Tuesday 26 July 2016


True Vine Communion Ministries is indeed the garden of the Lord where the sick, lame, hopeless and the heavy laden get their rest. Faithful as the Lord is on 24th July 2016, everyone who came in search of the Holy one of Israel was not left unanswered. In the incredible worship for the King of kings, the servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the message of the day titled, TOMORROW IS A MYSTERY! With reference from the book of John 8:21
The servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso noted that no one believed Jesus Christ when He said that He was going because no one knew about tomorrow. He said that today is all you have to do what is right because you do not know your tomorrow. The prophet affirmed that it is only God who knows our tomorrow therefore it is in our own interest to do our very best today. Abraham Richard emphasised the point that we do not know what tomorrow holds reminding the congregation that even Jesus Christ does not know the set time only God knows therefore one should endeavor to do his best today; as a man you do not know what tomorrow holds, it is a mystery. 
He encouraged the believers to always focus unto to God no matter the situation they are in because in the race of salvation, people will focus on you to see if you stand or fall back into your old ways. The Servant of God reminded the believers that the world does not look at the situation a believer is going through but rather is interested in the outcome which must inspire them to talk about how true that believer’s God is. 

Going deeper in the message the prophet said that a man who does not see tomorrow is bound to make mistakes and most Christians are suffering today because of their past mistakes; he urged the congregation to be careful of what they do today because it will set their tomorrow. Abraham Richard enlightened the believers that it is a blasphemy for a believer to run back to his enemies for help in times of challenges advising them to stick on what they believe and keep in the race for the best crown.
The Servant of God summing up the faith enriching teaching, advised the believers from the book of Proverbs 16:9 and urged them to commit their plans to the Lord for tomorrow is a mystery with a caution that what one does last determines his destiny; therefore remember to do your best every single day. 


The Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit prophesied, “Sudan! Whatever happens God is involved. If the percentage of foreigners has been 90%, it is going to reduce to 20% meaning many will not return back. The 70% will not go back even the 20% that will go back will want to come back home because there is nothing any more there. I warn you as a Servant of God. The reason why the 70% is not going back is that; what you see is not yet finished, it will be finished when that whole government is down. When this government is off then you will begin to see a lot of changes happening; this is what we shall call a rebirth of a Nation. But now the Nation is not safe, I have warned from the beginning.

The Servant of God continued and said, ‘how will you know that this message is from the Lord?’ You are going to see Arabs working to conquer a part of South Sudan; the upper part now imagine what will remain down there. There will be divisions; different groups fighting each other and the Arabs will be securing the upper part.

I have seen a treaty being signed and the treaty is between Uganda and the Nation South Sudan. This treaty will be signed and behind this treaty there will be Ugandan citizens dying so much so and it will involve the government of Uganda to get into contact with the government of South Sudan and there will be a treaty signed.

The Servant of God gave a piece of advice to Ugandans saying that if you are having a business in Sudan I want to advise you try and see that you can shift the business, bring it home. Don’t worry I am seeing other neighboring countries opening their borders; we are going to get there also.”


Evangelist James Stephen Ian testified for the protection of the God of Abraham Richard that he bestowed upon his life during the South Sudan conflict. He said that on 3rd July 2016 when the Servant of God prophesied about the war that was coming to South Sudan and instructed them to pray, Evangelist James prayed to the point of shading tears because he went through the  2013 ordeal in the same nation and  did not want to see it re-occur. 
Evangelist James reminded the congregation that in 2013, the Servant of God had prophesied about the war and it had come to pass. He noted that he witnessed the loss of many lives that did not even deserve to face such kind of death. To make matters worse, Evangelist James Ian was present when the Servant of God Abraham Richard was proclaiming that the situation would be worse. Believer!! Indeed the word of God can never fall on bare ground the following week on 7th July 2016, war broke out in South Sudan and it was really terrible. 
As he was coming from church he met a lot of traffic jam which is unusual in the area and everyone was wondering at what might have happened, People got out of their cars to see exactly what was happening. Amidst that, Brother James had also stopped his car and a voice told him to start his car and as soon as he did, the gunshot began sounding instantaneously and he was amidst cross fire. He narrated that it was a moment of fear as they began to take cover as soldiers were also running away from the scene of battle with the guns. 
On seeing that he cried out- “Blood of Jesus”, Evangelist James reversed his vehicle in a rush and in the process he rammed into a car and the soldiers fired at the car tyres and he drove on rimes but by the grace of God he managed to reach home; and that was just the beginning of war. Evangelist James narrated that everybody in South Sudan was on tenterhooks but those who believed in the God of Abraham Richard had solace because they believed that their God can never forsake them even when they had lost hope.
It seemed over but it was not yet over, it was just the beginning, on Sunday 10th July 2016 during the service when Evangelist James had taken position at the pulpit they had bullets pouring like rain around them; hardly did they know that the rebels had set camp around the church area and the government soldiers were shooting at them; the war intensified and the whole congregation was looking at him for a solution. He led the believers to a rock and then made a prayer saying, “God of Abraham Richard show us the way.” Immediately after that prayer the bullets ceased and the Evangelist was dressed with boldness as it was Moses when he was leading the Israelites and commanded one of the ministers on the route to take.As they were on the way out of the hailstorms of bullets, the Evangelist was reminded about the keys that he had left and he went back to pick the keys but on his way out the Lord asked him, “What about my temple?” When Evangelist James had this, he started organizing the temple in the midst of the bullets and those who had left him called him but when he recalled the word of the servant of God that the Church was safest place, he told them to go if I die here you will testify that they had an evangelist who saved their lives and died on the mission of Jesus Christ. 

True and true those who fully depend on God will never be disappointed; Evangelist James said that truly it was only grace that kept him alive in the midst of the war; he got the Anointed book, “Am a child of a General” and he was depending on it to see him through. Due to the heavy gunfire that was going on, Evangelist James sought refuge in a rock  where he spent the night only looking at the Anointed book at one statement saying, “ you must fight the battle to be crowned” because in that moment he said could not make any prayer. 
Faithful is the Lord, He kept Evangelist James safe throughout the night where there all kinds of gun fire were blazing to the point of the rocks around him  were shattered but the Lord kept him safe. In the morning on his way back to his premises he met a lot of dead bodies and as he continued he met one government minister who was so astonished to see him alive yet he was coming from rock city the center of crossfire and the minister undoubtly affirmed that truly Evangelist James served a living God.
Indeed the same God who rescued Paul and Silas from jail did it again, he rescued Evangelist James from the hailstorms of bullets; when the rest of the believers saw him, they were all shocked and amazed at how greatly the Lord had protected him. The same God did not stop at that he kept his people under his protection until they reached Uganda in one piece. 
The Evangelist advised the believers to always value what God speaks to you through his servant Abraham Richard. In his words he said, “If the prophet says pray, pray like it is your last day. In the midst of the bullets I could not pray. If you do not believe the appearance of the Servant of God Abraham Richard, at least believe his word, it will save you!” Glory and honour go back to Jehovah Nissi.

Sister Nabasitu Racheal glowing with smiles testified for the protection the God of Abraham Richard has given her life. She narrated her story that while in Juba the Servant of God prophesied that war is coming again and they should prepare and leave. Hardly had the Servant of God left Juba than war broke out he had prophesied; bringing the scripture to life that prophets have never spoken from their own minds but from the will of God. Sister Racheal who listened to the voice of the Lord decided to pack a few of her belongings and when the war broke out she hurriedly picked her bag with the Anointed book- Am a child of a General and looked for means to come back to Uganda which she attained. 
Sister Racheal embarked on her journey to Uganda but it was not an easy one, as she forgot one valuable item that was her passport; her only salvation was in the Anointed book- Am a child of a General which she used as her passport and protection. Sister Racheal narrated that she undeniably saw the working hand of God in her life at that particular moment; several people lost their lives and many were injured but she survived; whenever they reached at any roadblock the soldiers would take people’s phones, laptops and other valuables expect her. They would ask to see the general on the book and after seeing him they would return the Anointed book to Sister Racheal.

As it is written in the 2Kings 6:18 that Elisha’s God struck his enemies with blindness the same power is still present for those who trust in God’s servants. The anointing on the book blinded the soldiers on the road blocks and reached Sister Racheal safely back to Uganda. Glory and honour go back to the God of Abraham Richard.

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