Sunday 18 June 2017


As the psalmist says that one day in the ord's presence is better than a thousand days in the King’s palace, tody was indeed a day to be reckoned with. Many believers were truly transformed as they danced and worshiped the Lord making it evident that man can't remain the same after having an encounter with the presence of God. From the wonderful praise and worship, the servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the expectant congregation into the message of the day titled; PERMANENT SOLUTION TO  MARRIAGE CHALLENGES! 

Prophet Abraham Richard's opening statement was that "we choose our partners depending on our physical attributes which is usually contrally to what God has in store for us." Unveiling the mystery hidden in his choice of words,  he said that today, we have relationships but not marriage. With strong emphasis, the prophet said everything began from the book of Genesis and they are as they were.
Quoting directly Genesis 2:18, “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable helper for him.’” . He noted that Satan has taken dominion over marriage and relationships that's why the Lord has sent him expose the tricks of the devil by unvailing his traps with the word of God to congregation. The Servant of God put emphasis on the word “suitable” stating that it is clear that from the beginning, it is not our duty to search for partners but rather it is God's obligation to provide to us what is suitable. Adding on, the prophet said that man does not know what he wants unless God leads him to His will.
Explaining further the mystries in marriage, Abraham Richard pointed out that a marriage that is guided by the Lord must produce good fruit and this fruit is love, trust, patience, and supply that even in amidst chaos, God will provide grace to carry the couple through the storm. He noted that it is an ancient virtue to rely on God as it was practiced by our biblical fore fathers citing Isaac's choice of bride from the book of Genisis 24:12-14 by his father's servant.

The prophet noted that, what is eating up today’s generation is that we do not  inquire from the Lord when finding partners thats why our relations are characterized by lies, fights, mistrust, lack among others. We do not value marriage any more thats why  many get into it by chance and break up in a flash.

Exposing deep how satan has robbed what God created holy and sacred, the prophet gave a self search moment to the congregants to discover where they belong. From the self evaluation silence, Abraham Richard the prophet made the soul food message sink deep in the beliver's hearts as he alerted that this era's marriage or relationship is defined grately by impatience to an extent that with a minor error, a relationship or marriage is ended wihout second thought since it is basically a marriage of chance or space.

The Servant of God continued the spiritually edifying teaching and noted that this generation is mainly living in the shadow of marriage where Satan has taken dominion; leading couples into fighting wrong battles full of competition and lies.
He encouraged the congregants to wake up and kick the devil out of their househols by identifying who they are before God in relation to sex.  He explained that God created male and female each with a divine purpose. Therefore, if one clearly understands who they are, there won't be strife between man and woman as we experience today where men have turned to carry  out female roles in relationships and vice vasa.

The Servant of God continued to affirm to the believers that it is only God who sets a marriage and  true marriage comes from heaven. He asked the  congregation to emulate the word of God as it is written in the book of Jeremiah 10:23, “I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.”  Specifically, the  prophet advised women to be women and stop entering relationships of chance but rather rely on God making it clear that every woman has a man and there is no man with God keeping in mind that God honors marriage and looks at a marital bed as sacred. Therefore it obvious that He watches and protects over where He leads. The prophet as well encouraged men to carry out their duties as assigned to them by God.

Summing up the eye opening message the servant of God noted that he had come to teach with a revelation from Paul's message in the book of 1Corinthians 7. He said that contrary to our popular belief of marriage being a solution to immorality, the prophet alerted the congregation that it is not a solution unles one understands what marriage is.

Dear reader, we believe you have been inspired by this message; make a prayer of faith and surely God will answer you (Matthew 7:7-8).

Ask the Lord to guide and speak about the relarionship or marriage you are in before you take the next step . Continue in prayer and call on God to seprate you from that darkness full of evil spirits that you gathered from your past relationships. In Jesus 
Christ's name make your requests known to Him.

1 comment:

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