Saturday 30 April 2016


The General of the Lord Abraham Richard led the believers into breath taking worship and praise for the king of Kings; with joyous hearts they emulated their fore fathers who worshipped the Lord in truth and Spirit. Indeed a house that worships the Lord in spirit and truth draws the presence of God in their midst; this was manifested today 24th April 2016 as the glory, majesty, power and beauty of the Lord shone in his garden- True Vine Communion Ministries. From the glorious worship, the General took position at the pulpit and His first words were, “I want to give you good news! The financial battle you are in, it is not yours to fight this week, for the battle belongs to the Lord.”  With that proclamation the Prophet of the Lord took the congregation into the message of day from the book of Luke 14:16-21 titled, “THERE IS NO EXCUSE TO GOD’S COMMAND”

With reference to the parable of the great banquet, the prophet said that the same way these men gave excuses that seemed right for not attending the banquet applies to our day to day lives as Christians. We never run out of excuses; these reasons that we always give as believers for failing to execute God’s command will lead  to our disqualification from the kingdom of God. Going deeper to in the message, Abraham Richard the seer said that as a believer these reasons you give God maybe valid to you or even to the world; your child may be sick, you may have lost a relative or you may have assignments at your work place but you should know that there is no excuse you can give to God’s command.

He noted that the world’s view and judgment about things is different from the way heaven judges, therefore as a Christian you should never consider your reason to be valid before your Creator.
Summing up the eye opening teaching, the prophet advised believers never to make a mistake of allowing challenges to stand in the way of God.  Adding on, he cautioned the congregants that they will always face challenges and situations to fail them but as believers, power is in their hands to choose to succumb to the challenges or not.


Sister Ategeka Anna beaming with smiles testified for the God of Abraham Richard for perfecting His word in her life. She said that truly this God is a life changer who raises the poor from rags to riches. As a single mother of two and uneducated, she struggled to raise her Children working in bars in Kampala which did not work out until she had to travel to Juba for greener pastures. When there was no prosperity and peace as she had anticipated, she was forced to return to Uganda and on Tuesday 22th November 2011 at 2Pm meet the Servant of God Abraham Richard who revealed to her that irrespective of her struggles, she is meant to serve God and in serving Him, she will get whatever she wanted.
 On receiving the message, Sister Anna could not believe it fully basing on the terrible times she was facing. At that time, she was appointed as a point of contact for True Vine Communion Ministries to expand in Juba. The Lord through His servant Abraham Richard warned her to stop working in the bar or else she would lose her life. In her rebellion she got a dream in which God was affirming the same message that the servant of God had given her seeing herself being shot and killed as she worked at the bar. She left the bar and began to serve God but resorted to hawking clothes on the streets of Juba a business that earned her very little money compared to what she previously earned as a bar tender. She remembers the scotching sun in Juba as she struggled to get money and at the same time walk through Konyokonyo looking for contacts here and there to gather the children of God to worship Him. It was a trying experience because God wanted her to serve Him without looking at her needs. Although she knew that Abraham Richard was a Prophet of God, she could not believe that God would take care of her children basing on the terrible situation she was facing; begging different relatives to house her Children while she struggled to look for school fees. Isaiah 55:11 puts it clearly that the word of God can never fall on bare ground but accomplishes what it is meant to do. Regardless of Sister Anna’s on and off faith, Jesus Christ watered His word in her life.

Indeed the word of God does not lie as it is written in Isaiah 65:23, the Lord says that his servants will never toil in vain nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune. God opened up invisible doors and her breakthrough came when an unexpected relative offered her 70000 US dollars and this was the beginning. Sister Anna is now a living testimony; her children have reached educational levels she never dreamt of, her eldest son is joining University, the younger is in high school to the glory of God. She bought a plot of land in July 2015 in Bujjuko and the Lord still provided for her and she bought another one on which she has built a house where she stays with her children as one happy family in Lubugumu; not by her strength or might but by the grace of God. Sister Anna affirmed that this she testified for, she received it the time she got the message from the Lord to serve Him through His servant Abraham Richard. She advised the believers to trust in the word of God when it is given to them for indeed it is always true despite the challenges they face. Glory and honor goes back to the life changing God of Abraham Richard.

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