Sunday 8 May 2016


The presence of the Lord hovered at True Vine Communion Ministries as the congregation worshipped and praised the Lord in His full majesty. Believers used their whole to worship the Lord using all kinds of instruments and dances to give glory to Him. From the wonderful praise and worship, the Servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the message of the day from the book of 2Corinthians 9:6 titled; GIVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART! The Servant of God told the believers that as long as earth lives, there will always be sowing and harvesting meaning that as a believer you must sow your best in order to reap the best from God. The Servant of God continued to say that as a believer, if you want God to give you money, give him your money and if you want God’s time; give him your time.

The prophet went deeper in the message reminding the believers that the attitude you use to give God is the same He will use to give you. He used an analogy that you can never plant beans and harvest maize. He affirmed that whatever you ask God is exactly what He will give you but when you give God with a heart of love, you will return it pressed down and shaken (Luke 6:38).

The Servant of God further explained to the congregation that what fails Christians to attain wealth today is giving God sparingly. As a Christian you can attain all miracles expect wealth with such an attitude. The Servant of God continued to remind the Congregants that if they want wealth, they should give God everything of theirs unsparingly citing an example of our fore father Abraham, who did not hesitate to sacrifice his only son –Isaac when God asked for him and at the end he was made father of a great nation.

Summing up the teaching, the Servant of God advised the congregation not to be short sighted in the presence of God rather to give God their best and He will return it back for everything comes from Him.

Sister Nansamba Fransisca testified for the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. She said that she was a sickle cells carrier and was always sickly. Hospitals were her second home. Sister Fransisca is a married woman and due to her condition bearing a child was a myth. She always had miscarriages that led to her in laws always taunting her and always pushing her husband to abandon her. The servant of God gave her a prophecy that she will bear a child; but even after this word she continued to be hospitalized and rejected by her relatives. She did not give up on Christ and His word.  God is faithful, His word came to pass and she was healed and gave birth to a baby boy. Today Sister Francisca is so grateful that her gift- Kitenda Jubilee made a year on 28th April 2016. Glory and honor goes back to God who never fails.

1 comment:

  1. I am greatly moved this message and as a believer it is what I needed to read so that I can know where true weather comes from. I should give God with all my heart for God is no man to lie. When Abraham gave God what he loved the most, God was moved greatly. That should be my focus as a believer to give in love and faith to my Creator.
    Jesus Christmas help me to love you in the best way possible. Amen
