Monday 14 March 2016


On Sunday 13th  March, the presence of the Lord was evident at True Vine Communion Ministries as the choir worshipped the Holy One in His majesty and splendor. Believers that came yearning to worship the Lord in truth and spirit were left with the joy and the peace of the Holy Spirit. From the love filled worship the servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the message of the day titled “IT IS TIME!” with reference from Matthew 15:21 the servant of God said that a prayer of faith made from the heart talks to God citing the example of the gentile woman in verse 26, she persisted because she was speaking to God from the heart and she expected an answer from Him. He went ahead and said that when a man of faith enters a prayer room they will never leave until they have been answered.

 Breaking down the message, the servant of God gave an example of Hannah that as she was praying, people saw her as drunk but her heart was pouring out to God; because her heart was talking to God. With reference from Mark 10:35 the servant of God advised the believers that whenever you have a burning issue, speak to God about it with the heart. Whatever challenge or inquiry, ask God and He will take it away. The servant of God noted that the problem with Christians today is not having faith yet it is very easy to get faith from God, all you have to do is follow orders from Jesus Christ. Adding on, he alerted that it is not your faith to take you through, it is for He the author of faith- Christ Jesus.

Summing up the day’s message, the servant of God Abraham Richard announced that the time is now to see faith walking, whatever the Lord promised you is already available, all you have to do is follow instructions. As a believer take an example of Peter who obeyed the Lord and walked on water and emulate him.



Ms Tindyebwa Rhennah
Sister Tindyebwa Rhennah from Dubai testified for the miracle attained from the God of Abraham Richard. She said that ever since she relocated to United Arab Emirates, her prayer had been to get a well-paying job, with good working conditions and a permanent residence. She narrated that during her stay in UAE, she constantly reminded God of her issue-a temporary job that was due to expire on 7th December 2015. Surely the Lord did not forsake her, on the 6th December 2015 while deep in thoughts; sister Rhennah received a message from the servant of God Abraham Richard. This comforted and affirmed to her that the Lord had located her. She behaved like Jacob in Genesis 32, without wasting the moment she responded to the servant of God with her prayer request of getting a permanent job with favorable working conditions and a permanent residence. He prayed for her and revealed to her that he was seeing a bright star on her forehead. She said that from that moment the worries that were on her heart were no more. Indeed the Lord works in mysterious ways, He blessed her. Where she was supposed to work only that morning and join the list of unemployed, Sister Rhennah received a phone call with good news that she was to stay and work on a permanent basis. She encouraged the congregants not to miss a moment whenever they get an encounter with the Lord through his servant.


Brother Mucunguzi Wilber glorified the name of the Lord Christ Jesus. He said that for a period of
 four years he had a terrible health condition. He had a weak man hood, a kidney problem, a ballooned colon; his coronary artery was blocked, skin allergy and backaches. This failed him to go about his daily activities and he went to Quantum hospital in Juba the doctors prescribed drugs worth 3574 SSP an amount brother Wilber could not afford.

Mr Mucunguzi Wilber
As it is written in the book of Matthew 11:28  that come unto me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest, brother Wilber laid his heavy laden to Jesus Christ when he met the servant of God and he told him that nothing is impossible with God. A word from a servant of God is can never go back when it has not accomplished its work; brother Wilber upon returning to Uganda ,he went to  JICCA Clinical Laboratory in Wandegeya to do a full body checkup.  Indeed God is rich in mercy and abounding in love, brother Wilber’s results came back negative affirming that all the diseases were healed. He narrated that he is in position to do his marital duties as well as walking, standing for long which was difficult for him before. Glory and honor return to the Lord of hosts.



Kololo! Your Kololo am seeing these routes like fences that go in, I saw army tracks blocking them. When I saw this, I could see guns pointing at civilians coming from Kololo. Something bad is boiling and will come from there. It is the devil’s trap. Am seeing People dying .This I am talking about is not years to come but very soon. Pray and stop it in the name of Jesus Christ. Terminate the plan of Satan in the name of Jesus Christ.


  1. Lord I believe but help me to believe more,God of Tvc you said that 2016 is my year to reign,Abraham Richard let that word you said in my life be perfected.

  2. Lord I believe but help me to believe more,God of Tvc you said that 2016 is my year to reign,Abraham Richard let that word you said in my life be perfected.
