Tuesday 15 September 2015


Angelic voices filled the temple of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the choir led the congregation into worship and praise in celebration of this memorable day- the 4th birthday of True Vine Communion Ministries. The congregation in honor of this day entered the Holy sanctuary dressed beautifully in appreciation for how far the Lord has brought them. Several performances were lined up for the day as many were eager to dance, worship and thank the Almighty for how far He has brought them.

The servant of God kicked off the celebration day with a word of encouragement to the believers giving them a tip on how to live a truthful and pleasing life as a believer. He noted that, in order for someone to keep in the grace, he must possess; focus, honesty and vision. What makes a believer excel in life is persistence in what he believes.
He said that this race we are running as believers is not smooth cautioning that it is very complicated and hard.  One needs to deny the world and keep true to God if he wants to win. He said that as Christians we have made mistakes but we should focus not on the past but rather look unto to the new grace advising the congregants to use their history to glorify God. His mercies are new every day therefore we should focus on his new mercies every day.
From this insightful word of wisdom, the servant of God then led the congregation into the message of the day titled; SACRIFICE FOR ETERNAL LIFE! With reference from Matthew 19:16-29. He said that we all need eternal life because it brings peace to the heart but if you do not have peace, then it is guaranteed that you have a spirit of fear.
Fear is brought by Satan and peace is from Jesus Christ. When Christ is in a man’s soul, then that man has eternal life. Many Christians are filled with uncertainty about tomorrow because of this fear. Awakening the congregation, the servant of God said that all the earthly things will perish therefore can never win for anyone eternal life. He urged the believers not to focus on them but rather should seek eternal life. The Servant of God said that anything you cannot give away for the sake of Christ means it is an idol in your heart; like the rich man who followed all the laws but could not sell his possessions. He had made his riches an idol (god) in his heart. The servant of God Abraham Richard put an emphasis on verse 29 that when you sacrifice all your possessions and surrender to Jesus Christ you will definitely re- attain them doubled. As Christians and Servants of God, we must love God above all things on this earth. He ended this eye opening teaching cautioning the congregants that eternal life is the most important of all.


The servant of God held out a bundle of written prayer requests a few minutes after stepping at the pulpit saying that they will be worked on during the prayer time. Surprisingly, at that appointed time the servant of God Abraham Richard proclaimed that all the written requests were answered. This proclamation was shocking to the congregation because no prayer was made. To prove to the congregation about his proclamation, he asked for a volunteer to come and read the request to affirm to the rest if the requests were indeed answered. A certain gentleman stepped forward and held one of the prayer request. The gentleman’s body gesture portrayed that he had been driven into the spirit as he read. In his own words he said “am seeing God’s hand opening all the doors, setting his people free. Am seeing this person being favored by the hand of God.” To bring more confirmation to the doubting generation, another young man read and said that “he has opened all the doors.” A certain lady also came forward to read and she said that “I see the prisoners’ chains get broken.” This aroused great jubilations from the congregants as they shouted glory and power are for the God of Abraham Richard.

The servant of God moved the congregation from this awesome experience to yet another marvelous session of celebrating the New Year with a proclamation that all things are getting new. All things as prophesied are getting new. With this prophecy, he introduced a new faith material-Faith scroll that he used to pray for the congregation saying that “am going to put on this card and pray silently.” The word of God has said to me everything is getting new and it disproves the word of men. From glory to Glory.” The word of the prophet was confirmed true as healing and deliverance became evident when he placed the faith scroll on the believers. This affirmed more that the word of the Lord can never go out and come back empty. Isaiah 43:5


I want to invite my fellow servants to come and cut the cake with me. My fellow prophets and ministers in the spirit, come and line up here for my sake. They obeyed the voice of their fellow servant and dressed bodies of men physically. The heavenly Servants that graced the cake cutting ceremony were- Elijah, Moses, Elisha, Peter, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Abraham and Samuel. This was a super awesome experience to the congregants as they were used to reading them as bible examples without hope of ever seeing nor hear them speak. This became a live event of the year.

NOTE: Prayer requests are available at the ministry offices in Kampala-Uganda. For inquiries send us an email :tvcministries@gmail.com or make that call on +25679-0-916-389

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