Sunday 25 June 2017


As psalmist David says “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to his name; worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness.” This scripture came to life again as passionate songs of worship resonated from the temple of the Lord on this beautiful day. The believers joined the choir to sing lovely songs of worship and praise to the Holy One of Israel, the King above all kings for the victories, strength, mercy, grace etal He has showered unto them throughout the week.

From the awe inspiring praise and worship the Servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso filled with the confidence of the Holy Spirit took position at the pulpit and his first words were, “I can make it to my miracle only if I focus on Jesus Christ alone.” The Servant of God then proceeded to lead the congregation into the message of the day titled,FEAR FOR GOD! 
With reference from the book of Psalm 128: 1-4, “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways…”The Seer noted that there can never be fear in the heart of a righteous man because it only has space for God’s fear. When you find that you have fear for worldly possessions; rent, family, wars, sickness and diseases get to know that you do not have God’s fear in you. Bringing more insight to the message the prophet alerted the believers that the only way Satan connects himself to us is through the fear in our hearts. Satan is a spirit and he knows what you fear, if it is fear to lose your family, job, money, marriage status, etal that is exactly what he will use to have dominion over you. 

The prophet noted that wherever you are not sure, the devil makes you his workshop emphasizing that fear is what satan always uses to govern and chain your life.
Digging deeper into the message prophet Abraham Richard advised the congregation that the only way satan can be defeated is not to fear any situation that comes your way. With reference to the book of Matthew 10:28, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”  the prophet of God urged the congregation to fear God more for He has over all power on earth and in the heavens. The Seer further cautioned every believer to walk in God’s ways, observing what you say and then you will be considered righteous in heaven.

Taking a walk in the book of Psalm 112:1-7, the Servant of God advised the congregation to train their hearts and spirits to fear God and there will be no space to fear bad news. On this note that the Prophet noted that one may pause a question what is it to fear God? By the Holy Spirit wisdom the prophet explained that fear for God is not only seen in body, it is majorly within one’s heart; God requires that you fear Him from inside and be very careful not to annoy Him.  Always be careful of your meditations in God’s presence and above all let your motive before the Lord always be clear. Summing up the teaching the Servant of God noted that unless you watch you footsteps in the Lord, you will never learn how to fear Him. 
I want to advise you, fear God then you will have a bonding relationship with Him. As a take home note the prophet informed the congregation that the best feeling a man can have is fear for God because God will always guide you.

Child of God, we believe you have been inspired by this encouraging message from the Lord. As Paul reminds us in Romans 8:15, “For you did not receive a spirit of fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.”  Begin to chase away every evil spirit of fear for losing worldly possessions and bad news in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer: You evil spirit of fear you are satan- I command you to come out of my heart, meditations and spirit in the name of Christ Jesus.  Out of me! Out of me! I over come you satan and all your traps in Christ Jesus’ name.

1 comment:

  1. You evil spirit of fear you are Satan,l command you to come our of me
