Sunday 1 November 2015


True Vine Communion Ministries is the sanctuary of the Lord Almighty indeed. 1st November 2015 being the day the heavens had sent aside for True Vine Communion believers to receive heavenly water the congregation was expectant as they flocked in large numbers. Worship flowed in the temple as every soul cast their worries and troubles to Jesus Christ as it written in the book of Psalm 55:22.  The spirit of the Lord filled the congregation as the worshipped and danced for the Most High God with gladness.  Several lined up to testify for Jesus Christ for the miraculous works that He has done in their lives. As you read these testimonies may your faith be renewed.

Sister Nakayenga Margret testified to the God of Abraham Richard for making it to her miracle. She said that last week she was having a severe pain in her chest area that could not eat. Whenever she attempted to eat or drink anything her stomach would swell and she would end up having diarrhea. It was a very painful experience that lasted for four days, she had sleepless nights; woken up by this terrible pain against her will. Her salvation came knocking on door on Friday night when she had a dream which she narrated that the Servant of God was passing her house with a group of people singing and celebrating. She made a prayer saying that, “God of Abraham Richard, deliver me from this sickness that wants to pluck my heart out of my chest. Since I have seen your servant Abraham Richard and these people are here, my healing has appeared.” Indeed she woke up healed and free woman with no pain. Sister Margret glorifies the name of the Lord.
Sister Margret went ahead and testified for the God of Abraham Richard for saving her life. She said that on the night of 25th October 2015 at around 08:00pm, fire gutted out in her neighbor, it was too much to that within seconds two houses had caught fire and were completely destroyed and the fire was still spreading. Amidst the panic, Sister Margret was filled with fear and she had a voice telling her do not fear. When she had that voice immediately she began to pray raising up her hands. Those who saw her called her mad because instead of running she was raising up her hands; to her she knew that all she can do in this tragedy is to pray. The Holy spirit is faithful to those who call on Him in the times of troubles, sister Margaret said that her house did not catch fire and no fire brigade even showed up to put out the fire. Sister Margaret praised and thanked the Lord because only He saved her for South Sudan is a dry land and the housing structure is very flammable that even a spark can burn out a neighborhood.  She glorified the name of the Lord for saving her life and property from destruction. Gory and honor goes back you Jesus Christ.

Brother Kikomeko Fred testified for the God of Abraham Richard for making it to his miracle. He said that
while at his work place last week, his workmate requested him to wrap his merchandise for him. As Brother Fred was helping him he got a terrible chest pain and he had no faith material on him. As Brother Fred was in great pain, he remembered when the servant of God was giving believers sweet potatoes he had said that do not throw away even the peeling. Brother Fred followed this word from the Servant of God and he kept his peeling in his wallet. In that moment when he was feeling the pain, he remembered the peeling and he had kept in his wallet and he removed it and mixed it with water asking the God of Abraham Richard to heal him of Chest pain. Faithful and True is the God of Abraham Richard, when he was drinking the water, he got instant healing. Glory and honor goes back to Jesus Christ.

Brother Patrick Samuel Mwesigwe testified to the God of Abraham Richard and thanks Him for the faith materials given at True Vine Communion Ministries. His ordeal began at his work while carrying heavy fridges as his work required. While going about his business he felt a sharp pain in his back but he ignored it. The more he ignored the pain, the more it increased to the point where he could barely move and resorted to laying down. When he gathered a little energy he went to a clinic where he reported the issue to the doctor who said that the back pain if ignored; would bring long term consequences that may see him fail to do his work. Nevertheless he was given some medication to reduce the pain but all was in vain and the pain doubled.  Hitting a dead end, Brother Patrick on reaching home remembered the heavenly water that was given to him and made a prayer saying, “Let the power in this heavenly water take away my pain.”  After this prayer, he took a sip and administered some on his back where he was feeling the severe pain. Brother Patrick then had a good night’s sleep and resumed his work normally. Glory and honor goes back to the Mighty God of Abraham Richard.

From the faith building testimonies Evangelist Hannah Kenyangi took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the teaching of the day titled “TAKING AN EXTRA STEP IN FAITH!” with reference from the book of 1Samuel 1:9-11, she said that as today  Christians should take an extra step in faith; but we have to learn what it is first. She explained that taking an extra step in faith is doing something that you have never done in order to receive an answer from Christ.  
The evangelist gave an example of Hannah who took an extra step of faith when she went to the temple; prayed like a drunken woman because she wanted to have a son. Going deeper, she advised Christians of today to let go of their sorrow and take a step faith. The evangelist cautioned the congregation that without that extra step of faith, it is easy for one to stagnate and end up being Pharisee in the kingdom of God.
She went further and  awakened the believers that it is time for them to get out of comfort zone and move to our miracles like blind Bartholomeus who took a step of faith by shouting until he attracted the attention of Jesus Christ an act that restored his sight. She encouraged us to emulate him noting that our miracles are in our hands.  Evangelist Hannah said that all you have to do is to show God that you are tired of your situation showing him how badly you need an answer. Remember it is the sick that looks for a doctor depending on the pain. The same was with Queen Esther, in order for her to gain favor before the King she too took a step a faith regardless of her honor as the Queen. (Esther 4:15-16) Do a self-examination and see if you have taken a step of faith, if you have not taken it then wake up.
Evangelist Hannah summed up the service telling the congregants that the same way Hannah and queen Esther took extra steps of faith; and made it to their miracles, it is not late to emulate them and make it exceedingly in this life through that extra and unique act that will bring a lasting miracle.

Today was the renewal of faith indeed, the much anticipated time moment was here; the day for receiving heavenly water- the blood of Jesus Christ. Many lined up to receive the heavenly water. The presence of the Holy Spirit of the Lord graced the occasion as those who received water immediately fell down thanking the Lord for giving them His blood. The others who received the blood of Jesus received it beaming with smiles fully knowing that things would be getting new in their lives. Some could barely walk as the blood of Jesus they were carrying was too heavy for them.
Heavenly Water Moments
As they lined up to receive the Heavenly water, the servant of God Abraham Richard proclaimed that there’s a miracle in the water bottle and encouraged them to administer it in faith. He also noted to the believers to take the water not because they have ever taken it, but receive it because Jesus has said that “there is a miracle in that water bottle being held”.
The evangelist concluded the service with a prayer using the heavenly water bottle saying; Satan wherever you are OUT! Jesus Christ appeared to destroy your works, Satan be destroyed. One, two, three Satan COME OUT! In the name of Jesus Christ.  God of Abraham Richard I believe, right now touch all the pain that I have and heal me. Touch and deliver me. Touch!  Holy Spirit Touch! Open your heart and allow freedom, healing, and deliverance.
It is finished, trouble is finished, pain is finished, what you are holding now is the blood. Receive your healing, deliverance, freedom. IT IS FINISHED! Where there was sorrow it is finished, there is now joy, peace; where there was weakness, walk it is finished. Where there is believer there is a sign of a testimony.  We thank you Holy Spirit for your blood, we thank you for setting us free, we thank you for the testimonies you have given us. All we can say is thank you Jesus Christ.

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