Monday 24 October 2016


 John 4:23, “Yet time is coming and has come when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.” Indeed 23rd October 2016 was a day to be reckoned with. The Servant of God accompanied by the choir led the house of believers into soulful worship attracting the presence of the Holy One of Israel; where Christ rests lives are transformed and so it was at True Vine Communion Ministries.

From the spirit filled worship and praise the Servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the message titled, “WHAT HAPPENS WHEN CHRIST SPEAKS TO YOU!” With reference from the book of 1 Samuel 16:11, the Servant of God went straight into the message saying that as soon as David was anointed by Prophet Samuel the next occurrence in his life was a temptation. Abraham Richard said that this is must for every believer; when they receive a message from the Lord, it is temptation that comes next; Satan comes to tempt your faith. 
The Servant of God said that after David was anointed, many expected him to become a King immediately but instead he faced with a temptation of Goliath. 

Bringing more insight to the message, the prophet said the temptation that comes to you is asking you a question- Do you believe what the Lord has told you? Abraham Richard told the believers that in the moment of temptation, it is in your power to prove to Satan that you believe what the Lord has spoken to you.

Going deeper in the message, Abraham Richard took a walk in the book of Matthew 3:13-17. He said that after Jesus Christ listened from His Father, He was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan. The Holy Spirit sends you into temptation to see how much you depend on the word of God that you have received. The prophet advised the believers to always keep the word they have heard from the chambers of the Lord at heart because Satan is next tempt to you. 
Bringing more light to the message, the Servant of God said that in the moment of temptation that is where Christians go wrong; we get astonished that we do not get glory immediately after Christ has spoken to us. The Servant of God said that most believers when hit by temptations, we let the word of God slip from our hearts and focus more on the temptation thus rendering us a failure therefore no glory. Abraham Richard the Servant of God emphasized that as a believer, in the midst of temptation always cling on the word the Lord gave you, it will help you to overcome Satan. 
The Servant of God reminded the believers that when you carry the word of God, He will fight for you. Summing up the faith awakening message, the Servant of God informed the believers that there is no red carpet to glory; between you and glory there is always temptation.



Sister Juliana Brano testified for the greatness of the God of Abraham Richard. She narrated that for the past six years wherever she would go to bed she would get nightmares; she would dream when she was fighting a certain lady whose face she didn’t know. She narrated that after getting the dreams, all the money she had would be wasted away. She was unable to save any money let alone have anything tangible to show that she had been working for six years. As it written in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it t full.” 

This scripture was perfected once again for Sister Juliana when she had an encounter with the Servant of God Abraham Richard. He prayed for Sister Juliana and she testified that when she went to sleep, the nightmares are no more. Christ did not stop at that alone; glowing with smiles, Sister Juliana affirmed that she is able to save money by the grace of God. Glory and honour go back to the miracle worker Jesus Christ.


Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Servant of God Abraham Richard on 23rd October 2016 prophesied, “After America finishing her elections; in one, two, three months there will be attack and in it there will be death.”

On 23rd October 2016, the Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit prophesied, “What is happening now in the parliament? It is not yet finished in the parliament! Those of you who have parties that you support, your parties are going to be taken away by one party. Even those you have been trusting, they are going to break your heart. You will hear about it; your hearts are going to be weighed. That is why there is no parliament in the spirit because there is no desire to serve people."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lord for this lesson for I have learnt to keep on my knees asking God to increase on my Faith and not to give God time but keep my trust in him and patiently wait on his time.Thank you Lord.Monic Tumusiime
