Sunday 26 July 2015


Songs of worship and praise resonated from the choir as thirsty souls thronged the Holy sanctuary expectant to receive and hear what the Lord has in store for them on this extra ordinary prophetic Sunday. Many lined up to a shame the evil one as they testified for what the Lord had done in their lives. Here are a few selected testimonies to edify your faith;

Sister Namukwaya Shariffa was so thankful for having made it to her miracle. On 28th June 2015 as she made a silent prayer deep in her heart, her faith connected directly to the Servant of God who noted to her that her prayer had been answered. At that time, Sister Shariffa was praying for provision.  As it is that “faith” is a believer’s bridge to his miracle, so it was for our sister. The following day Shariffa’s father gave her a cheque which was to mature in a month. This gesture was not expected from her father and this affirmed to her more that indeed a prayer made silently in faith gets a quicker response than that made loudly out of fear. Sister Shariffa excitedly glorified Jehovah Jireh for giving her 1001$ that she had never dreamt of.  She advised the congregation to trust in the Lord and always make prayers in humility and faith. Thank you Jesus Christ.

Sister Mukisa Betty testified for making it to her miracle not by her strength but by the grace of God. In the 3rd week of July, the Servant of God led a prayer commanding away to be opened for the children of God. Sister Betty made that a point of meditation and asked the Lord to make a way that would have His mighty name glorified. Faithful as the God of Abraham Richard is, her prayer request was granted when she acquired a catering contract to work with foreigners who were visiting Uganda. To her amazement, her wage from the contract multiplied her usual earning five times. She thanks the lord for the favor he bestowed on her life because she was chosen among the many who desired to take that contract. Thank you Lord.

Sister Ingabire Scovia testified for the wonder working God of Abraham Richard. She came to True Vine Communion Ministries with a rare condition in her eyes that whenever she could open a book to read, immediately tears would flow from her eyes. Through the grace of God she was located by the Holy Spirit when the servant of God prayed for her and she was delivered from that wicked spirit that had tormented her. Today she testified that she is working in a place where paper work is inevitable. Sister Scovia confirmed her freedom from the teary condition that had affected her general life by reading the bible without any tears flowing. . We thank God for delivering her. You too, whatever situation that is before you is it is not impossible for God to remove.
Sister Kojjo Sarah testified to the God of Abraham Richard for healing her. Before she came to True Vine Communion Ministries she had a problem with her menstrual cycle. Whenever her menstrual period clocked, excruciating pain was the order of the day that she would be sick for all that time. Not able to withstand that pain, she was pushed to inquire from her peers if they faced the same problem. To her disappointment, their response was contrary to what she expected.  This tortured her physically amongst her peers and family because everyone would know that it’s that time of the month. Her deliverance came when she had an encounter with the servant of God. Sister Kojjo made a prayer requesting the Lord to deliver her from that pain. Today she is smiling from ear to ear and grateful to the mighty healer for 3 months in a row, that tormenting pain is no more. Thank you mighty healer.

From these faith building testimonies, the servant of God took position at the pulpit amidst great shouts and jubilation and delivered the message of the day entitled; WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVE?
His opening remarks were a reminder to the congregation about the previous message that focused on allowing ourselves to be fools for Christ and thanked them for being their brothers’ keepers through praying for the servants of God most especially him-Abraham Richard. He said that what saves man is faith and humility. He posed a question “How prepared are you to hear from God?”  Today a man of faith is acting like a fool to gain some wisdom.  He then moved to the message of the day with reference from John12:4-6, “...That perfume was worth a year’s wage. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor…”
The servant of God cautioned the congregants that they should be careful with their utterances and actions emphasizing that God does not consider actions. He said that the Lord is concerned more with the motive. Being more elaborative, he gave an example of Judas who quarreled when Mary anointed the feet of Jesus Christ with an expensive fragrance. Judas seemed to have been concerned about the needy but in actual sense his motive was to steal. Therefore, believer be on guard; if you have a wicked motive then you are in trouble but if it is with a clear mind, Christ Jesus will glorify himself. 
Abraham Richard went further to bring the message home with Ananias’ scenario in Acts5:1-4 where the motive changed when he got the money from the sale of his land. Adding on, he said that anything that is done for Christ should be done with a clear motive. Quoting Ananias’ act, he said that he forgot the land was at his disposal and the money from the sale.   We need God’s grace that when our prayer is answered or not, our motive remains clear-pleasing Jesus Christ.  He alerted the congregants that their motive is what will operate on the new foundation.

The servant of God summed up the teaching advising the congregants not to be like today's Christians whose hearts are full of evil motives. He reminded them to guard their hearts because that is where the spirit of the Lord dwells. With a take home note, he affirmed that salvation is in the heart.



1 comment:

  1. Father give me more grace to stand in the true, father Abraham Richard guard my heart to be protected against the evil motives, fill my heart with your spirit. In the name of jesus christ.
