Sunday 17 July 2016


Songs of worship and praise streamed from the temple of the Holy One of Israel as the believers worshipped and praised the maker of heaven and earth. As King David says that one day in the presence of the Lord is better than a thousand in the Kings palace indeed the believers brought the scripture to life again as they praised and worshipped the great Iam like it was their last day. From the mega praise and worship the Servant of God took position at the pulpit and led us into the message from the book of Galatians 5:4 with a message titled DEPEND ON THE GRACE OF GOD THAN LAW.
The Servant of God said that the greatest challenge Christians will always face today is time- to do the right thing. The prophet said that the faith required for a believer is of now. He said that faith is in present tense; when you believe now, it will save your tomorrow which is a mystery. Bringing more light to the matter, the Servant of God noted that our tomorrow is set by our today therefore give God your best now. The Prophet of God going deeper in the message said that as a believer when you are going to do anything, do it for Jesus Christ to see you not humans. When you reach in your tomorrow, remember that what you find there is what you planted today. 

 The Servant of God Abraham Richard said that as a believer what you do last is what matters in heaven; citing the example of the thief at the cross with Jesus saying that it is what he did last on the cross that mattered in the heavens. The Servant of God reminded the believers that nothing just happens to a believer in every situation; Christ Jesus has something to say. The Servant of God Abraham Richard took a walk in the book of Ecclesiastes 3, informing the believers that there is time for everything.

Summing up the message, the prophet encouraged the believers to take heart and focus on Christ Jesus and His saving grace because at the end of the situation you are in there is glory.



The servant of God Abraham Richard prophesied on Sunday 17th July 2016, “Look at your life now, do you see any good news around it? The news around you is bad but there is glory. The situation around you is pushing you to your glory. Look deep in your situation there is glory in it.”

This is North West Kenya, there is going to be a hijack; they are going to hold people hostage like they did last time in the West gate mall attack.  It is in your power as a believer to stop this attack of Satan, this is devil’s plan. This is North West; it is also a business place. The back door, near the packing, there is where the camp is going to be set.”

On 24th January 2016 the servant of God Abraham Richard revealed, “I am seeing a threat of war between two great nations, I am not talking about Turkey. It is different. Where the problem will come from I don’t know but trade will be part of stirring up this problem. I am seeing soldiers of this nation dying and after it will cause more tension.”  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Prophet Abraham repeated the same revelation today the17th July 2016 and said, “Now is the time, put your ears on the ground.”

Prophet Abraham Richard under the authority of Master Christ Jesus revealed this about the Nation Uganda once again the same way he prophesied on Sunday 22nd May 2016 that, “I saw two angels of God and one pulled out a sword to strike the nation Uganda and I screamed, ‘there are some that are innocent in this country!’ The second angel left to spot out the innocent and when the angel returns there will be wailing and crying in this Nation.”

Prophet Abraham Richard revealed on Sunday 10th July 2016 that “I have talked about this Nation and this is the last time. I have seen even the innocent dying in what is coming. I want you to rise up and pray because what you don’t want is coming to your Nation Uganda.” He repeated this prophecy today 17th July 2016.

Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso inspired by the Holy Spirit on 24th 2016 revealed, “…new foundation has been set in the gospel of Christ Jesus. This year even if the flock is to be displaced because their leaders have been struck, not all the flock is leaving. More church goers (those who are here and there) will go to black faith-Satan because they are being fed by the lies of their leaders.” The servant of God again on 7th February 2016, prophesied about scarcity of living water.  He who has an ear, hear what the spirit is saying to the churches; the prophet once again on 17th July 2016 repeated the prophecy about a new foundation. He said “Another thing we have to pray for is the church. Whoever God did not plant this year, the little root that had remained in the ground will be uprooted. The church has moved from God to man’s thinking. Only that one that the Lord has put will be on the foundation.

1 comment:

  1. May the Lord Almighty have mercy on us Uganda. Father, have mercy on us the rebellious generation.
