Sunday 24 April 2016


Sunday 17th April was filled with melodious music as the Servant of God led the congregation into true worship and praise of the Holy One of Israel. No one was left seated as they danced and worshipped in full assurance that their Master Christ Jesus had delivered them from the claws of Satan. The atmosphere was with filled with a beautiful aura from the throne of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. From such great music, Abraham Richard the prophet moved the congregants into the message of the day, “I AM A SON OF A GENERAL” 

The first words out of his mouth were if there are Generals in this world, then Christ Jesus is the Chief General. Affirming that if your father is a chief of Generals, then as a believer you must be aware that you too are a general. The Prophet of God informed the congregation that what is failing Christians today is not knowing who their father is and that gives Satan an opportunity to always surround them. With reference from Ephesians 6:10-12, the Servant of God said that as Christians, you must put on the full armor of God to be ready to fight against the devil’s schemes in our lives, ministries and families. He went ahead and said that in the life of a believer there are battles to fight and will always be part of your life until death.

Quoting 2Chronicles 20:15, he assured the believers that the battle is not theirs but God’s; all they have to   do is to take position in the battle field. He cautioned the believers to never lose or run away from a battle because they will never be promoted in the kingdom of God. He urged the believers to stop living a civilian life alerting them that they are soldiers of Christ Jesus.

The Servant of God reminded the congregation that Christians are attacked in the same way regardless of their Spiritual maturity level. This is all because Satan knows who you are; a child of a General. Abraham Richard the General of Jesus Christ summed up the teaching affirming to believers that they are at war therefore they start behaving like Generals.


Brother Ssegirinya Fahad testified for the mighty God of Abraham Richard who transforms lives. He came to True Vine Communion Ministries when his life was in torment; drinking was the order of the day for him and even if he was tired of the life he was living he could not leave it alone; clearly depicting that it was evil working in him. When he had an encounter with the Servant of God,  he revealed to him that a spirit of drunkenness was in their family and was following him which brother Fahad confirmed to be true saying, “ Our grandfather used to brew alcohol and even when our father changed to Islam, my brothers and I still drink.” The Servant of God still under the guidance of the Holy Spirit asked him, “Where is Allan?”

This statement surprised and triggered Brother Fahad to explain that Allan is his friend who stays and works in Qatar who had offered him a deal to go there but because alcohol was his treasure he brushed the idea off and never pursued it. The Servant of God advised him to give himself more to God because this drunkenness was going to steal away his future.  Indeed the Lord reveals to save, brother Fahad received a touch from Jesus Christ, instantly and he was declared free from the spirit of drunkenness. Jesus Christ the healer of infirmities did not stop at that only; brother Fahad was allergic to air fresheners and perfumes that had limited his social life. This was proved when an air freshener was sprayed on his hand and when he sniffed it an instant allergic reaction occurred but when the Servant of God sprinkled holy water on him the reaction ceased instantly. Thank you Lord for you indeed set captives free.


As it is written in 2Kings 6:16, “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”  This scripture was re-lived when servant of God made a prayer asking his heavenly father to open the eyes of the congregation and see what was happening in the spirit. Heavenly beings immediately possessed some of the congregants and unconsciously took position in front. 

On the command of the Servant of God, these bodies built a wall around him and the Servant of God explained to the believers that what happened was exactly in the Spirit where all the fighting Angels of the Lord were present and fighting for every general of the kingdom of heaven. Indeed the eyes of men were opened to see.

Jesus Christ has never ceased to do good, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed to Brother Kakuru William what had been bothering his heart for a long period of time.

The servant of God asked, “What happened and still is happening to your studies? Check my question; your studies. He responded, “When I finished senior six, I pursued a Diploma in journalism though I wanted to do a Degree.

Servant of God: “Did you complete the Diploma in journalism?” He responded, “No, I gave up due to lack of school fees. I also tried to pursue a short course in Videography and Photography but I never completed it due to school fees too. I am currently selling shoes. The servant of God replied, “This is not God’s will selling shoes. After this, you are going to pursue to work in the Arabic countries.

While shocked, Brother William replied, “It is true.”   The Servant of God continued, “Even finishing A-level was a struggle. His response was, “It is true in senior five. I was chased for School fees for one term and my mum told me that since I am young I can sit home.

The servant of God said, “You are going back to School and you will go back and do a Degree in Journalism.

You too wherever you are. God has not forgotten about you, the situation you are passing through, he knows and He has a solution.

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