Sunday 6 March 2016


The 6th March 2016 was truly a Sunday dominated with awesome praise and worship that attracted the Holy Ghost to fill the Sanctuary with His presence bringing healing, deliverance and setting the captives free. From the spirit filled worship the Servant of God took position at the pulpit with a message titled, “GOD’S SILENCE.”With reference from the book of Luke 4:1-14, he said that whatever situation you are facing, it has an end. As a Christian knowing that your situation has an end, is the kind of hope and faith Jesus Christ expects. The servant of God continued to read from the book of Luke 4:1-14. He cautioned that there is time for persecution, mourning, laughing and rejoicing, in a believer’s life.
The prophet reminded the congregants to be aware that Satan is tempting them through situations like financial pressure, sickness and disease, joblessness the same way he tempted the son of God Jesus Christ with a target of dragging them from the presence of God. He alerted that during the time of silence most Christians think that God is no longer with them as a result of the temptations. He went on to empower them that in this time, the Lord requires them to practice what they have been taught by the Holy Spirit. Summing up the message, with reference from the book of James 1:2, the Seer Abraham Richard reminded the believers that suffering with Christ should be received as an honor and a privilege from the heavens thus wait upon God for salvation.

Sister Abigaba Ruth testified for the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. At the beginning of the year 2015, the servant of God proclaimed it as a year of success and prosperity. Sister Ruth received the proclamation with gladness and wrote a prayer in her book saying, “In the name of Jesus I write the word of God success in my life. Jesus Christ strengthen me!”  She narrated that in February 2015, a phone call from the Servant of God came through with great news that “Am seeing you with a miracle of a car.” This statement from her father in the Lord made her persist in prayer for that miracle proclaimed. As it is written that the word of God does not return to Him empty in Isaiah 55:11, it was fulfilled in Sister Ruth’s life in the month of December2015. Sister Ruth purchased Toyota Premio which is a dream to many primary school teachers whose salary scale is a rich man’s pocket change. To affirm that it has been by the grace of the God of Abraham Richard for her to own a motor vehicle; she fully paid for it and not on loan like many Ugandans. Glory and Honor belong to the most High God.

Sister Namukwaya Sharifah from Dubai testified to the Lord of Abraham Richard for enabling her reach   her to my miracle. Sister Sharifah’s word of salvation was spoken to her on 9th September 2014 from the servant of God that “I see you in Dubai and I see Dubai written in your face.” She noted that she never thought that she would ever travel in such a country. The prophet repeated the proclamation to sister Sharifah again on 29th March 2015 and asked her to prepare ahead of time and advised her not to see herself in Uganda but rather further than Uganda her home country.
To sister Sharifah’s amazement, she flew to Dubai on invitation from a friend with a tourist visa which was a miracle to her because she thought she will   be traveling with the help of job recruitment agencies which is a norm to many average income Ugandans travelling to Dubai. With gratitude, she said that she is living in a true prophecy and a living testimony. Thank you God of Abraham Richard for helping your children to reach the impossibilities.

Sister Tushemereirwe Merab testified to the God of Abraham Richard for making it to her miracle. She said that she is pursuing a course in Association of Business Executives and completed level 4. As a customer Care executive in a nursing agency, She was required her to work in the night shift fulltime this tampered with her concentration in class because she was deprived of enough time to sleep. Faced with this dilemma, she equipped herself with an anointed pen-Christ ABR that she received from True Vine Communion Ministries during Exams. She made prayer saying, “Jesus Christ I am using your pen for every wrong thing I write, please correct them for me. Amen” Those who trust in the Lord will not be put to shame, this word was perfected for Sister Merab, when the results came out she passed beyond her expectations. Glory and honor goes back to the God of Abraham Richard.


Pray for the nation Cameroon this is an attack. Pray right now for protection. This attack is within three weeks. As you pray for Cameroon, also pray for Uganda we are all one.

Can we join our hands and pray for this Evangelist, he has been doing well in his career but he is going to turn suddenly and start doing contrary to his calling. Media might call it empowering the youth or sports People but it will be a complete diversion. Let us pray for God’s mercy.

Am looking at the map of Africa; There is something I want to show you, I have just seen this President of a country in the Southern part of Africa dying.  Why, when I don’t know and the trouble will be who is going to be the next on the chair.  May God’s will be done. Let’s wait for more instructions about this issue.

You are going to hear fights in USAFI market. Serious fighting, that guns will be involved.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, God is at work in the lives of His people. Thank you Holy Spirit.
