Monday 9 November 2015


The service at True Vine Communion Ministries was graced with an awesome presence of the Most High God as the congregation led by the choir worshiped Him. When He appears, miracles, signs and wonders accompany Him an occurrence that signifies True Vine Communion as His vine yard (Isaiah 27:2-3). This was confirmed with congregants queuing up to testify for the name Christ Jesus.  As you read these testimonies may your faith be uplifted.
Sister Kesande Jane testified for the God of Abraham Richard for enabling her reach to her miracle. She said that the month of October was terrible because of the pain emanating from her right breast that got swollen out of nowhere. This caused her great discomfort to the point of not wearing a bra on top of sleepless nights. Sister Kesande looked at this pain as a test and knew that the Lord would save her.
Her salvation came on Sunday the 1st of November 2015 when she received heavenly water and began to administer it on her sick breast. Sister Jane made a prayer while administering the heavenly water that as He helps students to pass their exams; let the same hand help her through the test.  Indeed God is faithful and true, He helped sister Kesande through the painful and swollen breast test by granting her instant healing. She gives glory and honor back to the wonderful God of Abraham Richard. Long Live True Vine Communion Ministries.  Long Live Abraham Richard the Prophet.

Brother Kikomeko Fred testified to the God of Abraham Richard for making it to his great miracle and as well thanked the Holy Spirit for the faith materials given at True Vine Communion Ministries.  Brother Fred was expectantly waiting for the heavenly water that was to be distributed on Sunday 1st November 2015 because he knew that things were to change to better the moment he gets it. He said that as he received the Heavenly water he made a confession that “I receive my prosperity”. Brother Fred said that he continued confessing prosperity without ceasing.
The following day as he prepared for his usual work routine, he added a drop of Heavenly water and used it to clean his work station as he confessed that “let there be a testimony.” As it is that faith is a bridge to a believer’s miracle, Brother Fred’s crazy faith fetched him a testimony. That very day, his boss handed him a business of airtime on top of the salaried job. Brother Fred is now a business man dealing with scratch card airtime. He glorifies God for elevating him to another level of a business man. Thank you Christ Jesus for this testimony. Follow us on our Facebook page #TVC Ministries for more.

Evangelist Rita Bisaso then took position at the pulpit and led the congregants into the word of God titled, “WHAT SPIRITUAL LEVEL ARE YOU ON?” with reference from the book of Hebrews 5:12-14.The evangelist straight away illustrated how an infant can never help an adult solve a problem to portray that God cannot speak in deeper wisdom with a baby Christian because he will not understand.  Take heed that your spiritual level will determine your success or failure. Our immature ways depict how young we are in the spirit and that is the reason we are facing hardships however do not blame others for the situation you are in today unless it is for the glory of God as it was with the blind man in John 9:2-7. You have stayed in that situation because you have deliberately refused to move to another level waiting to be fed on milk like Paul says. The ways of the world should teach us the ways of the kingdom; when you are a mother and your child cries you will give him a sweet to silence his cries, the same way it is in the kingdom; when you are spiritually young you will receive what is on your level because solid food is for those who are mature who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.   

The evangelist reminded the congregation that staying on one level will atomically make you a spiritual dwarf making your being cut off inevitable. Remember in the kingdom of God if you do not bear fruit you are be cut off (John 15:1-2). She noted that if you do not practice what you have been taught, you will be left out. With emphasis evangelist Rita plainly put that the kingdom of God is not a bed of roses, you must work for it. She advised the congregants to get out of their comfort zone and move to a mature spiritual level because this will cause God to reveal more to them.  To drive the point home, she gave an example of Moses who had to put aside his royal robes when he realized that he not an Egyptian; an act that moved God to give him more responsibilities. God will never give you greater responsibility unless you show him that you have spiritually matured.
 Evangelist Rita summed up the teaching encouraging Christians to emulate our fore fathers; Abraham, Moses, Gideon and Isaiah who developed a deeper relationship with God as they
displayed their maturity.  Noting that Spiritual growth is attained through practicing the word of God therefore to a believer out there it is time to grow up.

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