Monday 17 August 2015


It is written in the book of Hebrews 13:1-2 that “Keep on loving each other as brothers, do not forget to entertain strangers for by doing so, some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” True Vine Communion Ministries and the overseer Abraham Richard put this word in action by going to Kabale District to share with strangers the love of Christ Jesus. Those that received the love included people with special needs- the elderly, lame, sick to mention a few.
 True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations set off for Kabale on 3rd August 2015 at 7am under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to do a love charity mission. The chosen team to reach the location first graced the journey both spiritually and physically as they sang songs of praises to the Lord up to Kabale District. True vine Communion Ministries for all nations with its overseer Abraham Richard Bisaso is a ministry that has not only stopped at teaching the word of God but has gone deeper into putting the word into action.

The army of the Lord does not rest until the mission is accomplished. The team visited Mid-Town Gardens in preparation of the due date-7th of August 2015. They proceeded deep in the village of Kakabano to see those in need of the love of God. They met wonderful and excited elderly women whose lips were only uttering out the prophet’s name- Abraham Richard. From this encounter with the elderly the team went out to purchase the love gifts that were to be given out. The Kabale market experience was memorable to the team as they met various people who were inquisitive to know more about the “Share Love” that was printed on the T- shirts.

On the eve of the mission day, the team together with the overseer- Abraham Richard had a hectic day of the final touches. The team did not work their bodies out, but they also received food for the soul. They had an insightful sharing of the word of God with the prophet on how one needs to position themselves in order to receive from Christ Jesus. He went into detail to teach the team that one can receive deliverance by putting himself in the shoes of that person being delivered. The over seer said that one does not need to wait for a physical touch. As it is written that Jesus lived a life of a humble servant, the prophet of God Abraham Richard yet again emulated his master’s example by involving himself in all the preparation activities. It’s no wonder that he calls himself a donkey. They continued to tide up the place as well as hammering the last nail on the preparation program through prayer and departed to take a rest.

As the saying goes that an apple does not fall from a mango tree, the team that travelled to Kabale with the servant of God braved the cold weather at 04:00am in preparation for this special day that the Lord had made. They moved deep in the Villages to collect the elderly and bring them to Mid-town gardens where Christ had prepared to shower them with love.

It was a worthwhile experience as the team climbed the hills, lifted the lame and the so weak. It is true that love conquers everything, indeed it won as those carried had messed up their clothes but the team did not find it an issue. Also chauffeuring the old women who had for a long time had not got an opportunity to bath made the day memorable a proof that God is love and non segregative amongst his people.  The servant of God Abraham Richard then took position at the pulpit and straight away thanked the Lord for using him and allowing him to bring love to this chilly Kabale district. He added that Satan can fight anything but he can’t fight love. He told the elderly never to say that Christ doesn’t care about them, He informed them that Christ sent him as a sign of His love towards them.

The servant of God Abraham Richard did not stop at giving the elderly basic needs, he alerted them that he desires them to be his friends. To affirm his love in action, he opened a circle for the elderly and the needy with the office of area chairperson urging those that did not make it to register and keep in touch. As it is that love does not ask why, he said that his relationship with them is open encouraging them to inform him of any issue that they face at any time. This is in actual sense an official declaration to be their defender, provider and father at all times.

He did not tire the elderly at any moment. The servant of God began to share the love with his people. He personally distributed the posho, soap, salt and Vaseline among others. The same way Jesus Christ who was the son of God humbled himself to live and walk a life of a poor person; Abraham Richard was not different from his master, he demonstrated the same love and humility. He spared a one on one moment with the elderly. They did not take this time for granted, the elderly poured out their hearts to him perfecting the scripture that the psalmist said in Psalm 62:8. Like father-like son, he made it a point to speak and comfort them. As the Bible puts it that God is love, the five hour session demonstrated the true nature of God.

The Charity love event was characterized by miracles and wonders affirming that Jesus conquered Satan with power and authority. Truly the word of God does not lie, it says that wherever Jesus went, he was doing good (acts 10:38). The blind received sight, the lame walked and the barren received children. Below are testimonies that were 99% instant. As you read, remember distance is never a barrier; if he did it for Kabale people- how about you? Be that person and receive your answer now, in Jesus’ name.

Sister Sarah Tumuhairwe testified to the wonder and miraculous working hand of the God of Abraham Richard. This sister said that she was attending another crusade in town and while she was there; Sister Sarah heard a voice telling her to get out and move to mid-town gardens. She told her husband who was with her in search for healing and deliverance about what she was told. This couple had searched for deliverance in vain for a long time and therefore decided to move as guided by the Holy Spirit that moment.

 To the amazement of her husband and the onlookers, when Sister Sarah was 100 meters away from the venue; the evil spirits in her started screaming-shouting of how she will not enter because the place was on fire. She ran like a mad woman screaming and crying a thing that moved the media crew to run after her and wrangled her down because they knew that salvation had come to her. 

Sister Sarah thanked the Lord for setting her free as she affirmed that when Jesus said that every knee shall bow, he was actually commanding all knees to bow down at the mention of his name. She said that she came behaving and acting like a mad woman but she was returning home a free, happy and delivered woman. We thank the Jesus Christ for this instant deliverance.

Sister Obunyu Hope filled with joy ran around the field in amazement of the instant healing that she thought was a dream. Smiling and dancing she said that-the God of Abraham Richard is a God that should be worshipped. For some good years, Sister Hope had been suffering from diabetes and her situation worsened at the beginning of this year 2015. Her right foot developed two deep open wounds underneath. She said that these wounds were too painful that she could not walk on her own nor move without a sponged shoe. The doctors also could not help as they had recommend her to collect money so that her foot can be cut off. These news terrified sister hope forcing her to escape from Mulago referral hospital and go home to meet her death as she groaned in pain day and night.

She said that when she heard that there’s a certain servant of God coming from Kampala bringing love to the elderly; she decided to come without hesitation. Sister Hope confirmed that her coming brought her joy that was beyond measure. She thanked God for enabling her to walk on a bare ground without shoes a thing that she last did in December 2014. Glory and honor return to the healer of our infirmities.

Brother Musasiizi Denis glorified the powerful hand of God that returned his sight. For four years he could not see at all. He said that he was struck by blindness out of nowhere on his way to the garden. Brother Denis said that he lived a helpless life that was characterized with begging and humiliation.
 Left with no option, he yearned for the healer to touch him because life would be excellent with the restoration of his sight. True and faithful is the God of Abraham Richard who never broke his faith. The Bible says in Mathew 11:28 “that come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” Brother Denis received his rest as he returned home with his sight.
 He confirmed that when the servant of God touched his eyes, he instantly saw color black and white a t-shirt that was worn by one of the ushers. He continued to demonstrate his excitement by identifying the different colors that were near him. Brother Denis thanked the servant of God for touching his eyes and also God who sent him to restore his sight. Glory, honor and power are for the Lord.

Sister Tusingwire Evas could not contain her excitement as she lined up to testify. She said that for 3 years, she was unable to carry any heavy object on her head. This situation was caused by soars that developed around her neck making it painful to neither carry nor turn around her head freely. Sister Evas said that she thought that the so-called born again Christians were mere talkers. She said that she has now confirmed that Jesus is alive and not dead. Her joy could not be suppressed as she ran around the field carrying a 10kilogram sack of posho shouting that the name of Jesus is above every other name. Thank you Jesus for this miracle.

Brother Majambe Augustino glorified the name of Jesus Christ who healed him instantly from paralysis of the lower limbs that had struck him for 3years. He could not move without his walking stick as that was where he gained strength from. All that became history to brother Augustino when he received a touch from Jesus Christ. He immediately dropped his walking stick and started moving. The gentleman started running around the gardens without a walking stick confirming that he was now free and fully healed. He said that the paralysis had weakened his manhood and also crippled his hands that he was not able to eat food freely, clap his hands nor carry anything.  He glorified the God of Abraham Richard who healed him from paralysis and all the effects that came along with the sickness. Mr. Majambe left the gardens a free and happy man as he narrated how amazed he was. Eating food without difficulty, walking without his walking stick and being able to carry the love gift package by himself was a wonder to him because paralysis had robbed him of his joy. Glory and honor goes back to the instant healer- Jesus Christ.

Brother Ismail Benenema glorified the God of Abraham Richard for healing him.  He said that he came when he was having general body weakness and he could not stretch his hands to touch the shoulder. When he got his encounter with Jesus Christ the general body weakness was no more and he was able to stretch his hands to the shoulder as he testified. Brother Ismail gives the glory and honor back to the mighty healer who cares for all. Thank you Jesus Christ. 

Sister Byamukama Winfred testified to the miraculous ways of the God of Abraham Richard. She said that for 30years, she had been crawling on the ground because her legs are lame. Sister Winfred said that life was miserable especially getting out of her home that is on top of the hill.
She could not contain her joy of salvation when the servant of God handed her a wheel chair.  She narrated to the congregation of the needy that owning a wheelchair was close to a dream and she used to envy those that had. She thanked the servant of God for being humble and loving the rejected, poor and helpless. Glory and honor are for Christ Jesus.

Sister Kyakunzire Hilda holding her bouncing baby girl glorified the Lord for seeing her through child delivery with no complications. During her first trimester, she continued to experience menstrual periods as if she wasn’t pregnant. She registered her issue to Jesus Christ in faith that it will be well. After being prayed for, Sister Hilda returned to Kabale where she resides. The bleeding was no more up to the end of her pregnancy. She said that when mild labor pains began, she checked in the hospital but to her dismay; the gynecologist told her that she was not yet due. As it is that nothing can block a man of faith, Sister Hilda informed the servant of God about this issue and also placed her miracle sticker on her stomach commanding the baby to come out. Her faith in the miracle sticker saw her deliver a beautiful baby girl safe a thing that shocked the nurses that had told her to wait longer. We thank God for this wonderful testimony.

Elderly Ngyendanshamba Eldard whispered to the ear of the servant of God telling him that he has become his father. Mzee Eldard said that after seeing the wonders and miracles, he could not allow to go back home with his issue. He informed the servant of God that he had difficulties with his right leg. It could not fold properly to allow him use a pit latrine nor allow him to walk without aid and this had been his painful for four years. He thanked the servant of God and his master Jesus Christ for coming to Kabale to share with them love and taking away the pain that was tormenting his life.

Elderly  Bamwine Jane as over joyed as she moved for the first time in 4years without a walking stick that she used to refer to as her leg. Happiness did not only engulf this elderly lady but also her daughter in law. Sister Charity said that in past four years, her mother in law was confined in the house only to be taken care of unable to do even the simplest tasks like moving freely outside the house without a walking stick. She said it was as if a dream seeing her mother walk without her stick and added on that this miracle had confirmed to her that whatever she used to see on Television and despise had been confirmed true.

We thank Christ Jesus for bringing love and salvation to this family as sister Charity said that seeing is believing.

From these faith building testimonies, the servant of God led the elderly and the attendees into a confessional prayer proclaiming deliverance to their businesses and testimonies upon their lives. He assured them that even when they know nothing about him, let them try his word whether believing or not.
The love sharing event was a memorable one to families and lives of the elderly in Kakabano village. The whole town was in awe of practical love that Abraham Richard had extended to them. Many affirmed that they had never received such love and care from any one. Irrespective of their ill living and fragile conditions, the servant of God embraced each one of them as he sent them off. A one Sister Martha-mother to Shakira a beneficially cried tears of joy saying that no one had ever requested to take her daughter out of her home nor extend assistance to her. She said that in 15years, TVC and the over seer Abraham Richard are the first to do such an act of kindness to her and family.

A colorful day it was indeed. Those that testified to the goodness of the Lord together with the witnesses of the miraculous and wonder working hand of God that was demonstrated; they pestered the servant of God not to leave Kabale and if he was to leave, they pleaded for him to open up a church there so that they can hold what he had given them.
One of the ladies who came to witness what was happening at the gardens, affirmed to the gathered group that indeed Abraham Richard did not come by mistake to Kabale District. She said that as she was taking a stroll in the town she had a voice tell her to go to Mid-town guest house. She listened to that voice and she came and she said the love that was being displayed and instant miracles that she had found there proved beyond doubt that he- Abraham Richard is a servant of God.
Another lady, Claire Kyomuhendo said that Abraham Richard is a sent from heaven because of the humility and love he displays. She said that when a person is speaking to him he takes time to listen before giving a response, something she said is hard to come by in this generation. Sister Claire who also received a touch from the servant of God said that when the servant of God Abraham Richard touches you, the Satan in you loses peace thus making your body too heavy before it flees. This explains why Jesus said come to me all you who carry heavy burdens.

Thank you Jesus Christ for sharing your love with the people of Kabale District and we strongly believe that the Lord will sustain and bless them more.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jesus Christ for showing practical love in Kabale District, it is a humbling experience and it shows that you do not need to have alot to share. I have learnt that i should share the little i have in humility and love for the glory for the Jesus Christ. Merab
