Sunday 3 July 2016


The Psalmist says in Psalm 100:1-2, “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs.”  The psalmist confession was alive as songs of worship and praise  filled the temple of Lord as believers worshipped the King of kings in His Holiness. Faithful is the Lord, those who worshipped Him in truth and spirit were left renewed in all corners of their life.  Evangelist Rita Bisaso under the instruction of her father in the Lord Abraham Richard took position at the pulpit and led us into the message of the day titled,“THERE IS ALWAYS AN ANGEL DESIGNATED FOR YOU!” 

With reference from the book of Matthew 1:18-24, Evangelist Rita said that when Mary concieved by the power of the Holy Ghost she could not explain her story to anyone because no one could believe her. Mary had no right words to explain  this mystery to her husband and the family members. In her incapability the Lord sent an angel on her behalf to speak to Joseph.The Evangelist brought to light that as a believer you too may be in an unbelievable situation like Mary that has left you speechless.

Evangelist Rita noted that as a believer of Christ faint not; it is not the end of the road for you- there is an angel that is specifically designated  to speak on your behalf.
The evangelist went ahead citing the example of Hezekiah in  Isaiah 37:36 who  woke up and all his enemies were put to death without him involving his effort.  She advised that  as a believer no matter how hard the situation is,  always remember there is an angel to defend you.
Summing up the eye opening message Evangelist Ritah told the congregants that no matter how complex your issue whether in your marriage, workplace, family, health or spiritual life the angel is ever ready to speak for you.  All you have to is to be active and call the angel and He will be at your service. 


Sister Napaya Maria testified to the God of Abraham Richard for the rebirth of her life. She said that before she came to True Vine Communion Ministries she was a girl of many troubles that were beyond her age. Sister Maria who is a seventeen year old teenager narrated that ever since she was a child, she would hear voices calling her and commanding her to kill her father as if that was not enough bad dreams were a daily meal to her; she would dream about snakes, fierce animals that would talk to her all the time. She narrated that she was a teen full of rage and no one would dare anger her because she was able to do anything at the moment of fury.  This rage prohibited her from having a healthy relationship with her parents, friends or anyone.  Sister Maria found solace in watching horror movies with extreme killing and destruction. These movies always brought a smile on her face not knowing it was bondage. As it is written in the book of John 10:10 that the devil came to steal, kill and destroy it had completely shuttered the little girl’s life and future. At the age of nine years while in primary six, Sister Maria was expelled from school because her hand would shake uncontrollably.  Rejection did not stop at being expelled from school, it extended to her immediate family that her mother confessed to her that she cannot manage her ill manners and this forced her to move away from her parents at a tender age. 

Sister Maria moved to Kampala in search for survival. As a primary six drop out, she could not get a decent employment; her only hope was left at being a house help. That journey was not a smooth road for in the first place of work, the boss tried to rape her, in the scuffle she felt strange strength that she wanted to kill him and later lost her conscience. Waking up the next day, she found herself locked in her room and the boss told her to pack her things and go back home so that they could remove the evil things from her telling her that when he tried to kiss her, she spoke in a male voice saying, “she is mine.” This little girl had no idea that she was already married to Lucifer. Every attempt to get into a relationship, it would fail. She tried to transform her life but all was in vain. This is a true perfection of a life that dominated by darkness.
The Bible puts it clear that Jesus came for the lost sheep of Israel and also to give life in its fullness, Sister Maria’s salvation came on Thursday 9th  June 2016 during the evening sacrifice at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations-Kampala.  She had an encounter with the Servant of God who delivered from the claws of Satan that she had been in for the past 17years under the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Faithful is the Lamb of God that it is true for whoever the Son sets free is free indeed; Sister Maria received her freedom completely. Her dreams came to life. The Seer Abraham Richard did not stop at delivering the little soul, but also sent her back to school as he proclaimed that she will never be a house help and Lucifer’s wife again.

What was an impossible dream for Maria has been made very possible by this marvelous God. Expressing her gratitude, the little girl narrated that she would try on the Children’s School uniform every time she prepared them for school. She said that this gesture of putting on that uniform made her grow wings like that of an angel. She could feel like she was on top of the world. Truly the God of Abraham Richard is a life changer, a good father and the defender of the weak. Glory and honour go back to Jesus Christ.

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