Monday 3 August 2015


The glory of God covered the holy sanctuary at true vine communion ministries as the choir empowered the congregation with soul touching songs of praise and worship. From the outpouring of the delivering, healing and strengthening spirit; many queued up to testify and affirm the presence of the wonder working hand of the Lion of Judah.

Mr. Hirwe Davis testified to the wonder and mysterious works of the God of Abraham Richard. He said that his saving grace came through a prayer post on face book by Abraham Richard. For some time, he had been chasing a certain deal of money that was not breaking through. This situation robbed him of his peace and joy that he actually became sick. On Friday, his fiancĂ© informed him about a prayer post that was on the wall of the servant of God calling upon believers to agree with him for a miracle within three days and advising them not to be discouraged because the situation might be preparing a believer for a promotion if it’s not caused by sin.

Indeed, Brother Davis’ situation was preparing him for a promotion. On Saturday after reading the post, he got a thought of selling his motor vehicle in order to meet the required money for the deal to break through. He uploaded the advert for sale of the car on OLX an online agent for new and used gadgets in Uganda. He then poured heavenly water in the other ordinary water that he was to use to wash his car. As he was starting to wash the car, he made a prayer that, "as i clean the car, let the first person to see it purchase it and on my fixed amount of money." As it is written that the word of God does not fall on the ground, this word was indeed released to take Brother Davis to another level. As he confessed, the person who saw the car advert on OLX was the very person to take the car fulfilling the terms and conditions set by Brother Davis. He advised the believers to value the word of God because it comes out to set you free when you least expect it.
Sister Tumusiime Monic testified to the God of Abraham Richard for enabling her to make it to her miracle. For 6 years she had been studying a course in banking but could drop out in the first semester without even doing exams. Sister Monic said that she could fail to get tuition for her studies. Literary she spent six years in one semester where that course was to be completed in only two years.

By the grace and mercy of God, all this chaos came to an end when she sought help from the Lord. Sister Monic made her prayer request asking the Lord to make a difference in her life and enable her complete the banking course.  Faithful and true is the heavenly Father, sister Monic today testified that semester one is completed and with a great smile , she displayed her examination results that she passed with flying colors.  The financial constraints are a history in her life now. She said that she would not have broken the chains of limitation in her finances and studies alone without the prayers of the servant of God Abraham Richard. She went on and advised the congregants to hold unto the promises and strength of the Lord because with Him all things are possible.

Mr. Agabula Emmanuel thanks the Lord God of Abraham Richard for enabling him and his family  make it to their miracle. He said that him and his wife forwarded parental family issue concerning their daughter who was not getting a wedding from the relationship she was in. The servant of God advised them to pray for her and all will be well. He said that his fiancĂ©s’ daughter used to postponed the marriage proposal time and again that it had become a song to them.  Filled with the joy of victory, Mr. Agabula said that their prayer request matured in a short time from the day they forwarded the issue before the Lord. He affirmed that this time round, her daughters wedding date is already fixed.
Mr. Agabula continued to glorify the Lord for perfecting his word upon his life. The servant of God proclaimed to him that he would travel to different nations and indeed the word of God can never fall on a bare ground. Mr. Agabula said that when his daughter informed him about the wedding, she went ahead and sent him an invitation to attend the party in Manchester on 10th August 2015. As it is, a Ugandan traveling to the United Kingdom is not quite easy these days. With this knowledge Mr. Agabula made his prayer request to the Lord asking him to lead his way and enable him acquire his visa so that he could attend his daughter’s wedding. He said that like any man of faith, he exercised his faith not only in prayer but also in action where he administered the heavenly water on the invitation and also poured it in his mouth and head in preparation for visa interviews.

It is true that the Lord God of Abraham Richard can never break anyone's faith, he answered the prayer and uplifted the faith of Mr. Agabula by granting him a visa with a period that he did not imagine nor ask for. He said that he applied for a two months visa but instead was granted an open two year visa and this was done in five days. Amazed at the perfection of the word of prophecy, he said that moving into nations is coming to pass on 6th August when he will flying to Manchester through Qatar (Doha), Brussels and Heathrow (London). He gives glory and honor back to the Lord of lords.

Ms. Kesande Jane testified to the goodness and faithfulness of the God of True Vine Communion Ministries who never abandoned her but held her hand to her perfect miracle. She said  that for over ten years, her daughter had disappeared from her when she was still a teenager. To her dismay, her daughter  returned with a child that she abandoned and disappeared again.

Sister Kesande said that she has been taking care of her grandchild for three years. Her trying moments came in recently and this situation forced her to make a prayer to Jesus Christ and His servant Abraham Richard.  Her need was specific as she wanted to receive school fees supply from the Lord  because on her own, she had failed completely. Her grand daughter was already sent back home because she had not cleared the school fees. 
Indeed a prayer made in faith can never be blocked. Sister Kesande’s prayer reached the heavens and gave her a miracle on Sunday the 26th of July. She said  that out of nowhere; her lost daughter rang on the neighbors cellphone  apologizing to her for abandoning the child without giving a reason nor taking care of her. She said that her daughter did not only apologize but also sent her money for upkeep and school fees for the abandoned child. She also thanks the servant of God for being patient with her and also teaching her how to be patience because without Abraham Richard, she said she could not have handled the pressures of life by herself.

As it is written in revelations 12:11 that they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, sister Kesande made it again to her miracle. Her testimony moved the servant of God Abraham Richard to  handover his own mobile phone to this elderly woman to keep in contact with her family. Glory and honor return back to the Lord God who is the defender and strength of the weak.
Sister Tendo Tina testifies to Jehovah Jireh of Abraham Richard who has made her reach to her miracle. Sister Tendo a hair salon proprietor in Juba- South Sudan says that during the past five months, she had been working hard and receiving less. She was earning 500SSD until when Brother James prayed for money and commanded believers to receive it in faith. Following instruction, she put her faith in action and indeed, Christ did not abandon her, as he was blessing others with money; Sister Tendo received her money also that came in twofold. After that prayer, she started earning 1200SSD an increase from what she had been previously earning. She thanks the God of Abraham Richard for his love and handoff supply.

After the Holy Spirit session of delivering praise led by the servant of God, he proceeded to take position at the pulpit where he illustrated to the congregation how the body of Christ Jesus is one and He can use anyone in different positions all connected from one source–Jesus Christ. With this explanation, different bodies got possessed with the Holy Spirit and began to perform different activities; some were worshipping, others prophesying while others were teaching. This was a confirmation that we are one body but it is the Lord who distributes the gifts therefore Christians should not undermine each other but rather uplift each other.

From this Holy Ghost demonstration the servant of God then asked the congregants to share what they had learnt from the demonstration. One believer shared that servants of God are all the same in the body of Christ and nobody is above the other since they are used by one Holy Spirit. Then the servant of God went in depth with the teaching with reference from the book of Matthew 11:1-28 with emphasis on verse 7, “…As they departed, Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John: “What did you go out into the wildness to see? A reed shaken by the wind” He then paused the question to the congregation, what is your motive of being in True Vine Communion Ministries?  

Summing up the message of the day, the servant of God advised the congregation not to miss their calling by focusing on the physical bodies. The bodies that take our attention have spirits that operate under them therefore, every believer should focus on the spirit because it is what matters.

Indeed to day was the day that the Lord made for the congregants at True Vine Communion Ministries to learn, enjoy and be glad. The service was coupled with several remarkable events. From the moment of love where a certain elderly woman shared her testimony with the believers and this testimony moved the servant of God who handed her his mobile phone and told her to use it to connect with her people and also call him in time of need. There was also the demonstration of how the Holy Spirit can be in different bodies, doing different activities without contradiction because of having the same source-God.   But the outstanding of them all was the deliverance that took place as believers were tapping onto the miracle that Mr. Agabula shared with them. The servant of God informed the congregants to tap on the giant’s grace of journeys abroad and many rushed and surrounded Mr. Agabula to tap as instructed. Many were seen unable to contain themselves as they entered into their deliverances from a mere touch on his cloths, passport and other flight documentation that he brought to confirm the authenticity of his Journey to Manchester city that is due on 6th August.


  1. Lord God of Abraham Richard you're the solution of this problem, ABBA deliver me , you are the only God who can heal me father ,you're the Lord who gave Mr Agabula a great wonderful miracle and you are same God who worked for Mr and Ms hirwe Davies, the God who doubled sister tendo's salary.also do for me a great miracle. In the name of jesus christ.

  2. Lord God of Abraham Richard you're the solution of this problem, ABBA deliver me , you are the only God who can heal me father ,you're the Lord who gave Mr Agabula a great wonderful miracle and you are same God who worked for Mr and Ms hirwe Davies, the God who doubled sister tendo's salary.also do for me a great miracle. In the name of jesus christ.
