Monday 24 August 2015


The glory of God covered the holy sanctuary at true vine communion ministries as the choir empowered the congregation with soul touching songs of praise and worship. Afflictions, pain and heart breaking conditions could not stand the presence of He that appeared to destroy the works of Satan. From this magnificent outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord – deliverance and healing became evident to every congregant that stepped into the Holy sanctuary. This led to many queuing up to testify and affirm the presence of the wonder working hand of God of Abraham Richard.
Sister Nanziri Diana testified for the God of Abraham Richard for restoring her collapsed lung. She said that she came to True Vine Communion Ministries as a last resort. For three months, she said that she was unable to do anything by herself a situation that robbed her of her freedom and joy.

As a mother and a wife, many of her duties came to a standstill. She visited different hospitals and the final scan that was done on her from Nsambya Hospital proved that she needed to undergo an operation. She was recommended to travel to India for this operation. On receiving this news, she fainted because she knew that her life had come to an end. She began the journey of seeking God the healer of infirmities. Sister Diana testified that she had moved in different places of worship in search of instant healing but in vain.
As the Bible puts it that whoever searches the Lord in truth, love and faith shall not search Him in vain. Sister Diana finally made it to her miracle the day she stepped in the healing pool at True Vine Communion Ministries. Her pain and sorrow was washed away as she began to do her normal activities as a mother and a wife. The difficulties she used to experience were no more. She said that she can wash, bend, run, put on her bra and do all the house chores on her own affirming that with her former collapsed lung she was not able to them at all. She advised the believers not to tire when a miracle, healing and pain seem to take long. The God of Abraham Richard is real, He can take away all that troubles a human being.

Sister Namukose Genesis thanks the God of Abraham Richard for enabling her to make it to her miracle. Through the spirit of the Lord, the servant of God revealed to Sister Genesis that her right leg normally gets paralyzed which she confirmed as true. She said that whenever she sits or stands for an hour, she gets paralyzed though it used to be mild making it easy for her to ignore it. The servant of God revealed to her the source of this issue.

 He said that during her childhood, she attended a burial gathering on her father’s side where they involved the children in the washing of the dead body. Through this process, an evil spirit entered her. True and true is the Holy Spirit, sister Genesis confirmed this revelation as true. With this confirmation, the servant of God prayed for her and she was delivered. It has been now one week of freedom. The mild paralysis is no more.

Sister Genesis said that the servant of God did not only reveal the hidden secrets of Satan about her health but also her finances. He told her that she was in a cage that’s why she does not break through in everything she attempts to do. Sister Genesis confirmed this as a true revelation and also informed the servant of God about the pain that her mother was experiencing in her lower right side.

 When a believer reports an issue to the Lord, by faith there is an immediate answer. Sister Genesis’ mother received healing from the pain. The Lord delivered the mother and daughter there and then. She said that she was delivered from the cage that Satan had held her productive life captive because the following week, Sister Genesis received unexpected money and made a lot of sales from then up to now. She gives glory and honor back to the God of Abraham Richard who reveals to save.

 Brother Kikomeko Fred testified to the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. He said that on Sunday when the servant of God guided believers in a prayer where they were commanding money to locate them, he took that as his word because he does not have a job. He went home and the following day he made a prayer commanding money to locate him and indeed his command did not fall on bare ground. Brother Fred said that he received a phone call from a friend who gave him money and this did not stop, money kept flowing in. He thanks the God of Abraham Richard for his love because indeed that word was meant for him. Glory and honor goes back to you Jesus Christ.

 From the faith renewing testimonies, Evangelist Henry Tendo took position at the pulpit and led us into the message of the day entitled HE IS A MULTIPLER! With reference from the book of 2Kings 4:1-16. He said that the God we serve is a multiplier therefore if we are to get blessings from Him, we should do something first. (Verse 2) He elaborated more by referring to Jesus’ act of feeding the 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Therefore give what you have and the multiplication effect will take place. The evangelist went deeper in the message by saying that the Shunammite woman had wisdom that enabled her not to miss the moment of her miracle. Her act of building a house for the servant of God Elisha earned her glory and honor.

As Christians today, we should tap into the wisdom as advised by King Solomon in Proverbs 24:3. Evangelist Tendo cautioned the congregation to always take up any opportunity when asked to do anything and this should be done happily and willingly keeping in mind that God is faithful and true. Show Jesus Christ hospitality and you will surely have a testimony. He ended this eye opening teaching with a word of wisdom saying the word of God is a lamp when you have it then you will never walk in darkness.
 The servant of God, Abraham Richard concluded the service with a reminder to the congregation from Hebrews 10:9 that give yourself to the Lord and He will be seen in you everywhere you go. He urged the believers not to let material things matter for the sake of their souls to be saved. We should wholly give ourselves to the master to be used by Him.


He reminded the congregants that Jesus Christ is more than that miracle we have or we are searching for therefore we should worship Him alone, whether we get a miracle or not. All we need as believers is to seek to do the will of God only because He alone deserves all the glory and honor.
 In other words, the servant of God urged the congregants as a take home message that unless we exchange our lives for Christ’s we may never be like Him.

With this message, the servant of God led the believers into a deliverance and faith building prayer. He guided them that it’s a matter of having faith-whoever is praying with him and they believe wherever they are, they are healed.

 He ended the prayer session as he guided them onto commanding money from wherever it was to come and locate any man of faith  saying that money, I don’t care about where you are, I call upon you to come and locate me.
 The servant of God Abraham Richard under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed that “The Lord is speaking about Evangelist Imelda Namutebi; I am prophesying- I do not know her nor has she talked to me but if she will hear this message, she will check herself and will discover the truth." Remember the lord reveals to save and when He does so, he is informing you a believer to intercede rather than jubilate about the challenge a fellow brother/sister in Christ is going through.
"I am releasing this into your hearing, who knows-may be this message might save her or not. The Lord revealed to me when Evangelist Imelda Namutebi had been hit by confusion and she is losing strength and courage to carry on the gospel. This has been caused by the people around her; there is greed.” 

The servant of God Abraham Richard prophesied again on 23rd August 2015 about south Sudan that, “I said it sometime back. From last year 2014, I have been speaking about it that am not seeing a president in south Sudan.” Quoting the previous proclamations from last year, on 31st August 2014, the servant of God said that “the Lord is condemning these two leaders, and I am not seeing any of them leading the nation, unless the wise one wakes up and repents, then he will take over."

 Adding on the prophecy, the servant of God said that “I don’t know if I can say it again. I am not seeing a president- south Sudan, I don’t want to reveal the depth of who is coming in as president. But who is the next president?”

1 comment:

  1. Lord u reveals to save .
    ABBA for the sake of the innocent ones intervene in the issue of southsudan.
    Be the leader of that country .
