshiped the Lord in truth and love. With the whole auditorium filled with a fresh aroma of the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Top of Formservice began with the dedication of the day and all servants of truth into the guidance of the Holy Spirit for without the Spirit of Jesus, no accomplishment by man can be pleasing to God. He is our ever present helper.

 With the helper in the house, believers put on their full armor of God for the moment of intercession (Ephesians6:13). They prayed for strength and courage to locate every believer of Christ who is down and discouraged wherever they are in the whole world. Prayer led by the Holy Spirit, does not cease, they continued to command the evil one out of their lives and all that belongs to them. The Children know who they are and sodoes the devil for he knows the power of the word of God in the lives of believers forcing him to flee at the mention of the name of Jesus.

From such a wonderful moment of bridging the gap for the weak, the congregation was moved to another session led by Sister Hannah sharing a message-"who has seen me through?" She said that it is important for man to acknowledge the power that is behind every victory received. She continued to say that there is a spirit behind every success and for believers it is Jesus Christ who has seen them through their trials and temptations. Backing up her message, she read the Psalm 78:40-42, Daniel 3:6-27 reminding the believers that the same God who helped Daniel and his friends is still the same God that sees us through during our times of need and still is the same to see us through our tomorrow. She ended the message with a food for thought “Remember that the one who saw you through yesterday will see you through tomorrow because he is faithful and true and He changes not.
A new day it was, from a soul opening message, believers lined up to witness for Christ Jesus as they testified about the wonder working power of the Holy one. 

Brother Julius today is testifying about the healing of his daughter. He received a call from his wife who lives in a different country from the he works in. The wife informed him about how their child fixed a bean seed into her nose causing it to swell, bring discomfort and continuous crying in agony. She told him, the baby was referred to a bigger hospital. He reached out to the heavenly water that he received from TVC Ministries and put a drop into his nose, a few minutes later he started sneezing tirelessly, and he confessed that thank you Jesus, for i believe, it is done. Julius called back his wife and wow, his wife told him that a few minutes ago, the girl sneezed tirelessly and the bean came out as they were still on their way to the hospital.
Glory and honor be unto the God of Abraham Richard.


Mr. Benjamin Augustine testifies about the wonder working power on the faith materials that are issued by TVC Ministries. On Monday the 27th October, he was sent on a rescue mission by the UN to Pangak - unity state to help work on the release of the 6 Ugandan men that were arrested by the rebels accusing them of working for the Ugandan government to attack the area. This mission was a complicated one as the area governor commanded him to choose whom to die. He told him, it will either be him or those that he had come to rescue.  Mr. Benjamin was given only 15minutes to make a sound decision.   As the clock was ticking, he decided to use his faith in God to complete the mission. He dipped the Grace sticker in a jar of water and shared the water with the captives to drink for their freedom. Mr. Benjamin returned to the governor ready to hear what the governor will pass as verdict. He was asked if they had agreed on whom to rescue or die. Filled with courage and boldness, Mr. Benjamin answered him “we are all going home, none of us is to be executed”. There was a long silence and the governor said “there is nothing to do for you people; you can go all of you.”

Dressed in authority and reverence for the Lord the man of God took his position at the pulpit and straight away guided the congregation into re-surrendering their whole into the hands of the Holy Spirit. As they gave in their souls to Christ Jesus, the Servant of God moved them to the message of the day entitled:   
 I AM ON THE CROSS. Luke 23:44-46

He said that as a Christian you should be ready to face what Jesus Christ faced. When He was on the cross he surrendered his soul to the Father. As a believer, in amidst of challenges and troubles you are expected to give yourself to the Lord Jesus. In times like these don't give up on Christ but give in to Him. As every day is a new day in the presence of the Lord, the servant of God with these few faith building words swiftly led us into another session of prayer and we surrendered what was torturing our bodies and spirit to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The servant of God reminded the congregation that the moment you become a believer of Christ, your life becomes like a house at the top of the hill because Satan is looking at how best he can fail you. In order to win, you need Jesus. He once again guided the believers unto asking God to help and attract their souls and spirits to be only focused on him rather than earthly possessions.

 In a believer’s life, when darkness tends to dominate he will say Father let your light dominate this darkness because you are my solution. When his faith seems to drop time and again, he will realize that this is the time he is supposed to lay his soul to Christ Jesus completely where there is light there is success and where there is darkness, there is automatic failure. Remember God's word can never fall on the ground but must fall on a believer’s heart.Steadily, with the will of God at work, the  Spirit of prophecy began to flow as the servant of God revealed mysteries of life to those that were blessed to be located by the grace of God.

Brother Didas was lucky that the mysteries of his unsuccessful life were unveiled through the question that the servant of God paused to him; where is your wife? This response opened doors for unknown answers as Didas answered. The servant of God revealed that, the problem is, that there is no love between you and your wife because of an evil spirit, the servant of God went on to disclose to him more hidden secretes about his family, he said that there was a burial ceremony where Didas participated and it’s from that burial that he acquired the spirit that is tormenting his whole life including his not being in harmony with his wife and his medical career. Faithful is the Holy Spirit who reveals to save. We thank God for his saving spirit of prophecy.

The servant of God concluded the service with a faith lifting prayer to those that are far from TVC Ministries like Sudan, Kuwait and Dubai among others. Prophetically he said to the congregation, “Go home and mark on your calendar, two months from today, it will be harvest time.” Peace be with you.

 Special announcement: Wonderful Sunday is on 30/11/2014. Start preparing your spirit and soul for this special day as it is the day the Lord has set aside for you He is going to speak to you about your past,present,future and give you solutions to your problems. 

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