Monday 21 November 2016


Amidst soulful worship, the Servant of God Abraham Richard took position at the altar and shared with the expectant congregation food for their soul titled “CHRIST LIKE LIFE.’’ With reference from the book of 1 Peter 4:1-7, he first and foremost advised the believers to let go of worldly standards because no believer can stand with God on those standards. He encouraged the congregants to persist and suffer in the body but live in the spirit with God. Affirming to the believers, the prophet noted that it is possible for one to be rejected, sick and suffering yet a friend of God.
Breaking the message down for the congregants, he noted that if anyone wants to live a Christ like life, that person must be able to live like Him through actions for example walking with the rejected; those who are less privileged, the weak and fatherless. Those are the people that God dwells in therefore endeavor to rejoice with the poor and helpless.
Abraham Richard said that it is rare to find someone well established being a friend to the poor or helpless. Many times we oppress people we work with but be careful because you may be oppressing a friend of God.

The servant of God made it clear that the only way to be like Christ is through having his attitude. A man who allows to die and let go of human desire can please God.
Going deeper in the message with emphasis on verse 7 “be self controlled that you are not taken by anything”; because if they take your attention you will have no room to pray and this is what is eating up today’s generation; we are letting situations take over  our lives!
We have lost control over everything and that’s not the power of Christ. Peter under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is telling us to be self controlled for it is a character and attitude of our master Christ Jesus.
Summing up the spiritually awakening message, the prophet advised the believers not to be salves of their possessions like money, marriage and children but rather have faith for it is the willingness to let go of your life for Christ’s sake.


Brother Davis Mulinda testified to the wonderful perfection of the word of prophecy in his life. He narrated that on 23rd August 2016, the prophet revealed to him that “there’s going to be a customer who will sell to you a used machine and it will fail to be sold and it will be a devils trap. Satan is targeting to bring down your business and the only way to get out of this is to begin to issue out receipts on every transaction that is done.”  Surely as it is that through a prophet, the Lord saved Israel as it was perfected in his life when Brother Davis encountered a counterfeit sale from a self proclaimed property owner.
Narrating the ordeal, Mulinda said that a young man called him with an offer to sale used washing machines at a seemingly low price compared to usual purchases that he makes as a dealer in used home appliances. 
The deal was swiftly made and as a believer who takes heed of God’s warning he issued a receipt at the sale. As it is that not all that glitters is gold,  the once swiftly sealed deal turned sour when brother Davis received an unusual call  from police informing him to report to Bukesa police station-an upscale suburb of Kampala the capital of Uganda; he was  a custodian of a stolen washing machine that was from Bukesa. 

On receiving that shocking phone call, he informed the police man that he was a legitimate businessman whose business location is in Katwe. He also brought to their attention that the transaction he made was legally done and a receipt issued at the point of sale. Regardless of this fact the policeman was luring him to come to Bukesa a plot Brother Davis eluded knowing it was a trap from satan to unlawfully make him arrested. It is without doubt that God defends the innocent, Brother Davis was guided by the Holy Spirit and he made an initiative to inform Katwe police post, with a demand that the police officer from Bukesa meet him at Katwe and make sure that a refund of his money was made by the illegal seller.

Arrangements were made between the two police posts and the seller was able to come. When he was called upon to come and knowing how crafty the police can be,  he held onto his mercy chain- a weapon of faith issued from True Vine communion Ministries and made a prayer  at heart, “Sovereign Lord have mercy  and save me from this trap of Satan.”  It is true that when God gives you his word and you display faith he can never let you down. Brother Davis reached at Katwe police station and with ease his name was cleared and his money refunded. Indeed it is true that the Lord reveals with an intention to save. 
Glory and honour to the Lord God Almighty who saved Brother Davis from the claws of Satan.

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