Sunday 25 October 2015


The presence of the Lord resonated in the temple as the believers worshipped the Holy one of Israel.  Many lined up to testify for Him. May your faith be empowered as you read these testimonies.

Sister Akuno Bude testified to the God of Abraham Richard for enabling her to make it to her miracle. She was depressed and had lost hope; everyday seemed like her last  on earth having lost her husband many years ago. Life deteriorated day after day as her businesses collapsed one after another. 

She decided to leave South Sudan a place that she had made home for Uganda. Having come and settled again in Uganda, she also made an effort to regain her business but all ended up in vain as business could fail at take off stage. Heavy laden as she was, sister Akuno came to True Vine Communion Ministries and the Servant of God revealed to her that, "your Children will be a blessing to you and everything you need will come through your children. All you need is to pray for them." The Servant of God did not only stop at that, but gave her the" I can make it to my miracle sticker ", saying that, "I give you a ticket for your children."
On receiving the revelation and the sticker, sister Akuno said that her doors of happiness began to open as her son was sponsored to go abroad to study in the University of the West of England. He accomplished his studies successfully and made a return journey touching base on 18th October 2015 at Entebbe airport. This has brought joy to her as the servant of God revealed and confirms that the word of God can never fall on a bare ground. Glory and honor are for the Lord the defender and caretaker of the widows.

Brother Mukisa Ferzic glowing in the glory of the Holy Ghost thanked Abraham Richard the
prophet and God for helping him make it to his miracle. He said that he came to True Vine Communion Ministries when life was closing on him left with no option but to live  hopelessly. When he stood before the prophet in April 2013, it was as if he was waking up from a dream where rejection had taken a toll on his music. Brother Ferzic narrated that Abraham Richard the seer advised him to just be obedient to his instruction and guidance. Mukisa said that he took heed to the advice as he was tired of  hawking his music that was yielding nothing other than discouragement.
Brother Ferzic’s breakthrough hit his door on 19th October 2015 when he received a revelation from Abraham Richard the prophet saying that “I saw the city stirred up by your entertainment. Keep planning.” On receiving  this message, his first song “Possible” hit the African Chart at number 16 on 24th October 2015. He thanks and glorifies  the name of the Lord for favor is upon his life and  music  career..The rejection that was the order of the day in now history as people yearn to be his friends. Indeed, as the Bible says that he will lift you up from dust and makes you sit with princes; Brother Ferzic is swimming in the perfection of the scripture.

From these faith building testimonies, Evangelist Tendo Henry led the expectant congregation to the message of the day from the book of Joshua 1:8 titled “KEY TO SUCCESS AND PROSPERITY!” The evangelist alerted that for a Christian to prosper, he must not let the instructions of the Lord depart from him. He said that Christians should not merely talk about the law but rather put it into practice. The Evangelist noted that success comes from following instructions. Exploring deeper in the message, he pointed out that no servant of God in the Bible prospered without following instructions quoting Joshua and his success experience together with the Israelites when they matched around  walls of Jericho (Joshua 6).
 With great emphasis, he cautioned the believers to embrace the word of God when it’s spoken to them because it comes with good intentions. The word of God is truth and its purpose is  to set you free. The evangelist reminded the congregation that success and prosperity come when instructions are followed; thus advising them to make an effort to emulate their forefathers since it’s a family affair.
He concluded the sermon encouraging the believers with reference from the book of Jeremiah 29:11 to be firm in times of challenges and tribulation for Christ is aware and has good plans for them as a father.

Under the inspiration of the spirit of God, on 25th October 2015 Abraham Richard the prophet revealed  that “I saw a football team-Manchester United traveling to play with another team in another country in this champion league tours but something happened and Manchester United did not play the game. I do not know what is coming but let us pray for the will of God to be done. This is for those who love football”.

On the 21st of October 2015 while at the Prayer Mountain the servant of God Abraham Richard received this revelation from the Lord. He proclaimed that “I see raised dust rising from the west. A storm! Storm, a great storm coming”  This revelation did not even last more than 48hours, hurricane Patricia reported strongest ever to be recorded in history of America’s storms began to head to Mexico making a land fall on 23rd October as humanitarian agencies swiftly evacuated families to shelter homes. For the Lord reveals to save, the servant of God and True vine Ministries responded to the call of prayer for the Lord to shelter and protect the Mexicans and the neighboring states from catastrophic damages and consequences. As the Bible puts it in Amos 3:7 that the Lord does nothing without revealing His secrets to His servants, He continued to do it with Abraham Richard and in the evening of October 23rd proclaimed that “I saw a hand calming this storm”. True and true is the Holy Spirit, Aljazeera reported that the storm though recorded strong had done minor damages than  earlier expected.

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