Wednesday 19 October 2016


Isaiah 12:4 says that a day is coming when people will sing, “Give thanks to the Lord! Call him to help you! Tell all the nations what he has done! Tell them how great he is!” Sunday 16th October 2016 was indeed the day filled with joy as songs of praise and worship echoed from the temple of the Lord. The choir together with the believers in love, adoration, devotion and respect praised the great Iam.
 From the glorious praise and worship, the Servant of God took position at the pulpit under the authority of his master Jesus Christ and led the believers into the message of the day titled, “THERE IS NO HEAVEN FOR A CORRUPT HEART.” With reference from the book of Matthew 23:23, the Servant of God said that it is of great importance to fully understand that there is never a place for a corrupted heart in heaven. He explained that any Christian with a battle at heart there’s no heaven for such a person; the Servant of God went deeper to break down the kinds of battles that keep Christians in bondage; hatred, envy, inferiority complex, pain, grudges or not forgiving among others.
Abraham Richard defined a corrupted heart as a heart that is wounded; he went ahead and said the only way you can be with a pure and free heart is through letting go of any kind of offence you are holding onto; when you let go, your heart will be free. The Servant of God bringing more insight to the message for the believers that a corrupt heart is that one that quickly gets filled up with fear the moment a challenge rises and cautioned that it is a sign that your heart is not in the hands of God but rather it is governed by satan.
 Going deeper in the message, the prophet alerted that this generation of Christians is fighting so hard to get miracles and forget that Christ Jesus does not crown any believer basing on the miracles attained but depends on the truth known and lived. He advised the congregants to set their sole focus on Jesus Christ even when the environment is not making sense. Christ knows what is best for every believer (Jeremiah 29:11). Abraham Richard summing up the spirit awakening message, he noted that Jesus Christ is looking for an army to use and encouraged the congregation to be that Christian that gets the great honor and opportunity to be used by Jesus Christ.

As the Psalmist says in 147:3, “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” Indeed the word of God has never changed for a man of faith; Brother Allan came to True Vine Communion Ministries in great pain in search of healing. He narrated that he had an accident at home while fixing a window curtain. He narrated this ordeal that he fell down and hit the boiling water jar that left him with very severe burns on the right shoulder and part of the back. Unable to contain the pain from the burns that oozed puss even in bandages, Brother Allan decided to seek for healing from the Lord because he had visited several hospitals but no relief or healing was attained. His day of joy came on 25th September 2016 as the Servant of God was praying for the believers; Brother Allan was prayed for and the pain stopped and the oozing puss dried up instantly. He testified that within a week his burnt skin was restored. Indeed it was by the grace of God that he was healed. Glory and honour go back to the miracle worker Jesus Christ.

The Servant of God under the instruction of the Holy Spirit on 16th October 2016 prophesied that, “Christians, Jesus Christ and his staff is coming soon. Am prophesying the end time, the Lord Jesus is coming. He told me, ‘leave other things that you have been minding about, it time, they will all see me. Do what is important because I want to visit, I want them to see me because they have lost faith in the word."

On 17th July 2016 Abraham Richard under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed that the Holy Spirit is leaving Uganda, once again on 16th October 2016, the prophet of God revealed, “I stood here and said that Holy Spirit is living Uganda. The spirit of God is leaving the nation Uganda. He is going away, but what is the cause? Churches are going to employ worldly techniques to preach the gospel. When the Holy Spirit leaves the country, what do you expect? Sickness, disease, war and corruption. It was prophesied that we should repent as a Nation Uganda but we did not, we continued with our wickedness and leaders. Now it is not a warning, the Spirit of God is leaving the Nation Uganda.”

The Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit on 16th October 2016 revealed, “It has been like 20 years back when Ugandan students performed on their own; this is a way which the government knows very well, am talking about final results of Ordinary level and Advanced level.  They keep us in the image of this year those who sat have performed better than those of last year, this is a total lie. When they say that this time they have performed poorly, get to know your children your children have performed better. This am talking about is a hidden plan in the ministry meaning the government is behind it to keep us going but we are in darkness. Today I have revealed the hidden mystery.”

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