Monday 21 March 2016


Palm Sunday service of 20th March 2016 was Holy Ghost filled as the church of Christ and the servant of God took the stand and led the congregation into thanking the Lord with a heart of gratitude for the mercy, love and shepherding he has had upon them. He then led the house of believers into the message of the day titled “A PRAYER OF FAITH!”
With reference from Luke 11:1, the Servant of God said that when the disciples asked Jesus Christ to teach them how to pray not because there was no prayer style in Israel, Galilee  or Judea; but they realized that  the way He prayed to the Father was different. He expounded further that they used to pray a religious type of prayer that could not produce results whereas Jesus’ prayer produced immediate results cautioning the believers to be focused on the results in prayer. 
Today Christians dodge prayer because of not  having confidence in prayer, we should approach the throne of the Father with boldness and confidence as it is written in Hebrews 4:16. He said that a believer entering prayer should use Jesus Christ as a point of connection because Christ covered for your inability/weakness. With reference from the book of James 5:13 “is any one among you suffering? Let him pray...” He empowered the congregants that when they go into prayer, they should not go in with a doubting heart because doubt can never yield results. He noted that Christians go in prayer with a tendency of self-condemnation and sure that there will be no answer. The servant of God continued to educate the congregation that when they approach the throne, Satan is drawn closer to whisper to them of their sinful ways, unworthiness of the answer. He affirms that these whispers bring a carried forward self-condemnation in the prayer life of a Christian.
The servant of God advised the congregants to know that Christ Jesus covered their weakness and therefore should look beyond their inequities. Citing an example of the Blind man in Mark 10: 51 who asked for sight restoration looking beyond his unrighteousness. Abraham Richard noted that what limits a believer’s boldness in prayer is carrying a guilty conscience which in turn eats up their prayer strength.

Summing up the message, Abraham Richard urged the believers to make a prayer of faith for it must move every mountain before them. He encouraged the believers to pray without ceasing like the persistent widow and have faith that whatever they ask will be done. He closed the message by saying that if you pray in faith-boldness, there is an instant miracle for you.

Brother Mulinda Davis testified for protection upon his life. Brother Davis is a businessman who deals in used electric gadgets like Laptops, Fridges and microwaves among others. Early December 2015, he received an offer from a client to sell to him a laptop; the transaction was formally done as a sale agreement was sealed and the laptop was sold off to another client immediately.  He narrated that to his surprise; a few days later, his client’s husband asked him to get him that very sold laptop back stating that it had vital documents that he needed to retrieve. Like any businessman interested in customer retention, he tried to trace back the laptop but his efforts were in vain. 

The issue grew bigger that on 6th January the couple in question came with Police and arrested Brother Davis and his cousin for allegedly stealing the laptop. They were taken to Ntinda Police station and upon reaching he removed his faith scroll card and made a prayer saying, “Lord you know I am not a thief and I have never stolen from these People and am not going to sleep in this cell today. “After that prayer, as it is written that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, Brother Davis rang his friend who is also a security personnel to help him secure police bond. In amidst this, Brother Davis kept confessing that he is anointed to reign.  As it was in the days of Paul and Silas, it happened also to him. He received extra ordinary favour and was able to be given a police bond at 10pm GMT which is beyond the official working hours.
 Davis testified that this was done by only the defender of the innocent Jesus Christ and to his amazement, the following day of his release; the complainant withdrew the alleged theft charges and confessed before authorities that she actually sold the laptop to Brother Davis. Glory and honor goes to Jesus Christ.

Brother James Kitenda testified for the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. For Twelve years his family had a court case over land whose judgment dragged despite the fact that they had all proof that this land belonged to Kitenda’s family. Brother James sought the Lord’s intervention through the servant of God Abraham Richard in towards end of year 2015. When he spoke to the Servant of God about this unending case, his response was in affirmation that God was on Brother James’ side and encouraged him not give up. Brother James narrated that his rich neighbor had forcefully acquired their family land forgetting that there’s a God who watches over his own. 
In 2016 he resumed his pursuit to redeem the family land. He gathered his siblings and they went again to the  LC (Local Council) and settle the case. Miraculously the issue that had taken ages was settled and they won the case. Beaming with a winning smile, Brother James and family embarked on sharing the rescued land amongst themselves. To make it fair, the land was partitioned and received according to slot numbers picked by each family member.  As a man guided by the Spirit of God, he smeared anointing oil on his forehead and hands a step he informed his father in the Lord Abraham Richard. Once again, the servant of God’s response was that the Lord was with him Brother James.  When it reached his turn to pick his slot number, he picked the portion that bared the family house. He is now a proud owner of a land and a house. Thank you Lord.


  1. Thank u my Almighty father for you do not forget your innocent soul.

  2. God of Abraham Richard give more grace and strength me ,coz am weak and small ,without ur grace I can't pray,my ABBA ur grace in Christ is all I need.

  3. God of Abraham Richard give more grace and strength me ,coz am weak and small ,without ur grace I can't pray,my ABBA ur grace in Christ is all I need.
