Sunday 15 May 2016



True Vine Communion is indeed the dwelling place of the King of kings where all burdens are taken away, this was manifested as believers came in large crowds in the heavy downpour to receive peace, salvation, healing and deliverance from Jesus Christ. Faithful as He is, Jesus Christ did not fail His people; those who sought Him were transformed. The servant of God took position at the pulpit amidst ululations and called on the Believers to thank the Lord for all done in their lives. He then led the Congregations into the message of the day titled SELF CONTROL LEADS TO PRAYER from the book of 1Peter 4:1-3&7
The servant of God Abraham Richard opened up the teaching saying that as a Christian you must have a goal and in so doing, you will have a clear mind. Abraham Richard the prophet went deeper in the message to explain to the believers that a clear mind is one that is visionary therefore let your heart, soul and mind be set on Jesus Christ. The prophet told the Congregants that when faced with any form of challenge and you cannot find self-control or the urge to pray, know that there is a problem.  The Servant of God told the house of believers that what fails Christians from praying is the heaviness of the challenges they meet. When you stop seeking God you are digging a pit for yourself in your business, family, spiritual life etal because a prayer cannot be answered if it is not made.  He advised them to let go of trivial matters just like Christ Jesus did; it will help them have self-control and thus the urge to pray.
Summing up the message of the day, the prophet cautioned the congregation that the end time is near therefore they should not stop praying (sowing) so that they can harvest.  

Sister Namukwaya Sharifah testified for the God of Abraham Richard and thanked Him for what he has made her. On 14th September 2014, the Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit prophised to sister Sharifah that, "I see you in Dubai and I see the word Dubai written on your face." Sister Sharifah was astonished to hear these words from the servant of God because the thought of going to Dubai had never crossed her mind; she was instead planning to go and work in Juba- South Sudan.
As any human being she started making plans to go to Dubai in hopes of working there but all her plans were futile and she gave up the idea and let God's will take course. As it is written in Isaiah 55:8 that the thoughts of man are not the thoughts of God, in the year 2016 the servant of God kept telling her that are you ready to go to Dubai but considering the fact that she was financially unstable she kept on telling the servant of God that she did not have money; he told her that if God has said it, He will make a way.
Indeed the God of Abraham Richard made a way for her; an unexpected friend offered her a three months all paid trip to Dubai. Upon reaching Dubai, it was not a smooth ride for sister Sharifah as satan used his old tricks to attack her. The person who had offered her the trip abandoned her and she was left in Dubai like an orphan. Just like Job did, she did not give in to Satan's temptations rather she called upon Jesus Christ to see her through because she did not want to sin against God.
She spent the night crying and calling upon the God of Abraham Richard saying, "You did not take me to disgrace your name, make a way for me" faithful as He is, God used His Servant Abraham Richard who sent a message saying, "Sharifah, here Iam." Upon seeing the message, she felt peace within her and knew that indeed God had not forsaken her. Surely the Lord will make a way for those who seek him in truth, the following day on her way to spend her last penny on ice-cream; as it was with Prophet Elijah in 2 Kings 17:4, "...I have ordered the Ravens to feed you there." Sister Sharifah met a gentleman who offered to cater for her in Dubai; this guardian angel told her to look at him as a father figure. Indeed he took the role of a father as this angel ensured that sister Sharifah never lacked anything. The faithful Lord also made the Guardian Angel offer sister Sharifah a large sum of money as a send off token to start up a business as she returned to Uganda. Beaming with smiles, sister Sharifah advised believers to always trust the word given to them from the servant of God. Glory and honor goes back to the wonderful God of Abraham Richard.
True Vine Communion Ministries's photo.
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