Sunday 27 November 2016


As it is in Psalm 115:1,”Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.”  So it was at True Vine Communion Ministries; praises raised to heaven from the choir as Evangelist Stephen James Ian under the instruction of his father in the Lord Abraham Richard took position at the pulpit and led the expectant congregation into the message of the day titled, “KNOW YOUR MASTER” with reference to the book of Mark 4:35-41. Evangelist James Ian brought to attention that as a believer there is a storm in your life that is ready to devour you as it was with the disciples. This can be in form of poverty, sickness and disease, hatred etal; this he said is targeting to break your relationship with Jesus Christ.

 Bringing more insight, the evangelist said that no matter how big the situation seems to be before you, you might not know how that situation will calm down; stay in faith report it to your master Christ Jesus and you will overcome the situation citing verse 39; because its sole purpose of being there is to strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ. The Evangelist cautioned the believers not to listen to the talks of the world in times of challenges because they are an open grave to your faith. Rather you should keep a listening ear to the Lord and do what He tells you.

Concluding the message, Evangelist James Ian cited the example of the disciples while in the boat and the storm hit them they looked unto to their master- Jesus Christ. He urged that in the same way, any situation that attacks you as a believer remember it is meant to bring you closer to Jesus Christ not to kill you as many would think. Therefore stay focused on the source of salvation- Christ Jesus.



Ms Kamusiime Adrine testified for the greatness of the God of Abraham Richard. It is written in Isaiah 55:11 that God’s word cannot fall on bare ground; it was manifested once again in the life of Ms. Adrine. She narrated that on 29th July 2016, she was privileged to have an encounter with Christ Jesus at the time when her life was going downhill at a fast rate. 
As a single mother she could barely keep afloat with the part time job of supplying pepper at a certain supermarket; tired of the situation, she came before the Lord searching for a solution. 
Ms Adrine said indeed Christ did not bypass her; through the Servant of God Abraham Richard, the Holy Spirit revealed to her, “You are going to leave where you stay the surrounding is not of Christ Jesus; it is even opposing your well being. Remember when you were going to the washrooms upstairs and something struck in your heart and you restrained from going there. It was a demon. Don’t worry the Lord will supply,” 
Ms Adrine confirmed all that the Spirit of God revealed to her as very true; she said that she had accrued rent of three months and her family was barely surviving; affirming the prophecy she narrated that one day as she was climbing the stairs to go to the washroom she felt like she could not climb them any longer. 

However on hearing the word from the Lord, Ms Adrine was fully aware that change had started in her life; she took the word in faith and waited on God’s time. As she was carrying out her part time job of selling pepper to the supermarket Christ Jesus kept true to His word and supplied to Ms Adrine through her mother; around the same time she received an eviction notice from her home of residence. Surely the Lord makes away where seems to be no way; her landlord pardoned her accrued rent and she used the money to look for a new residence. 
It is without doubt that obedience to the word of God attracts the Lord to work more for you. Ms Adrine said that as soon as she left her old residence, she started seeing change in her life. She said that the supermarket where she supplies the pepper part time was looking for a cashier; on hearing about it, she applied for job of a cashier and it was given to her on the spot.  
Ms Adrine was also informed that she can still supply the pepper at the supermarket as she works full time something she did not expect. Sister Adrine affirms that her life has been transformed she is now able to take care of her family with ease.  
Glory and honour go back to the maker of heaven and earth who makes all things beautiful in His time.

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