Sunday 16 August 2015


A Wonderful Sunday it was! As it is written in the Matthew 11:28 that come to me all who are weary and heavy ladened and I will give you rest, the believers flocked the holy sanctuary ready to hear what the Lord had to say about their situations and freely allowed themselves to be offloaded by the master of the house- Christ Jesus. The choir kicked off the service with wonderful worship and praise, the presence of the Holy Spirit was felt as one approached the entrance of True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations. From this worship and praise several lined up to testify for the creator of heaven and earth for the miracles they have attained; you too as you read this may your faith be uplifted and renewed for God’s time is the best.

Sister Namujayi Jamirah testified for the God of Abraham Richard for she had made it to her miracle. Sister Jamirah who owns a clinic said that while at work one of her patients called Laddu Aguti died and they were going to arrest her. The reason she was going to be arrested is because the father of the child thought she had neglected the child to the point of dying.  On hearing the bad news concerning her arrest, she was very scared and called the servant of God knowing that he is going to rescue her from this trouble.  As soon as the servant of God picked the call, he asked her asked what she wanted Jesus Christ to do for her. Sister Jamirah told him that she wanted the boy to resurrect. He replied that if you believe it is done and asked her to call him after 30 minutes. Indeed   God is faithful and true within the 30 minutes the boy received life again. Sister Jamirah rang the servant of God to tell him what had taken place and she also thanks His God for rescuing her life from the claws of jail.
Sister Miriam Fiory testified that the God of Abraham Richard had truly worked for her. She came to seek help from the servant of God on Thursday when her vehicle had knocked and killed a motorcyclist. The vehicle had been taken to police and the relatives of the deceased were demanding five million as if that was not a burden enough the one who owned the motorcycle was also demanding for a new one. When she told the servant of God, he told her not to worry he was going to keep on praying. Upon hearing this word, Sister Miriam went home in faith believing that the word which had been given to her would change the situation. Today she testified that her situation took an interesting turn. The person who was demanding a new motorcycle abandoned the idea and the relatives of the deceased have reduced their demand from five million Uganda shillings (5,000,000) to eight hundred and fifty (850000). Thank you LORD.
Sister Namuyimba Julia testified to the God of Abraham Richard for she had made it to her miracle. While at home, she got an evil attack; all of a sudden she began to experience terrible stomach ache and could not stand, sit or walk. The pain was so terrible that she could only crawl on the ground and she begged the God of Abraham Richard to help her. The Lord had her plea and she found one of the faith materials given at True Vine Communion Ministries for all nations-heavenly water, she took a sip and put a drop in the water she was going to bathe. Christ Jesus is true to His word after that act of faith, she was free and she could walk. She glorifies the name of the Lord.

From these faith uplifting testimonies the congregation was graced to watch a video clip of the Kabale Mission. Several congregants were in awe of the miraculous things that Jesus Christ did. This pushed them to praise and worship the mighty God of Abraham Richard. In amidst this jubilation, the servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the believers into the topic of the day entitled; DO GOD’S WILL! (Matthew 7:15-24)
The servant of God said that there is the ability to heal, prophesy and cast out demons as it is in the word of God. The name of Jesus Christ accompanied with faith can help you attain a miracle but that does not mean it will get you a seat in heaven. He urged the congregation to always seek to do the will of God. As a believer out there you can ask yourself, what is the will of God? The servant of God enlightened the congregation that doing the will of God is listening to what the Lord is saying and you do it. When you listen and do what He has told you, you will be known to Him. He went ahead and said that not anyone who says Lord! Lord! Knows the Lord, it is only you who understands your God best. He said that as a believer never allow humans in your faith because that is your territory with your God alone. Seek what God says about you and follow it.

The servant of God went ahead and said that the reason why we Christians fight each other is because we do not know the will of God but we copy each other and this is killing the gospel today. He told the congregation that the only way we can get on the truth once again is to seek to do God’s will. He summed up the service noting to the congregants that the secret of entering heaven majorly requires three things: -faith in God, faith with love and doing God’s will.

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