Sunday 20 September 2015


Songs of worship and praise saturated the Holy sanctuary creating an ambience of the Holy Spirit. His miraculous works of healing, deliverance ensued. From this wonderful praise and worship many lined up to testify for the miracle working God, below is a testimony to uplift your faith as you wait on the Lord.

Sister Tumusiime Monic testified for having made it to her miracle. In her own words she said that, “As 2014 was coming to an end the servant of God, Abraham Richard issued out prayer cards where he instructed the believers to write four things that they wanted God to work on in this year 2015. Desiring to have a better year, Sister Monic obeyed the instruction of the servant of God.  She picked a prayer request card and among the requests she asked God to give her, was a stable source of income. Today beaming with smiles sister Monic said that the Lord has been working on her requests dealing with each one independently.  Among the already answered request re-enrollment at the Institute of Bankers.
During the month of March she was graced with an encounter with the servant of God who inquired about her life and she told him that she was financially oppressed. Sister Monic received a prophetic answer that her children would never suffer as long as he lives and that she would get a job. True is the word spoken by a Servant of God, sister Monic said that her Children had never lacked anything since that word was given to her. As the word of God says that persistence brings an answer sister Monic kept on praying for a breakthrough.
Indeed Sister Monic received her breakthrough when she was appointed as a loans officer at Primer credit and started work on 15th September 2015. She glorifies the Supreme God who has enabled her to reach her miracle. She endlessly thanked the God of Abraham Richard who did it for her.

The servant of God then took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into worshipping the Most High. He then led us into the topic- A BELIEVER DOES NOT WORRY! With reference from the book of Luke 14:25-26. The servant of God then paused this question to the congregants, “do you love Jesus Christ?”  He said that this is a personal question you have to look deep in your heart and answer it because the word of God is a mirror to a believer. He then took a walk in the book of Matthew 6:25-33, “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink…” He said that as a Believer, you should not worry about your tomorrow, because your creator knows all that you need.  He went ahead and noted that when you worry, you make your God look ignorant thus abusing Him. The servant of God said that the more you worry you will not do the will of God and you will not know your God deeper.   He further said that a worrying Christian is in the true image of a pagan.  The servant of God, Abraham Richard enlightened on this message saying that the reason   Christians are failing is not because God is weak but the inability to trust Him. Faith of Christians these days is materialistic, we want gospel of prosperity that will not stand in the times of tests.  He reminded the congregants that we are always before God no matter where we are. With emphasis on verse 33, “Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need.” Abraham Richard the prophet summed up this eye opening message saying that if you ever fail to trust the word of God you are defeated by the world.

"As I came here and revealed to you about what the Lord Jesus Christ said about a prominent politician dying and no one believed, is the same way am speaking again . The death of the prominent politician has triggered this am saying. I saw you (Kampala City dwellers) when you had no food in your homes and you had no way to move out to get the food. He passed out a piece of advice to the Nation Uganda that, "Instead of debating on the cause of death let us inquire from the Lord because He who revealed about the death, knows the cause. You require a billion lies to try and cover up one truth.""







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