Wednesday 20 January 2016


The service at True Vine Communion Ministries was filled with calmness and gentleness of the Holy Spirit.Under the instruction of the servant of God, Evangelist Mbabazi John took position at the pulpit a midst worship, leading the congregation into the message of the day from the book of 1Corinthians 2:10-14. The evangelist unveiled the message saying that a believer needs the Holy Spirit to put him in the right position to receive.She added on that in all situations seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and this will help in building your relationship with God.
Summing up the teaching, the evangelist encouraged believers to depend on the word of God because the word of God is reliable. Where He guides, He provides therefore never deny what you believe in nor give up in times of challenges. Trust in the Lord wholly and you will see His power working in you.


Sister Elizabeth Kembabazi testified for the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. She said that she met the Servant of God 8years ago when she was a reject in her family because of being born with HIV a situation that pushed her to have suicidal thoughts.  Hospitals become her second home due to her status of rotten parts of the body and producing smelling odor.  The Servant of God perfected what was written in Matthew 11:28 that come to me all you who thirst and hunger I will give you rest when he affirmed to Sister Elizabeth that she would live to see good things which many will  admire;having a house, a job and a family meaning the fruit of her womb. According to the situation that she was in, the proclamation from the servant of God was total madness.

God has His ways and means and as Prophet Zechariah put it that it is not by might but by the Spirit of God that a man can achieve a miracle. Overcoming stigma, Sister Elizabeth clocked 27years of age with a Job, her own apartment and no longer seeking shelter in people’s kitchens. Today she is favoured and admired by many which is a dream come true for a person who was constantly in hospitals. She amazingly went through all the trimesters without any complications and now carries a beautiful and healthy baby girl- Braven Milagros Sanyu. She glorified the name of the Lord and affirmed that without the God of Prophet Abraham Richard she would not be what she is today.

Mr. Jjagwe Jesco testified about the wonder working power of Jesus Christ found in True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations. Before he came to this ministry, his life was in bondage where bad dreams dominated his nights and they had turned into reality. The dominant one was of him at the perimeters of the airports and in planes that would never take off. These manifested themselves whenever opportunities arose, leading to a dead end. Brother Jjagwe narrated a scenario of his bad dreams citing out the done deal opportunity to participate in the 2011 South Sudan independence celebration as a service provider. He said that because of this bondage, he never got an opportunity to board the plane because his name was omitted from the list of those that were to use air. He ended up being the only one who used the road.

By the grace of God Brother Jjagwe’s life has never been the same from the time he set his eyes on the anointed servant of God Abraham Richard. The bad dreams are no more; he began to live a life of favour and success. His first flight was in 2014 to china aboard Emirates perfecting the word of God in John 8:36 that whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. Brother Jjagwe now represents his boss in several places though is still at midlevel management.  Recently in 2015, he boarded Ethiopian airways to Khartoum as a delegate to an African level conference about Information Technology where he was given a VIP treatment.  The Lord has indeed lifted him to sit with princes (1Samuel 2:8).  Today brother Jjagwe is assured of a bright future ahead of him. Glory and honor goes back to Jesus Christ.


  1. Thank you God of Abraham Richard for making me happy.You are indeed a a faithful God.

  2. Thank you God of Abraham Richard for making me happy.You are indeed a a faithful God.
