Sunday 22 November 2015


The service at True Vine Communion Ministries was filled with an awesome presence of the El-shadai; Soulful songs of Worship and praise resonated in His Sanctuary and to man of faith missing congregating at the holy ground is equivalent to missing heaven. In amidst the already healed and delivered congregation, Evangelist Rita Bisaso took position at the altar under the authority of her master Abraham Richard Bisaso to deliver the message of the day titled “FAITH IN GOD “with      
reference from Hebrews 11:1 , 6.  Evangelist Rita said that faith rooted in God will help you overcome the challenges you face because you know that one day God will appear in that situation. She encouraged the congregation to persist on like the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:22-28. The Canaanite woman even when Jesus Christ chased her away she did not stop pleading for Him to intervene in her issue.
Her persistence made her receive a miracle; Learn to persist on Jesus Christ, He will never leave you alone. The evangelist said that the problem with Christians today when faced with a challenge instead of persisting we abuse the name of the Lord. Evangelist Rita cautioned the congregation to do everything in faith and wait patiently on the Lord.  She said that on this earth we are all running a race; Paul ran the race and finished it today we are admiring him. The evangelist told the congregation to do a self-examination; Are you running the race or you are watching people run the race and spectating?

 She summed up the service saying that all the people we read about in the Bible and admire like Abraham, Moses, and Joseph were just like us but they took a step of faith.  She advised that as a Christian you should build your own channel with Jesus Christ and use these men of faith as a mirror for you to attain the heavenly crown. 

Brother Sos Peter testified to the wonder working power of Jesus Christ. He said that he was working for  Bata in Juba as a supervisor and his boss who had shares in the company laid him off because he knew how the boss had misused company money and imported a car for personal from Japan which got lost in transit. The boss laid off Brother Peter as a way to cover up for his misconduct.
When he received this news he run to his God and said, “This battle is yours I cannot fight my boss. No weapon formed against me shall prosper because am your child.” Indeed for a child of God the battle always belongs to the Lord and this was no different from bother Peter; the CEO found out about this issue and he eventually called  him back to work and he was promoted to a higher rank as an  overall manager for Bata branches  both in Juba and Nairobi. Thank you Jesus Christ for your surpass human expectation.

Sister Gift Mukisa testified for the God of Abraham Richard for making it to her miracle. She came to True Vine Communion Ministries with a child who was four years old, who could not do what any normal child would do because he was dumb. He used  to do short and long calls on himself without care and was comfortable; not until the mother would notice and clean him. All this changed when she met the servant of God, he prayed for the child and from that day whenever he wants to do a short call or a long call he makes a sign. She thanks Jesus Christ because He took that shame away from her.
Sister Gift also thanks the Lord for providing for her child. When she started fellowshipping from True Vine Communion Ministries in February the father of the child denied the boy and saying that he cannot take care of a child that is not his. Sister Gift reported this issue to the servant of God and he told her that there will be provision. Sister Gift said that this word that the servant of God gave her has come to pass; the Lord sent a guardian angel of a  couple that is taking care of the needs of sister Gift’s  Child. Glory and honor goes back to the God of Abraham Richard.

Brother Kazibwe John thanked the Lord for the power of prophecy at True Vine Ministries. For over 20 years in salvation he had never received a perfect revelation concerning his family. All that changed on 15th November 2015 when he had an encounter with the servant of God who under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed to him things only known to him alone. The servant of God talked about a house with a particular kind of grass in the compound, indeed it is his house at the home. The servant of God did not stop at that only, he also told him that he needed to disconnect himself from the people of his home spiritually because of the witchcraft there.  Brother John said that all this was true indeed his family practiced witchcraft and had even taken his children and dedicated them to the evil one without his permission. He thanks the Lord who located him and revealed all this in his hearing. Thank you Lord.

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