Tuesday 2 August 2016


31st July 2016 was a new day indeed! Worship, praise with joyful hearts were raised to the most high God. Glory and honour filled God’s sanctuary; the sick and weary received their rest. Testimonies were an evidence of the powerful working hand of God. Amidst God’s presence, Evangelist Kenyangi Hannah took position at the pulpit under the instruction of her Father in the Lord Abraham Richard and led the expectant congregation to the message of the day titled, “DO NOT GIVE UP!”

With reference to the book of John 16:33 Evangelist Hannah said that Jesus Christ is talking to you a believer; you must meet challenges but they will not kill you therefore do not give up no matter what is hitting you. She said that the greatest- Jesus Christ overcame them for that reason. Therefore as His solider be of good cheer knowing that the situation you are in is not going to kill you.

The Evangelist reminded believers that it is only the grace of God that you need today to overcome the situation you are in. Evangelist Hannah advised believers that whenever you feel a situation is intolerable on you, remember how far Christ Jesus has brought you; he is the same God who saw you through the first time you had a terrible situation. He will see you through this situation too. 

With reference to the book of Jeremiah 29:11 Evangelist Hannah summed the faith building message telling you a believer that Christ Jesus has the best plans for you. Don’t faint along the way no matter the situation that hits you; endure run the race and finish it.


Sister Atukunda Eva testified for the protection the Lord bestowed upon her life throughout the war in South Sudan. Sister Eva said that it was only the God of Abraham Richard who saved her from the life threatening ordeal that she went through; she said that on 3rd July 2016 when the Servant of God prophesied about the war that was coming to Sudan and told the believers to pray because it was going to be worse than 2013, she followed the instruction because a word from a prophet of God cannot be disputed.

Sister Eva who resides near the military barracks of the South Sudan forces narrated that for her the war began on 5th July 2016 as she was from the shop to pick her phone from charging she witnessed soldiers kill two gentlemen. Upon seeing what was happening she started running cling onto the mercy chain and asking God to have mercy and spare her life.

Indeed the God of Abraham Richard was faithful she found a place to hide and when she heard calmness had been restored, she rushed back home and picked her Revelation book. As Sister Eva was looking for a route out she noticed that the government soldiers who had heavy artillery had besieged her place of residence and were using it as a base to hit the rebels. Peeping through her house she saw the rebels were uprooting the wire mesh that was surrounding their houses to enter. Sister Eva run out of her house made of iron sheets and used a back entrance breaking into the bathroom and pushed through the wires and found herself in another compound. 
There she found other six Somali Nationals hiding and she joined them but she had one prayer on her heart was, “ God of Abraham Richard please protect me, let these soldiers not see me rather let them see your son Abraham Richard” As the scripture says in Romans 10:11 “…anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.”

The God of Abraham Richard certainly proved His trustworthiness. When the soldiers broke through where Sister Eva resides they proceeded to where she was hiding with the Somali Nationals; on seeing them, the soldiers instructed the six Somali nationals to fully undress but they ignored Sister Eva like she was invisible and she watched the Somali Nationals being taken away by the soldiers. This act proved to Sister Eva that truly she was under the protection of the Lord. She also noted that her God did not only protect her life but her property too, a lot of looting was going on but her property was not touched.  The God of Abraham Richard kept her safe until she returned to her home country Uganda unharmed.

Indeed the God of Abraham Richard is a living God who never sleeps nor slumbers when watching over His People. Glory and honour go back to you wonderful Father!

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