Sunday 27 September 2015


The service at True Vine Communion was characterized with dancing, praise and worship all for the Almighty God led by the choir. Majestic songs of honor echoed in the house of the Lord as the believers surrendered to Christ Jesus to take full control. Several congregants then took position to testify to the miracle working God. Below is a selected testimony to uplift your faith;
Sis Tina Tendo
Sister Tina Tendo testified to the God of Abraham Richard for the power in the prayer chain. She said that she had been paying school fees for her sister’s children because the father had rejected them and was not paying school fees for them. Sister Tina took up that responsibility but she was could not keep doing it due to financial constraints and she got her prayer chain and she prayed saying, “God of Abraham Richard touch the father of these children so that he can take up his responsibility again.” Indeed the Lord had her prayer and at the beginning of this term their father came home and said that he was going to take full responsibility of the children. He did not stop at that but took them to a boarding school. Sister Tina thanked the God of Abraham Richard because he gave her more than she expected.  Thank you Jesus Christ.
The servant God took position and led us into topic of day titled, OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE! With reference from the book Proverbs 21:3, “To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” (NIV) The servant of God said that to obey is more than sacrifice. God is not happy with your sacrifices if they are not done under obedience. 
Seer-Abraham Richard Bisaso

He then took another walk in the book of 1 Samuel 15:22, But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in the burnt offering and sacrifices as much as in obedience to the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of rams.” (NIV) The prophet cautioned the congregants to listen to the voice of the Lord because it is more touching to Him than the sacrifices you give. Going to church, sharing with the poor is not enough for you to gain the kingdom of God if it is not done in obedience. Abraham Richard continued and said that today most Christians are fasting, praying and sharing with the needy but under disobedience. He cautioned the congregants not to mock themselves because no human can blind God. He is righteous and does what is right, it is only obedience draws a smile from God.

Christians today should learn to listen and do because it is what is more important. The prophet reminded the congregants that God’s hand is not too short to save but our disobedience has stopped us from attaining our miracles. Take an example of King Saul, he was a beloved of God but when he was sent to kill all the people and animals he failed to follow this instruction and that was the beginning of the fall of King Saul. (1 Samuel 15:23) The servant of God advised the congregants to never edit what the Lord speaks since its consequence is blockage to heaven.
“The next president of your nation is a servant of God and not faking to be. Before this person steps in office, you will see signs of a servant of Jesus Christ-humility to serve and justice. He will not take over power through blood shed.”

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