Sunday 26 October 2014


This is what the Lord says, many are looking at you to fail and many are looking at you to believe your God. Do not look at the problem you are facing but look at a solution -Christ Jesus. Thus says the Lord (Acts 3). On this special day of 26th October, those that congregated at TVC were clearly expectant as beams of joy radiated from their faces as they entered the holy ground. Nothing can be done without the guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit, the service started with the dedication of all the servants of truth and the entire day to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Worthy is he whose heart is pure for he shall receive the Holy Spirit, the congregation was moved to a faith packed session. They asked the lord to forgive and deliver them by sending them fire to prepare them to hear and receive from Jesus Christ.

A special day it was, believers received a word of encouragement from bother Henry Tumanyane as he shared the perfection of a prophecy in his life in a moment of the power of prophecy. The word from the lips of a prophet (Abraham Richard) changed him from failure and poverty to success and riches. Henry was a hopeless man and whatever business he tried could fail. The prophet gave him only one month for his life to be transformed. Indeed it happened within one month that brother Henry who was too poor to fit in the community has now won contracts worth 5billions of money and more are still coming. You too believe and value the prophecy given to you and it will come to pass without forgetting that the Lord is faithful and true and that his word can never go back empty.

Truly from such a wonderful encouraging prophecy moment, believers lined up to shame the devil by testifying to the goodness of the Lord. These are few to uplift your life and put you on track so that Jesus Christ can work for you more.Top of Form

Sister Nantambi Grace has made it to her miracle and is here now to thank the Lord for healing her. She had been with a hemorrhage for 9years. This hemorrhage came to her after she underwent chemotherapy. She could not stand it as she sought help from the doctors about her issue. The doctors did not offer her a solution as to her dismay; she was told that she will bleed for the rest of her life.  This saddened her and she continued to seek help from friend. One of them directed her to True Vine Communion and she came to be prayed for.  Blessed are those who obey the word of the Holy Spirit, when the servant of God prayed for her, he assured her that the hemorrhage is no more. To prove her doubt the servant of God told her to go to the washrooms and check herself which she obeyed. To her shock, she found that indeed the hemorrhage was gone. Today, it’s her 4th day without a hemorrhage and she thanks the Lord for remembering her through healing.

Brother Nsaga Patrick thanks the Lord for he has made it to his miracle. For a long time he had been praying to the Lord to give him a job that has benefits like accommodation, food and transport. In his quest for a job, he consulted a friend who alerted him that there were jobs in National Insurance Company (NIC). Bother Patrick knew that he had neither qualifications nor anyone to push him through to a get that job. He remembered the only way to penetrate through is by calling unto Jesus. He started to use the anointed soap that he received from the servant of God on every visit he was making to this company. He kept on asking the Lord to dress him with favor and stand with him as he went about the job. The Lord never broke the gentleman’s faith and today, he is testifying that favor saw him through different stages of selection. With Christ Jesus, Brother Patrick Nsaga is an employee of NIC and on a pay roll of a job that he requested the Lord almighty to give him. Glory and honor be to the defender of the weak and a qualifier of the unqualified.

Amidst jubilations the servant of God took his position at the altar. He straight away led the congregation into dedicating themselves to the Holy Spirit defining him as the only solution to all life problems being faced today.  He led them into the word of life with reference from Acts 14:8.Top of Form
 He said that when we listen to God’s word we attract the healing power of God just like the crippled man who received his healing by listening.  He awakened the congregation to give attention to the word of God and let it sink in their hearts with affirmation that healing will automatically follow.

He continued to say that the moment you realize the truth in the word of God, then deliverance is inevitable. Therefore believer listen and be healed since the Bible makes it clear that knowing the truth will set you free.Top of Form The Lord wants to heal you, but His waiting only for your attention. Do not focus on the problem you have otherwise you miss out on the solution. Look at the solution, Jesus Christ (John 14:1) you will reach your miracle/victory keeping in mind that there is no situation that cannot change and it can’t be Top of Form
 bigger than the solution (Jesus Christ).

The servant of God went on to say that we should have faith in God since he is ready to work for us. He added on and said that material things are not a solution to our issues.
He repeatedly said that Jesus is the solution and therefore urged us to surrender Him alone.

As the servant of God prepared to move the congregation into another session, he asked the believers to show Jesus their faith and in return he will give a miracle. He opened the session of deliverance as he opened the wave of healing and deliverance to flow into the congregation.
As different people from different walks of life were experiencing the grace of God, the servant of God attended to the prayer line casting out evil and breaking the chains of Satan that had held captive the children of God. Bottom of Form
  The wind of healing continued to sweep through the congregation as the servant of God moved around speaking mysteries of life to those that the Lord located.

The congregation was privileged to know the secret plans of Satan and dismantling them out of their lives. Indeed it is an honor for a person to know about tomorrow and this is only possible through the spirit of prophecy that poured out endlessly.

As the word from the servant of God continued to pierce through the hearts of the congregators, he uplifted their faith by confirming whatever that he spoke came from the topic of the day- I AM ON THE CROSS. He said that “I am on the cross, let them laugh and talk-I tell you; keep quiet for where there is pain, persecution and torture for Christ's sake, tomorrow you shall be jubilating. Believers fear not, my God is not a weak God. You are on the cross but time is coming you will resurrect and no one is going to stop you.  He swiftly moved the congregation into a faith and freedom session where believers got onto their feet to walk the walk of faith in the name of Jesus Christ. It became evident that the Heavens had opened. The whole atmosphere was filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost as it burnt whatever evil and agents of Satan that had forced their way to the Holy ground. Jesus commenced his work of setting free his children as it was manifested through human bodies rolling on the ground and screaming out hidden plans of Satan that had hindered them from seeing His Glory.

 From this mega deliverance, the congregation began to thank Jesus for what he had done for them. The servant of God went ahead and  told them that if they believe, they are more than  conquerors.  He said make these words your loud confession “My life will never be the same again” he continued and said that those on the internet and praying with us in Southern Sudan, Kuwait, and Dubai among others: "May the Lord wash you in His blood. Jesus is saying tonight that it is well". whatever you are going through, remember Abraham Richard has said he is on the cross and Jesus has said it is well. Remember the word of God is a sword.

 Filled with the Holy Spirit, the servant of God  revealed this again about the city riots he said, "I was here on 10th August 2014 and i said, it’s been awhile when there are no riots in the city-Kampala and on that day i said from today, you will hear them, there are going to be riots everywhere...""Am saying it tonight, those that have been crying on the street, it is well" "Riots are going on, they have not stopped. Teachers are getting on the board of crying, as you are there, the farmers will join".

The servant of God concluded the service with a word of confirmation to the believer- “IT IS WELL."

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