Sunday 19 October 2014


True faith must be faith in only Christ Jesus. No man can renew your faith to be as it was  before. Remember God and His word are one. Today claim God's promises through his word-John 14:13-14. The service began with dedicating all servants of truth in the whole world to be under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As the man after God’s heart said, sing to the lord all you godly ones, praise his holy name, believers emulated him as they sang songs of praises and worship to the Lord in his unending glory.  From the joyous voices the congregation received a word of encouragement delivered by Sister Marion from psalm 32:8. “The Lord says, I will guide you along the best pathway of your life. I will advise you and watch over you." 

Therefore, whatever situation that you are facing today, take heart, he is watching over you.
He encourages to give strength to the weak, the congregation was led to a moment of faith where believing casts away the devil and his agents out of his hiding.  They were guided into smashing the camp of Satan by commanding sickness, poverty, anger, confusion among others to flee in the name of Jesus. They prayed for Africa to be free from whatever seed of Satan. A faith filled prayer brings an answer; they began to overcome the evil one from their lives and families as all was possible through the groaning of the Holy Spirit to the father as he surely heard the intercession of his children. 

 Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve at night in the house of the Lord. Shouts of joy and praise could be heard from a jubilant congregation as the servant of God took position at the altar. Beaming with a great smile, he greeted the congregation and straight away guided them into dedicating their lives as they surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ. The word of God is holy and in order to receive it, one must be ready, the servant of God introduced the message of the day with the;


He said behind every confession, there is a spirit; it is either from Jesus or Satan (acts 16:16-18). This story teaches us to be spiritually awake to win the traps of Satan. The girl in question was possessed with an evil spirit to fore tell. It was an evil spirit speaking the truth about Paul at that time. The question is how true is that word that you hear about Jesus? 

Believers, if you give attention to the word of God, you will be delivered. It's the same way to the other side. When you hear and give attention to an evil spirit, he will posses you. The Servant of Servant of God continued to say that the moment is here for you to open up your heart for the word of God, it will surely work for you.
Take note: Satan speaks confusion and can also use the name of Jesus. To a believer, when Satan speaks, there will always be discomfort or a feeling of trouble. And when Jesus speaks, a believer will listen and take in the word for it will come with peace. A believer can't just believe in anything but only the word that touches his heart-the word of God. Paul was troubled by the girl's confession as the spirit in the girl's body was not in union with the one in Paul.

Never force yourself to believe because forced faith is pretense. In salvation, there is a storm that you might not stand when you force yourself to believe. It will sweep you away because your faith is not deep rooted. The servant of God re assured the congregation that he is here only to strengthen our faith, rather than forcing us to believe. With aid of John 14:15 he said, that if you love Him, you will obey His commands but at the moment many of us have failed. All we need to do is to emulate Him in all ways and obey Him for our salvation.  He added on that and said strengthen your faith by the word of God so that you can make to your miracle.Top of Form John 10:25; Jesus has already done miracles in His Father’s name but we have failed to believe. Why is it that we have failed to believe even after seeing the miracles? Believers, let the word of God be in your soul, guard it and do not let it bypass you.

The servant of God concluded the sermon by reminding the congregation to be true believers in order to receive the word of God for their deliverance. Affirmatively he said it is God's will to deliver you today. He moved the expectant congregation to another session of deliverance

He guided them to pray with the help of Mark 9:24 as they confessed- Lord Jesus Christ i believe but help me to believe more. I have been in this bad situation for so long and i know it has been as a result of my lack of faith. Jesus, give me new faith today to make me believe and be saved. Jesus wasted no time as He was called upon to save. He took charge as he delivered his people. No evil could stand in the presence of the almighty, as evil spirits manifested through loud screams as they fled the wrath of God.  Freedom was manifested spiritually and physically  in the bodies of the believers all in the name of Jesus. You too as you read this, open up and receive your freedom.

The servant of God then proclaimed that; let there be money, journeys abroad, protection and all closed doors to be opened in the name of Jesus Christ.

His grace is not limited, the spirit of prophecy began to flow and the servant of God revealed this about South Sudan; "I saw the boundary stones put to separate boarders being removed and after that, I saw a neighbor getting a panga and attacking the neighbor. This means that Southern Sudan is going to have another problem of land. There is going to be a big land conflict" He  advised those with land titles/papers to keep them very safe. He added that unless he intervenes in this issue it’s going to be very bad and many people will suffer. Everyone is going to suffer; in this even the foreigners will pack back to their countries but for the sake of the selected few, am here.

To end the service, the servant of God packaged for the believers a piece of advice to remember always that only Jesus is a solution to life’s problems. He said, all we need to do is to surrender everything to him and his will shall be done.  Cover your body, soul and spirit and everything in the fresh blood of Jesus and remember Jesus Christ is the son of God and the Lord of my life, this means, I can make it to my miracle.
Many have already made it to their miracles and they lined up to testify today. These are listed below to encourage you along your way to your miracle. 

Healed by the hem of the garment of the servant of God:
Sister Nakamanya Immaculate made it to her miracle. She has been with severe malaria for 2years that could be on and off. When she came for prayers on 12th October 2014, the grace of God located her as she was asked about her issue by the servant of God. She reported to the master about all her troubles. Amazing it was for her, the servant if God told her to touch the hem of his coat and after 5 minutes, she was completely healed.  Glory and honor be unto the Lord for the healing grace. Wonderful is His name as it is sickness for two years was taken away by only a touch on the garment of his servant

ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be holy washing on 26th October, keep time and come with a friend. See you there.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jesus for giving me wisdom. I look forward to being washed. Lord help me and prepare my soul.
