Thursday 31 March 2016


The Servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the believers into the message of the day from the book of John 16:33 titled: CHRIST AND ME. The servant of God paused a question to the believers; “How does Jesus’ victory concern me?” Whatever Jesus Christ faced; suffering, pain, insults, sleepless nights and sorrow it was all for you a believer to help you to partake in his glory. The servant of God said that as a believer you must have the attitude of Christ and advised Christians of today to always pray to have the character of Jesus Christ as a number one mission.
When you emulate Christ Jesus, you will be like him hence miracles, signs and wonders. He noted that what you admire is what you emulate .When Jesus Christ is your admiration, you automatically emulate his ways like not wrestling with the world. Emphasizing verse 33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” The prophet affirmed that the victory of Jesus Christ was not his victory but yours.
 Summing up the teaching the Servant of God with reference from the book of Isaiah 53:4-5 said that Jesus Christ took your weakness; poverty, sickness and disease, hardships, hatred and family issues to the grave so that you can have strength.

Sister Mugide Philo testified for the goodness of the God of Abraham Richard. She said that when she came to True Vine Communion Ministries her life was a mess, her husband had lost his job, there was totally no food at home and the children had stopped going to school due to lack of school fees. On reaching the presence of the Lord, the servant of God gave her 10 kilograms of maize flour and from that day her family has never lacked food. The servant of God revealed that he was seeing Sister Philo’s husband in an Arab country- Dubai. He her to pray and fast for the family. Sister Philo followed the instruction from the servant of God and it bore fruits; Faithful and true as the Lord is He perfected His word and in December of 2015 sister Philo’s husband was able to travel to Dubai as the servant of God had revealed. Beaming with smiles Sister Philo said her husband is now working and her children who had stopped studying are going back. Glory and honor goes back to the God of Abraham Richard who made a way for sister Philo’s family where they felt that the end had come for them, the light of the Lord shone upon them.
Brother Ssajjabbi Grover Paul, the son to Mugide Philo also affirmed the testimony that truly the God of Abraham Richard has done wonders in his life. In the year 2015, Paul had to drop out of school in senior one due to financial constraints in the family. The care taker who is the family, his father had lost his job and the mother was not working; in the first term they labored so hard and he was able to study but the second and third term he had to drop out of school. Indeed the Lord does not fail those who wait upon Him in faith, the Lord made a way for brother Paul in this year 2016, his father got a job in United Arab Emirates and he was able to go back to school. He is in his first term of senior one. Glory and honor goes back to the God of Abraham Richard who without doubt has done it for Brother Paul.  

Ms. Bagaya Betty testified for the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. She said that in the year 2015 when the partners had an overnight the servant of God told them to request God for one thing and she asked God for capital. When Ms Betty believed the word of God, she receive a blessing pressed down and shaken together, and running over when her sister who owed her One Million Uganda Shillings paid and added an extra Five Hundred Thousand Uganda Shillings. This enabled her to start her desired journey of brokerage business focusing on agricultural deals.Glory and honor goes back to God for this miracle.


  1. Father you suffered for me tobe happy.

  2. Our God is a working God ,he never promise what he will not fulfill, he's the same God who worked for moses,Jacob,Isaac and Abraham

  3. Our God is a working God ,he never promise what he will not fulfill, he's the same God who worked for moses,Jacob,Isaac and Abraham
