Monday 18 April 2016


Songs of worship filled the temple of the Lord as the believers worshipped the Holy one of Israel in His majesty and honor.From the wonderful worship, Evangelist Mbabazi John under the authority of her Father in the Lord, Abraham Richard took position at the pulpit and led us into the message of the day titled, LEARN TO TRUST IN GOD’S WORD with reference from Luke 1:5-15. The evangelist said that the situation you are facing as a Christian today is awaiting for God’s time when He will glorify his name. Citing the example of Elizabeth and Zechariah evangelist John said that they fully depended on God and trusted Him; for this very reason they kept performing their duties regardless of their barrenness. The evangelist encouraged believers to always trust God’s word because the moment you do it, you will find peace. She noted that as Christians, we need to be confident in Jesus Christ and patiently wait no matter the situation that comes our way because Jesus Christ is aware of it and His word does not lie.
Summing up the teaching, Evangelist John took a walk in the book of Hebrews 21:14-16, reminding believers that Jesus Christ became like us so that He can experience what we humans go through; making him a worthy High Priest. There is nothing we go through and Jesus did not go through, therefore trust Him and know He has the best plans for you.


Ms Nakyazze Goretti
Sister Nakyazze Goretti testified for the power of prophecy in True Vine Communion Ministries. She came on 27th March 2016 full of despair; her business was at a standstill due to a swollen chest that had caused her severe chest pain. Her husband had abandoned his responsibility of looking after her family for thirteen years.  Her day of freedom came when she had an encounter with the servant of God; hardly had Sister Nakyanzi reported her issues than the Servant of God guided by the Holy Spirit revealed about her constant crying over her Children and lamenting about her husband’s irresponsibility. She confirmed it as true. The Servant of God Abraham Richard gave her money and said, “don’t worry, Jesus is here for you.” He also told her that she is a rich woman. After receiving the word of God, within two days she received a phone call from her estranged husband informing her that he is going to take up the responsibilities he had abandoned as a father. Sister Goretti was astonished by the little time the word of God, “don’t worry Jesus is here for you” made a tremendous change in her life. Sister Goretti who was once a sorrowful woman is now happy and at peace. Thank you Jesus Christ for you are a life changer.  

When you see the former Speaker re-elected, those of you who are spiritual in this country get to know that prophecy has come to pass in this Country; even those who are crying on the streets rejoice! Those of you who are not spiritual begin to lament. But if she doesn’t get re-elected, get to know that the devil has won.

I was thinking about the nation Uganda-the saga happening. I don’t want to stir up division amongst you.  There is a secret and it is hidden in Proverbs 28:12.

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